


The physiologic basis for and nursing considerations in the use ofsubatmospheric concentrations of oxygen in HLHS Green, A.;Pye, S.;Yetman, A.T.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2002-08-01 查看
Distilling the evidence on developmental care: A systematic review Symington, A.;Pinelli, J.M.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2002-08-01 查看
A Critical analysis of the routine testing of newborn stools for occultblood and reducing substances Pinheiro, J.M.B.;Clark, D.A.;Benjamin, K.G.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2003-06-01 查看
A descriptive study of bottle-feeding opportunities in preterm infants Pickler, R.H.;Reyna, B.A.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2003-06-01 查看
Futile care and the neonate Romesberg, T.L.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2003-10-01 查看
Futile care and the neonate Romesberg, T.L.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2003-10-01 查看
Futile care and the neonate Romesberg, T.L.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2003-10-01 查看
A case study utilizing an enteral refeeding technique in a premature infantwith short bowel syndrome Gardner, V.A.;Walton, J.M.;Chessell, L.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2003-12-01 查看
A case study utilizing an enteral refeeding technique in a premature infantwith short bowel syndrome Gardner, V.A.;Walton, J.M.;Chessell, L.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2003-12-01 查看
A case study utilizing an enteral refeeding technique in a premature infantwith short bowel syndrome Gardner, V.A.;Walton, J.M.;Chessell, L.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2003-12-01 查看
Discerning differences: Gastroesophageal reflux and gastroesophageal refluxdisease in infants Henry, S.M.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-08-01 查看
Discerning differences: Gastroesophageal reflux and gastroesophageal refluxdisease in infants Henry, S.M.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-08-01 查看
Developing a strategic plan for a neonatal nurse practitioner service Lee, L.A.;Jones, L.R.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-10-01 查看
Developing a strategic plan for a neonatal nurse practitioner service Lee, L.A.;Jones, L.R.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-10-01 查看
High-fidelity simulation-based training in neonatal nursing Yaeger, K.A.;Halamek, L.P.;Coyle, M.;Murphy, A.;Anderson, J.;Boyle, K.;Braccia, K.;McAuley, J.;Sandre, G.D.;Smith, B.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-12-01 查看
Home care of the high-risk infant Hummel, P.;Cronin, J.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-12-01 查看
High-fidelity simulation-based training in neonatal nursing Yaeger, K.A.;Halamek, L.P.;Coyle, M.;Murphy, A.;Anderson, J.;Boyle, K.;Braccia, K.;McAuley, J.;Sandre, G.D.;Smith, B.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-12-01 查看
Home care of the high-risk infant Hummel, P.;Cronin, J.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-12-01 查看
High-fidelity simulation-based training in neonatal nursing Yaeger, K.A.;Halamek, L.P.;Coyle, M.;Murphy, A.;Anderson, J.;Boyle, K.;Braccia, K.;McAuley, J.;Sandre, G.D.;Smith, B.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-12-01 查看
Home care of the high-risk infant Hummel, P.;Cronin, J.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2004-12-01 查看
Pilot survey of NICU nurses' interest in the neonatal nurse practitionerrole Rasmussen, L.B.;Vargo, L.E.;Reavey, D.A.;Hunter, K.S.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2005-02-01 查看
Development, implementation, and evaluation of a community- andhospital-based respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis program Bracht, M.;Heffer, M.;O'Brien, K.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2005-02-01 查看
A case of shaken baby syndrome after discharge from the newbornintensive care unit Hoffman, J.M.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2005-06-01 查看
A primer on Apnea of prematurity Stokowski, L.A.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2005-06-01 查看
A case of shaken baby syndrome after discharge from the newbornintensive care unit Hoffman, J.M.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2005-06-01 查看
A primer on Apnea of prematurity Stokowski, L.A.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2005-06-01 查看
Part 1: Recognizing Neonatal Spinal Cord Injury Brand, M.C.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2006-02-01 查看
Part 1: Recognizing Neonatal Spinal Cord Injury Brand, M.C.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2006-02-01 查看
A Model of Nursing Care Microsystems for a Large Neonatal IntensiveCare Unit Goldschmidt, K.A.;Gordin, P.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2006-04-01 查看
Part 2: Examining the Newborn With an Open Spinal Dysraphism Brand, M.C.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2006-08-01 查看
Case Report of Massive Fetomaternal Hemorrhage and a Guideline forAcute Neonatal Management Markham, L.A.;Charsha, D.S.;Perelmuter, B.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2006-08-01 查看
Challenges in Design and Transition to a Private Room Model in theNeonatal Intensive Care Unit Carlson, B.;Walsh, S.;Wergin, T.;Schwarzkopf, K.;Ecklund, S.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2006-10-01 查看
Primer on the Practice Doctorate for Neonatal Nurse Practitioners Bellflower, B.;Carter, M.A.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2006-12-01 查看
Primer on the Practice Doctorate for Neonatal Nurse Practitioners Bellflower, B.;Carter, M.A.; Advances in Neonatal Care 2006-12-01 查看
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