


Magnetic resonance lymphography in rats: Effects of muscular activityand hyperthermia on the lymph node uptake of intravenously injectedsuperparamagnetic iron oxide particles Elste, V.;Wagner, S.;Taupitz, M.;Pfefferer, D.;Kresse, M.;Hamm, B.;Berg, R.;Wolf, K.J.;Semmler, W.; Academic Radiology 1996-08-01 查看
Magnetic resonance lymphography in rats: Effects of muscular activityand hyperthermia on the lymph node uptake of intravenously injectedsuperparamagnetic iron oxide particles Elste, V.;Wagner, S.;Taupitz, M.;Pfefferer, D.;Kresse, M.;Hamm, B.;Berg, R.;Wolf, K.J.;Semmler, W.; Academic Radiology 1996-08-01 查看
Left ventricular volume measurements in pigs by contrast-enhancedelectron beam tomography (EBT) with and without table increment - howaccurate is the new 12-level multislice mode? Enzweiler, C.;Wiese, T.;Rupp, K.;Lembcke, A.;Hamm, B.; Academic Radiology 1999-02-01 查看
Left ventricular volume measurements in pigs by contrast-enhancedelectron beam tomography (EBT) with and without table increment - howaccurate is the new 12-level multislice mode? Enzweiler, C.;Wiese, T.;Rupp, K.;Lembcke, A.;Hamm, B.; Academic Radiology 1999-02-01 查看
Preclinical Characterization of Monomer-Stabilized Very SmallSuperparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles (VSOP) as a Blood Pool ContrastMedium for MR Angiography Schnorr, J.;Wagner, S.;Pilgrimm, H.;Hamm, B.;Taupitz, M.; Academic Radiology 2002-02-01 查看
Preclinical Characterization of Monomer-Stabilized Very SmallSuperparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles (VSOP) as a Blood Pool ContrastMedium for MR Angiography Schnorr, J.;Wagner, S.;Pilgrimm, H.;Hamm, B.;Taupitz, M.; Academic Radiology 2002-02-01 查看
MRI of Liver Tumors: Comparison of the Iron-Oxide-Based Blood PoolContrast Medium VSOP-C184 with the Liver-Specific SPIO Resovist and theLow-Molecular Substance Multihance in an Animal Model Schnorr, J.;Taupitz, M.;Wagner, S.;Korn, R.;Pilgrimm, H.;Hamm, B.; Academic Radiology 2005-05-01 查看
MR-Angiography of the Coronary Arteries with the New Iron OxideBlood-Pool Contrast Medium VSOP-C184: Results of a Phase Ib Clinical Trial Taupitz, M.;Schnorr, J.;Dewey, M.;Wagner, S.;Krug, L.;Pilgrimm, H.;Kravec, I.;Hamm, B.; Academic Radiology 2005-05-01 查看
MRI of Liver Tumors: Comparison of the Iron-Oxide-Based Blood PoolContrast Medium VSOP-C184 with the Liver-Specific SPIO Resovist and theLow-Molecular Substance Multihance in an Animal Model Schnorr, J.;Taupitz, M.;Wagner, S.;Korn, R.;Pilgrimm, H.;Hamm, B.; Academic Radiology 2005-05-01 查看
MR-Angiography of the Coronary Arteries with the New Iron OxideBlood-Pool Contrast Medium VSOP-C184: Results of a Phase Ib Clinical Trial Taupitz, M.;Schnorr, J.;Dewey, M.;Wagner, S.;Krug, L.;Pilgrimm, H.;Kravec, I.;Hamm, B.; Academic Radiology 2005-05-01 查看
Computer-assisted Diagnosis of Focal Liver Lesions on CT Images Hein, E.;Albrecht, A.;Melzer, D.;Steinhofel, K.;Rogalla, P.;Hamm, B.;Taupitz, M.; Academic Radiology 2005-09-01 查看
Computer-assisted Diagnosis of Focal Liver Lesions on CT Images Hein, E.;Albrecht, A.;Melzer, D.;Steinhofel, K.;Rogalla, P.;Hamm, B.;Taupitz, M.; Academic Radiology 2005-09-01 查看
Computer-assisted Diagnosis of Focal Liver Lesions on CT Images Hein, E.;Albrecht, A.;Melzer, D.;Steinhofel, K.;Rogalla, P.;Hamm, B.;Taupitz, M.; Academic Radiology 2005-09-01 查看
Contrast Enhancement in Electron Beam Tomography of the Heart:Comparison of a Monomeric and a Dimeric Iodinated Contrast Agent in 59Patients^1 Enzweiler, C.N.H.;Hohn, S.;Taupitz, M.;Lembcke, A.E.;Wiese, T.H.;Hamm, B.;Kivelitz, D.E.; Academic Radiology 2006-01-01 查看
Contrast Enhancement in Electron Beam Tomography of the Heart:Comparison of a Monomeric and a Dimeric Iodinated Contrast Agent in 59Patients^1 Enzweiler, C.N.H.;Hohn, S.;Taupitz, M.;Lembcke, A.E.;Wiese, T.H.;Hamm, B.;Kivelitz, D.E.; Academic Radiology 2006-01-01 查看
Contrast Enhancement in Electron Beam Tomography of the Heart:Comparison of a Monomeric and a Dimeric Iodinated Contrast Agent in 59Patients^1 Enzweiler, C.N.H.;Hohn, S.;Taupitz, M.;Lembcke, A.E.;Wiese, T.H.;Hamm, B.;Kivelitz, D.E.; Academic Radiology 2006-01-01 查看
Contrast Enhancement in Electron Beam Tomography of the Heart:Comparison of a Monomeric and a Dimeric Iodinated Contrast Agent in 59Patients^1 Enzweiler, C.N.H.;Hohn, S.;Taupitz, M.;Lembcke, A.E.;Wiese, T.H.;Hamm, B.;Kivelitz, D.E.; Academic Radiology 2006-01-01 查看
Contrast Enhancement in Electron Beam Tomography of the Heart:Comparison of a Monomeric and a Dimeric Iodinated Contrast Agent in 59Patients^1 Enzweiler, C.N.H.;Hohn, S.;Taupitz, M.;Lembcke, A.E.;Wiese, T.H.;Hamm, B.;Kivelitz, D.E.; Academic Radiology 2006-01-01 查看
Real-Time Sonoelastography Performed in Addition to B-Mode Ultrasoundand Mammography: Improved Differentiation of Breast Lesions? Thomas, A.;Kummel, S.;Fritzsche, F.;Warm, M.;Ebert, B.;Hamm, B.;Fischer, T.; Academic Radiology 2006-12-01 查看
Real-Time Sonoelastography Performed in Addition to B-Mode Ultrasoundand Mammography: Improved Differentiation of Breast Lesions? Thomas, A.;Kummel, S.;Fritzsche, F.;Warm, M.;Ebert, B.;Hamm, B.;Fischer, T.; Academic Radiology 2006-12-01 查看
Evaluation of 11-Gauge and 9-Gauge Vacuum-Assisted Breast BiopsySystems in a Breast Parenchymal Model Poellinger, A.;Bick, U.;Freund, T.;Diekmann, S.;Hamm, B.;Diekmann, F.; Academic Radiology 2007-06-01 查看
Evaluation of 11-Gauge and 9-Gauge Vacuum-Assisted Breast BiopsySystems in a Breast Parenchymal Model Poellinger, A.;Bick, U.;Freund, T.;Diekmann, S.;Hamm, B.;Diekmann, F.; Academic Radiology 2007-06-01 查看
Evaluation of 11-Gauge and 9-Gauge Vacuum-Assisted Breast BiopsySystems in a Breast Parenchymal Model Poellinger, A.;Bick, U.;Freund, T.;Diekmann, S.;Hamm, B.;Diekmann, F.; Academic Radiology 2007-06-01 查看
3D and 2D Delayed-Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Detectionof Myocardial Infarction: Preclinical and Clinical Results Peukert, D.;Laule, M.;Taupitz, M.;Kaufels, N.;Hamm, B.;Dewey, M.; Academic Radiology 2007-07-01 查看
Triage of Patients with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease usingMultislice Computed Tomography Hoffmann, H.;Dubel, H.P.;Laube, H.;Hamm, B.;Dewey, M.; Academic Radiology 2007-08-01 查看
Triage of Patients with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease usingMultislice Computed Tomography Hoffmann, H.;Dubel, H.P.;Laube, H.;Hamm, B.;Dewey, M.; Academic Radiology 2007-08-01 查看
Near-infrared Laser Computed Tomography of the Breast Poellinger, A.;Martin, J.C.;Ponder, S.L.;Freund, T.;Hamm, B.;Bick, U.;Diekmann, F.; Academic Radiology 2008-12-01 查看
Determining Optimal Acquisition Parameters for Computed TomographyCoronary Angiography Engelken, F.J.;Lembcke, A.;Hamm, B.;Dewey, M.; Academic Radiology 2009-02-01 查看
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