


On the generalization of the receiver operating characteristic analysisto the population of readers and cases with the jackknife method: Anassessment Rockette, H.E.;Gur, D.;Kurs-Lasky, M.;King, J.L.; Academic Radiology 1995-01-01 查看
On the generalization of the receiver operating characteristic analysisto the population of readers and cases with the jackknife method: Anassessment Rockette, H.E.;Gur, D.;Kurs-Lasky, M.;King, J.L.; Academic Radiology 1995-01-01 查看
Degeneracy and discrete receiver operating characteristic rating data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 1995-10-01 查看
Degeneracy and discrete receiver operating characteristic rating data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 1995-10-01 查看
Multireader, multicase receiver operating characteristic methodology: Abootstrap analysis Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.; Academic Radiology 1995-07-01 查看
Multireader, multicase receiver operating characteristic methodology: Abootstrap analysis Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.; Academic Radiology 1995-07-01 查看
Multireader receiver operating characteristic studies: A comparison ofstudy designs Obuchowski, N.A.; Academic Radiology 1995-08-01 查看
Multireader receiver operating characteristic studies: A comparison ofstudy designs Obuchowski, N.A.; Academic Radiology 1995-08-01 查看
Clinical assessment of dry laser-processed film versus traditionalwet-processed film with computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging,and ultrasound Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 1996-10-01 查看
Clinical assessment of dry laser-processed film versus traditionalwet-processed film with computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging,and ultrasound Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 1996-10-01 查看
Comparison of receiver operating characteristic curves on the basis ofoptimal operating points Halpern, E.J.;Albert, M.;Krieger, A.M.;Metz, C.E.;Maidment, A.D.; Academic Radiology 1996-03-01 查看
Interpretation of calcifications in screen/film, digitized, andwavelet-enhanced monitor-displayed mammograms: A receiver operatingcharacteristic study Kallergi, M.;Clarke, L.P.;Qian, W.;Gavrielides, M.;Venugopal, P.;Berman, C.G.;Holman-Ferris, S.D.;Miller, M.S.;Clark, R.A.; Academic Radiology 1996-04-01 查看
Summary receiver operating characteristic curves as a technique formeta-analysis of the diagnostic performance of duplex ultrasonography inperipheral arterial disease de Vries, S.O.;Hunink, M.G.M.;Polak, J.F.; Academic Radiology 1996-04-01 查看
Interpretation of calcifications in screen/film, digitized, andwavelet-enhanced monitor-displayed mammograms: A receiver operatingcharacteristic study Kallergi, M.;Clarke, L.P.;Qian, W.;Gavrielides, M.;Venugopal, P.;Berman, C.G.;Holman-Ferris, S.D.;Miller, M.S.;Clark, R.A.; Academic Radiology 1996-04-01 查看
Summary receiver operating characteristic curves as a technique formeta-analysis of the diagnostic performance of duplex ultrasonography inperipheral arterial disease de Vries, S.O.;Hunink, M.G.M.;Polak, J.F.; Academic Radiology 1996-04-01 查看
Mixture distribution and receiver operating characteristic analysis ofbedside chest imaging with screen-film and computed radiography Kundel, H.L.;Polansky, M.; Academic Radiology 1997-01-01 查看
Mixture distribution and receiver operating characteristic analysis ofbedside chest imaging with screen-film and computed radiography Kundel, H.L.;Polansky, M.; Academic Radiology 1997-01-01 查看
Proper receiver operating characteristic analysis: The bigamma model Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Metz, C.E.;Lenth, R.V.;Hanley, J.A.;Dagga, H.A.; Academic Radiology 1997-02-01 查看
Proper receiver operating characteristic analysis: The bigamma model Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Metz, C.E.;Lenth, R.V.;Hanley, J.A.;Dagga, H.A.; Academic Radiology 1997-02-01 查看
Extension of receiver operating characteristic analysis to dataconcerning multiple signal detection tasks Hajian-Tilaki, K.O.;Hanley, J.A.;Joseph, L.;Collet, J.P.; Academic Radiology 1997-03-01 查看
Extension of receiver operating characteristic analysis to dataconcerning multiple signal detection tasks Hajian-Tilaki, K.O.;Hanley, J.A.;Joseph, L.;Collet, J.P.; Academic Radiology 1997-03-01 查看
Extension of receiver operating characteristic analysis to dataconcerning multiple signal detection tasks Hajian-Tilaki, K.O.;Hanley, J.A.;Joseph, L.;Collet, J.P.; Academic Radiology 1997-03-01 查看
Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz method for statistical analysis of multireader,multimodality receiver operating characteristic data: Validation withcomputer simulation Roe, C.A.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1997-04-01 查看
Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz method for statistical analysis of multireader,multimodality receiver operating characteristic data: Validation withcomputer simulation Roe, C.A.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1997-04-01 查看
The ''Proper'' binormal model: Parametric receiver operatingcharacteristic curve estimation with degenerate data Pan, X.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1997-05-01 查看
The ''Proper'' binormal model: Parametric receiver operatingcharacteristic curve estimation with degenerate data Pan, X.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1997-05-01 查看
Variance-component modeling in the analysis of receiver operatingcharacteristic index estimates Roe, C.A.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1997-07-01 查看
Variance-component modeling in the analysis of receiver operatingcharacteristic index estimates Roe, C.A.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1997-07-01 查看
Original smooth receiver operating characteristic curve estimation fromcontinuous data: Statistical methods for analyzing the predictive value ofspiral CT of ureteral stones Zou, K.H.;Tempany, C.M.;Fielding, J.R.;Silverman, S.G.; Academic Radiology 1998-10-01 查看
Original smooth receiver operating characteristic curve estimation fromcontinuous data: Statistical methods for analyzing the predictive value ofspiral CT of ureteral stones Zou, K.H.;Tempany, C.M.;Fielding, J.R.;Silverman, S.G.; Academic Radiology 1998-10-01 查看
Original smooth receiver operating characteristic curve estimation fromcontinuous data: Statistical methods for analyzing the predictive value ofspiral CT of ureteral stones Zou, K.H.;Tempany, C.M.;Fielding, J.R.;Silverman, S.G.; Academic Radiology 1998-10-01 查看
Original smooth receiver operating characteristic curve estimation fromcontinuous data: Statistical methods for analyzing the predictive value ofspiral CT of ureteral stones Zou, K.H.;Tempany, C.M.;Fielding, J.R.;Silverman, S.G.; Academic Radiology 1998-10-01 查看
Analysis of clustered microcalcifications by using a single numericclassifier extracted from mammographic digital images Buchbinder, S.S.;Leichter, I.S.;Bamberger, P.N.;Novak, B.;Lederman, R.;Fields, S.;Behar, D.J.; Academic Radiology 1998-11-01 查看
Analysis of clustered microcalcifications by using a single numericclassifier extracted from mammographic digital images Buchbinder, S.S.;Leichter, I.S.;Bamberger, P.N.;Novak, B.;Lederman, R.;Fields, S.;Behar, D.J.; Academic Radiology 1998-11-01 查看
Improved diagnosis of breast implant rupture with sonographic findingsand artificial neural networks Venta, L.A.;Salchenberger, L.M.;Venta, E.R.; Academic Radiology 1998-04-01 查看
Improved diagnosis of breast implant rupture with sonographic findingsand artificial neural networks Venta, L.A.;Salchenberger, L.M.;Venta, E.R.; Academic Radiology 1998-04-01 查看
Identifying left lower lobe pneumonia at chest radiography: Performanceof family practice residents before and after a didactic session Thompson, B.H.;Berbaum, K.S.;George, M.J.;Ely, J.W.; Academic Radiology 1998-05-01 查看
Quantification of interstitial lung abnormalities with chestradiography: Comparison of radiographic index and fractal dimension Kido, S.;Kuroda, C.;Tamura, S.; Academic Radiology 1998-05-01 查看
Identifying left lower lobe pneumonia at chest radiography: Performanceof family practice residents before and after a didactic session Thompson, B.H.;Berbaum, K.S.;George, M.J.;Ely, J.W.; Academic Radiology 1998-05-01 查看
Quantification of interstitial lung abnormalities with chestradiography: Comparison of radiographic index and fractal dimension Kido, S.;Kuroda, C.;Tamura, S.; Academic Radiology 1998-05-01 查看
Identifying left lower lobe pneumonia at chest radiography: Performanceof family practice residents before and after a didactic session Thompson, B.H.;Berbaum, K.S.;George, M.J.;Ely, J.W.; Academic Radiology 1998-05-01 查看
Quantification of interstitial lung abnormalities with chestradiography: Comparison of radiographic index and fractal dimension Kido, S.;Kuroda, C.;Tamura, S.; Academic Radiology 1998-05-01 查看
Confidence intervals for the receiver operating characteristic area instudies with small samples Obuchowski, N.A.;Lieber, M.L.; Academic Radiology 1998-08-01 查看
Confidence intervals for the receiver operating characteristic area instudies with small samples Obuchowski, N.A.;Lieber, M.L.; Academic Radiology 1998-08-01 查看
Monte Carlo validation of a multireader method for receiver operatingcharacteristic discrete rating data: Factorial experimental design Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.;Chen, Y.F.;Donaghy, B.A.; Academic Radiology 1998-09-01 查看
Monte Carlo validation of a multireader method for receiver operatingcharacteristic discrete rating data: Factorial experimental design Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.;Chen, Y.F.;Donaghy, B.A.; Academic Radiology 1998-09-01 查看
Artificial neural networks in chest radiography: Application to thedifferential diagnosis of interstitial lung disease Ashizawa, K.;Ishida, T.;MacMahon, H.;Vyborny, C.J.;Katsuragawa, S.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
Artificial neural networks in chest radiography: Application to thedifferential diagnosis of interstitial lung disease Ashizawa, K.;Ishida, T.;MacMahon, H.;Vyborny, C.J.;Katsuragawa, S.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
Clinical evaluation of wavelet-compressed digitized screen-filmmammography Powell, K.A.;Mallasch, P.G.;Obuchowski, N.A.;Kerczewski, R.J.;Ganobcik, S.N.;Cardenosa, G.;Chilcote, W.; Academic Radiology 2000-05-01 查看
Components-of-variance models and multiple-bootstrap experiments: Analternative method for random-effects, receiver operating characteristicanalysis Beiden, S.V.;Wagner, R.F.;Campbell, G.; Academic Radiology 2000-05-01 查看
Clinical evaluation of wavelet-compressed digitized screen-filmmammography Powell, K.A.;Mallasch, P.G.;Obuchowski, N.A.;Kerczewski, R.J.;Ganobcik, S.N.;Cardenosa, G.;Chilcote, W.; Academic Radiology 2000-05-01 查看
Components-of-variance models and multiple-bootstrap experiments: Analternative method for random-effects, receiver operating characteristicanalysis Beiden, S.V.;Wagner, R.F.;Campbell, G.; Academic Radiology 2000-05-01 查看
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