


Should there be a formal radiology curriculum? Rao, V.M.;Levin, D.C.; Academic Radiology 1996-08-01 查看
Should there be a formal radiology curriculum? Rao, V.M.;Levin, D.C.; Academic Radiology 1996-08-01 查看
Nationwide cost comparison of MR and self-referred cardiovascularprocedures Levin, D.C.; Academic Radiology 1998-09-01 查看
Nationwide cost comparison of MR and self-referred cardiovascularprocedures Levin, D.C.; Academic Radiology 1998-09-01 查看
US, CT, and MR evaluation of accessory renal arteries and proximalrenal arterial branches Halpern, E.J.;Nazarian, N.;Wechsler, R.J.;Mitchell, D.G.;Outwater, E.K.;Levin, D.C.;Gardiner, G.A.;Feldman, H.I.; Academic Radiology 1999-05-01 查看
US, CT, and MR evaluation of accessory renal arteries and proximalrenal arterial branches Halpern, E.J.;Nazarian, N.;Wechsler, R.J.;Mitchell, D.G.;Outwater, E.K.;Levin, D.C.;Gardiner, G.A.;Feldman, H.I.; Academic Radiology 1999-05-01 查看
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