


Description of tobacco addiction in pregnant women Grange, G.;Vayssiere, C.;Borgne, A.;Ouazana, A.;L'Huillier, J.P.;Valensi, P.;Peiffer, G.;Aubin, H.J.;Renon, D.;Thomas, D.;Lebargy, F.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 查看
Human immunodeficiency virus screening among pregnant women in France:Results from the 1995 national perinatal survey Vayssiere, C.;Du Mazaubrun, C.;Breart, G.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-03-01 查看
Induction of labour with a viable infant: a randomised clinical trialcomparing intravaginal misoprostol and intravaginal dinoprostone Rozenberg, P.;Chevret, S.;Goffinet, F.;Durand-Zaleski, I.;Ville, Y.;Vayssiere, C.;Roberto, A.;Lahna, Z.;Nisand, I.;Fisch, C.;Chaumet-Riffaud, P.;Chastang, C.; British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001-12-01 查看
58 Cervical assessment at 22 and 27 weeks by ultrasound and manualexamination: The prediction of spontaneous birth before 34 weeks in twinpregnancies Vayssiere, C.;Favre, R.;Audibert, F.;Chauvet, M.P.;Gaucherand, P.;Maillard, F.;G.R.O.G.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
236 Cervical length and funneling at 22 and 27 weeks to predictspontaneous birth before 32 weeks in twin pregnancies Vayssiere, C.;Favre, R.;Audibert, F.;Chauvet, M.P.;Gaucherand, P.;Maillard, F.;G.R.O.G.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
236 Cervical length and funneling at 22 and 27 weeks to predictspontaneous birth before 32 weeks in twin pregnancies Vayssiere, C.;Favre, R.;Audibert, F.;Chauvet, M.P.;Gaucherand, P.;Maillard, F.;G.R.O.G.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
Mothers' knowledge of screening for trisomy 21 in 1999: a survey in Parismaternity units De Vigan, C.;Vodovar, V.;Goujard, J.;Garel, M.;Vayssiere, C.;Goffinet, F.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2002-08-05 查看
Mothers' knowledge of screening for trisomy 21 in 1999: a survey inParis maternity units De Vigan, C.;Vodovar, V.;Goujard, J.;Garel, M.;Vayssiere, C.;Goffinet, F.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2002-08-05 查看
Cervical length and funneling at 22 and 27 weeks to predict spontaneousbirth before 32 weeks in twin pregnancies: A French prospective multicenterstudy Vayssiere, C.;Favre, R.;Audibert, F.;Chauvet, M.P.;Gaucherand, P.;Tardif, D.;Grange, G.;Novoa, A.;Descamps, P.;Perdu, M.;Andrini, E.;Janse-Marec, J.;Maillard, F.;Nisand, I.;for the Research Group in Obstetrics Gynecology (GROG); American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-12-01 查看
Description of tobacco addiction in pregnant women Grange, G.;Vayssiere, C.;Borgne, A.;Ouazana, A.;L'Huillier, J.P.;Valensi, P.;Peiffer, G.;Aubin, H.J.;Renon, D.;Thomas, D.;Lebargy, F.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2005-06-01 查看
Description of tobacco addiction in pregnant women Grange, G.;Vayssiere, C.;Borgne, A.;Ouazana, A.;L'Huillier, J.P.;Valensi, P.;Peiffer, G.;Aubin, H.J.;Renon, D.;Thomas, D.;Lebargy, F.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2005-06-01 查看
Twin pregnancies and delayed-interval delivery: Report of two caseswith delivery after 35 weeks' gestation Sebahoun, V.;Helmlinger, C.;Vayssiere, C.;Boudier, E.;Langer, B.;Nisand, I.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2005-10-01 查看
Twin pregnancies and delayed-interval delivery: Report of two caseswith delivery after 35 weeks' gestation Sebahoun, V.;Helmlinger, C.;Vayssiere, C.;Boudier, E.;Langer, B.;Nisand, I.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2005-10-01 查看
Interest of scalp blood lactates' measurements for the evaluation offetal wellbeing Brand, F.;Liegeois, P.;Vayssiere, C.;Langer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Interest of scalp blood lactates' measurements for the evaluation offetal wellbeing Brand, F.;Liegeois, P.;Vayssiere, C.;Langer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Interest of scalp blood lactates' measurements for the evaluation offetal wellbeing Brand, F.;Liegeois, P.;Vayssiere, C.;Langer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Interest of scalp blood lactates' measurements for the evaluation offetal wellbeing Brand, F.;Liegeois, P.;Vayssiere, C.;Langer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Interest of scalp blood lactates' measurements for the evaluation offetal wellbeing Brand, F.;Liegeois, P.;Vayssiere, C.;Langer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Characteristics of tobacco withdrawal in pregnant women Grange, G.;Vayssiere, C.;Borgne, A.;Ouazana, A.;L'Huillier, J.P.;Valensi, P.;Peiffer, G.;Aubin, H.J.;Renon, D.;Thomas, D.;Lebargy, F.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2006-03-01 查看
Characteristics of tobacco withdrawal in pregnant women Grange, G.;Vayssiere, C.;Borgne, A.;Ouazana, A.;L'Huillier, J.P.;Valensi, P.;Peiffer, G.;Aubin, H.J.;Renon, D.;Thomas, D.;Lebargy, F.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2006-03-01 查看
Consistency of medical abortion efficacy from 5 through 14 weeks'gestation Garbin, O.;Vayssiere, C.;Bettahar-Lebugle, K.;Nisand, I.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2006-11-01 查看
Consistency of medical abortion efficacy from 5 through 14 weeks'gestation Garbin, O.;Vayssiere, C.;Bettahar-Lebugle, K.;Nisand, I.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2006-11-01 查看
Customized versus population-based birth weight standards foridentifying growth restricted infants: A French multicenter study Ego, A.;Subtil, D.;Grange, G.;Thiebaugeorges, O.;Senat, M.V.;Vayssiere, C.;Zeitlin, J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-04-01 查看
Customized versus population-based birth weight standards foridentifying growth restricted infants: A French multicenter study Ego, A.;Subtil, D.;Grange, G.;Thiebaugeorges, O.;Senat, M.V.;Vayssiere, C.;Zeitlin, J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-04-01 查看
A virtual reality system based on patient imaging data for hands-onsimulation and automatic evaluation of ultrasound examination andamniocentesis Vayssiere, C.;Forest, C.;Comas, O.;Christmann, D.;Favre, R.;Nisand, I.;Soler, L.;Marescaux, J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
A French randomized controlled trial on ST analysis in a populationwith abnormal FHR in labor Vayssiere, C.;David, E.;Haberstich, R.;Sebahoun, V.;Roth, E.;Meyer, N.;Favre, R.;Nisand, I.;Langer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
A French randomized controlled trial of ST-segment analysis in apopulation with abnormal cardiotocograms during labor Vayssiere, C.;David, E.;Meyer, N.;Haberstich, R.;Sebahoun, V.;Roth, E.;Favre, R.;Nisand, I.;Langer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-09-01 查看
A French randomized controlled trial of ST-segment analysis in apopulation with abnormal cardiotocograms during labor Vayssiere, C.;David, E.;Meyer, N.;Haberstich, R.;Sebahoun, V.;Roth, E.;Favre, R.;Nisand, I.;Langer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-09-01 查看
A French randomized controlled trial of ST-segment analysis in apopulation with abnormal cardiotocograms during labor Vayssiere, C.;David, E.;Meyer, N.;Haberstich, R.;Sebahoun, V.;Roth, E.;Favre, R.;Nisand, I.;Langer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-09-01 查看
131: Are all women with threatened preterm delivery and a cervicallength less than or equal to 25 mm at risk of preterm deliveryindependently of the number of contractions? Gaudineau, A.;Vayssiere, C.;Meyer, N.;Rahal, J.M.;Favre, R.;Nisand, I.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
131: Are all women with threatened preterm delivery and a cervicallength less than or equal to 25 mm at risk of preterm deliveryindependently of the number of contractions? Gaudineau, A.;Vayssiere, C.;Meyer, N.;Rahal, J.M.;Favre, R.;Nisand, I.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
Fetal electrocardiogram ST-segment analysis and prediction of neonatalacidosis Vayssiere, C.;Haberstich, R.;Sebahoun, V.;David, E.;Roth, E.;Langer, B.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-05-01 查看
Assessment of STAN S21 fetal heart monitor by medical staff Rault, S.;Vayssiere, C.;Roth, E.;David, E.;Favre, R.;Langer, B.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2008-07-01 查看
Twin pregnancies: guidelines for clinical practice from the FrenchCollege of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) Vayssiere, C.;Benoist, G.;Blondel, B.;Deruelle, P.;Favre, R.;Gallot, D.;Jabert, P.;Lemery, D.;Picone, O.;Pons, J.C.;Puech, F.;Quarello, E.;Salomon, L.;Schmitz, T.;Senat, M.V.;Sentilhes, L.;Simon, A.;Stirneman, J.;Vendittelli, F.;Winer, N.;Ville, Y.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2011-05-01 查看
Essential thrombocythemia and pregnancy Valera, M.C.;Parant, O.;Vayssiere, C.;Arnal, J.F.;Payrastre, B.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2011-10-01 查看
Instrumental delivery: clinical practice guidelines from the FrenchCollege of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians Vayssiere, C.;Beucher, G.;Dupuis, O.;Feraud, O.;Simon-Toulza, C.;Sentilhes, L.;Meunier, E.;Parant, O.;Schmitz, T.;Riethmuller, D.;Baud, O.;Galley-Raulin, F.;Diemunsch, P.;Pierre, F.;Schaal, J.P.;Fournie, A.;Oury, J.F.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2011-11-01 查看
Prolonged and post-term pregnancies: guidelines for clinical practicefrom the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) Vayssiere, C.;Haumonte, J.B.;Chantry, A.;Coatleven, F.;Debord, M.P.;Gomez, C.;Le Ray, C.;Lopez, E.;Salomon, L.J.;Senat, M.V.;Sentilhes, L.;Serry, A.;Winer, N.;Grandjean, H.;Verspyck, E.;Subtil, D.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2013-07-01 查看
Prolonged and post-term pregnancies: guidelines for clinical practicefrom the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) Vayssiere, C.;Haumonte, J.B.;Chantry, A.;Coatleven, F.;Debord, M.P.;Gomez, C.;Le Ray, C.;Lopez, E.;Salomon, L.J.;Senat, M.V.;Sentilhes, L.;Serry, A.;Winer, N.;Grandjean, H.;Verspyck, E.;Subtil, D.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2013-07-01 查看
Delivery for women with a previous cesarean: guidelines for clinicalpractice from the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) Sentilhes, L.;Vayssiere, C.;Beucher, G.;Deneux-Tharaux, C.;Deruelle, P.;Diemunsch, P.;Gallot, D.;Haumonte, J.B.;Heimann, S.;Kayem, G.;Lopez, E.;Parant, O.;Schmitz, T.;Sellier, Y.;Rozenberg, P.;d'Ercole, C.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2013-08-01 查看
Delivery for women with a previous cesarean: guidelines for clinicalpractice from the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) Sentilhes, L.;Vayssiere, C.;Beucher, G.;Deneux-Tharaux, C.;Deruelle, P.;Diemunsch, P.;Gallot, D.;Haumonte, J.B.;Heimann, S.;Kayem, G.;Lopez, E.;Parant, O.;Schmitz, T.;Sellier, Y.;Rozenberg, P.;d'Ercole, C.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2013-09-01 查看
Prenasal thickness to nasal bone length ratio: effectiveness as asecond or third trimester marker for Down syndrome Tournemire, A.;Groussolles, M.;Ehlinger, V.;Lusque, A.;Morin, M.;Benevent, J.B.;Arnaud, C.;Vayssiere, C.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2015-08-01 查看
Prenasal thickness to nasal bone length ratio: effectiveness as asecond or third trimester marker for Down syndrome Tournemire, A.;Groussolles, M.;Ehlinger, V.;Lusque, A.;Morin, M.;Benevent, J.B.;Arnaud, C.;Vayssiere, C.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2015-08-01 查看
Fetal growth restriction and intra-uterine growth restriction:guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynaecologistsand Obstetricians Vayssiere, C.;Sentilhes, L.;Ego, A.;Bernard, C.;Cambourieu, D.;Flamant, C.;Gascoin, G.;Gaudineau, A.;Grange, G.;Houfflin-Debarge, V.;Langer, B.;Malan, V.;Marcorelles, P.;Nizard, J.;Perrotin, F.;Salomon, L.;Senat, M.V.;Serry, A.;Tessier, V.;Truffert, P.;Tsatsaris, V.;Arnaud, C.;Carbonne, B.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2015-10-01 查看
Postpartum hemorrhage: guidelines for clinical practice from the FrenchCollege of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) Sentilhes, L.;Vayssiere, C.;Deneux-Tharaux, C.;Aya, A.G.;Bayoumeu, F.;Bonnet, M.P.;Djoudi, R.;Dolley, P.;Dreyfus, M.;Ducroux-Schouwey, C.;Dupont, C.;Francois, A.;Gallot, D.;Haumonte, J.B.;Huissoud, C.;Kayem, G.;Keita, H.;Langer, B.;Mignon, A.;Morel, O.;Parant, O.;Pelage, J.P.;Phan, E.;Rossignol, M.;Tessier, V.;Mercier, F.J.;Goffinet, F.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2016-03-01 查看
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