



A refugee with a supraclavicular lymph node An uncommon first presentationof carcinoma of the prostate Bossink, A.W.J.;Rabe, K.F.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Pruritus in advanced internal diseases Pathogenesis and treatment Krajnik, M.;Zylicz, Z.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Title 'Inflammation. Basic Principles and Clinical Correlates' 3rd Edition,1999, Ed. by J.I. Gallin and R. Snyderman, Lippincott Williams & WilkinsPublishers, ISBN: 0 39 751 759 9, Price $245.00, Dfl. 620.00, pp. 1335,large format, hard cover, including 21 full colour pages Hoepelman, A.I.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Clinical Nutrition of the Essential Trace Elements and Minerals - J.D.Bogden and L.M. Klevay, Publisher: Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, Info:Hardcover, pp. 398, ISBN: 0-89603-598-0, Price: $125.00 Hart, W.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Recent Developments in Graves' Ophthalmopathy - Mark F. Prummel (Ed.),Wilmar M. Wiersinga, Maarten Ph. Mourits, Armin Heufelder (Co. Ed.). KluwerAcademic Publishers, Hardcover, pp. 194, 2000, pp 194, Dfl. 325.00,$140.00, ISBN: 0-7923-8676-0. Croughs, R.J.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
The Journal Volumes 54 and 55 Hoepelman, A.I.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Comprehensive Cancer Centre Amsterdam Barrett Advisory Committee^1 Hulscher, J.B.F.;Haringsma, J.;Benraadt, J.;Offerhaus, G.J.A.;ten Kate, F.J.W.;Baak, J.P.A.;Tytgat, G.N.J.;van Lanschot, J.J.B.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Surplus value of eosinophil count and ECP to diagnose and monitor asthmaticpatients Pronk-Admiraal, C.J.;Haitjema, T.;Horikx, P.;Bartels, P.C.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Insulin autoimmune syndrome: the second Dutch case Konijnendijk, M.A.;Zandbergen, A.A.M.;Verheul, F.E.A.M.;Baggen, M.G.A.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Dysphagia caused by esophageal tuberculosis Marsman, W.A.;Jie, C.;van Meyel, J.J.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-02-01 查看
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis - The disease, pathogenesis andtreatment, Ed. H.A. Conn, J. Rodes, and M. Navasa, Marcel Dekker AG, Basel,New York, ISBN: 0-8247-0355-3, Price: $165.00, pp. 320, illus., hard cover Jansen, P.L.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-02-01 查看
Information for authors The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-02-01 查看
A patient resuscitated after an insect sting - A Clinical PathologicalConference Geerlings, S.E.;Canninga-v Dijk, M.R.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-02-01 查看
Consensus conference on palliative treatment of stage IV non-small celllung cancer - Consensus meeting of the Netherlands Society for MedicalOncology and the Taskforce on Lung Cancer of the Dutch Society ofPhysicians for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis Tjan-Heijnen, V.C.G.;Groen, H.J.M.;Schramel, F.M.N.H.;Stoter, G.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-02-01 查看
Comparison of quantitative ultrasound parameters with dual energy X-rayabsorptiometry in pre- and postmenopausal women Dubois, E.F.L.;van den Bergh, J.P.W.;Smals, A.G.H.;van de Meerendonk, C.W.D.;Zwinderman, A.H.;Schweitzer, D.H.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-02-01 查看
BCG immunotherapy: be cautious of granulomas - Disseminated BCG infectionand mycotic aneurysm as late complications of intravesical BCGinstillations Kamphuis, J.T.;Buiting, A.G.M.;Misere, J.F.M.M.;van Berge Henegouwen, D.P.;van Soolingen, D.;Rensma, P.L.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-02-01 查看
Repeatedly negative tuberculin skin tests followed by active tuberculosisin an immunocompetent individual Arend, S.M.;van Soolingen, D.;Ottenhoff, T.H.M.;van Dissel, J.T.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-02-01 查看
Information for Authors The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Eustatia-Rutten, C.F.A.;Tamsma, J.T.;Meinders, A.E.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Hyponatremia due to hypothyroidism: a pure renal mechanism Schmitz, P.H.;de Meijer, P.H.E.M.;Meinders, A.E.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Hypernatremia in a non insulin dependent (type 2) diabetic patient withcentral diabetes insipidus Kavelaars, J.;Tamsma, J.T.;Meinders, A.E.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Sixty-eight-year-old patient with hypokalemia Innemee, G.;De Meijer, P.H.E.M.;Meinders, A.E.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Applying concepts, deductive reasoning and integrative physiology at thebedside Geers, A.B.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
McCance paper revisited: 65 years gone by Dorhout Mees, E.J.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Medical Problems in Mineral Metabolism McCance, R.A.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
The approach to a patient with acute polyuria and hypernatremia: a need forthe physiology of McCance at the bedside Davids, M.R.;Edoute, Y.;Halperin, M.L.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Intravenous fluid therapy taken into theoretical and practicalconsideration: physiology revisited Ablij, H.C.;Innemee, G.;Tamsma, J.T.;Meinders, A.E.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Hyponatremia in intracranial disorders Coenraad, M.J.;Meinders, A.E.;Taal, J.C.;Bolk, J.H.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Lactic acidosis: pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment van der Beek, A.;de Meijer, P.H.E.M.;Meinders, A.E.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-03-01 查看
Information for Authors The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
What happens to patients starting dialysis in The Netherlands? Jager, K.J.;Merkus, M.P.;Boeschoten, E.W.;Dekker, F.W.;Tijssen, J.G.P.;Krediet, R.T.;for the Necosad Study Group; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the breast simulating breast cancer van Nieuwkoop, C.;Giard, R.W.M.;Veen, H.F.;Dees, A.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
A 49-year-old woman with well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma Politiek, M.J.;Vrugt, B.;Aalbers, R.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
Regression of invasive thymoma following corticosteroid therapy Termeer, A.;Visser, F.J.;Mravunac, M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
Atypical carcinoid presenting as mesothelioma van Hengel, P.;van Geffen, F.;Kazzaz, B.A.;Heyerman, H.G.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
Reply to Letter to the Editor Smulders, Y.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
The (non-)sense of the methionine loading test for detectinghyperhomocysteinemia is not ready for a compromise Bos, G.M.J.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
Management of Prostate Cancer, Eric A Klein (Ed.), Humana Press, Towota,New Jersey, USA, ISBN 0-89603-797-5, Hardcover, pp. 384, Price $125.00 Zonnenberg, B.A.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
Title: Tickborne Infectious diseases, diagnosis and management, Editors:Burke A. Cunha, Publisher: Marcel Dekker, New York, Info: Hardcover, 283pp, ISBN: 0-8247-0310-3, Price: $150, (fl 396,-) Hoepelman, A.I.M.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
Referees for 2000 The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
Dutch Association for Diabetes Research (NVDO) Abstracts presented at theScientific Meeting held in Arnhem, The Netherlands on 20 May 2000 The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-04-01 查看
Information for Authors The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-05-01 查看
The abdominal compartment syndrome: a complication with many faces Berger, P.;Nijsten, M.W.N.;Paling, J.C.;Zwaveling, J.H.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-05-01 查看
Intravascular hemolysis by IgA red cell autoantibodies Beckers, E.A.M.;van Guldener, C.;Overbeeke, M.A.M.;van Rhenen, D.J.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-05-01 查看
Malabsorption syndrome in a patient of Mediterranean origin;immunoproliferative small intestinal disease Hermans, M.M.H.;Klinkhamer, P.;Stronkhorst, A.;Creemers, G.J.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-05-01 查看
Lipid-lowering therapy in diabetes mellitus Niemeijer-Kanters, S.D.J.M.;Banga, J.D.;Erkelens, D.W.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-05-01 查看
Abstracts of the Internistendagen 2001 The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Author Index - Abstracts The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-01-01 查看
Chylothorax complicating chronic lymphocytic leukemia Aranda, E.A.;Aguinaco, R.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-05-01 查看
Abstracts of the Internistendagen 2001 The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-05-01 查看
Information for Authors The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-06-01 查看
Experts' opinions on the profile of optimal care for patients with diabetesmellitus type 2 in the Netherlands van den Arend, I.J.M.;Rutten, G.E.H.M.;Schrijvers, G.J.P.;Stolk, R.P.; The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2001-06-01 查看
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