


Magnetic resonance imaging of Long-Evans Cinnamon rats as a new modelof hepatocellular carcinoma Nakakoshi, T.;Kajiyama, M.;Fujita, N.;Jong-Hon, K.;Takeichi, N.;Miyasaka, K.; Academic Radiology 1995-01-01 查看
Magnetic resonance imaging of Long-Evans Cinnamon rats as a new modelof hepatocellular carcinoma Nakakoshi, T.;Kajiyama, M.;Fujita, N.;Jong-Hon, K.;Takeichi, N.;Miyasaka, K.; Academic Radiology 1995-01-01 查看
Reaction of the aortic wall to six metallic stent materials Tanigawa, N.;Sawada, S.;Kobayashi, M.; Academic Radiology 1995-05-01 查看
Reaction of the aortic wall to six metallic stent materials Tanigawa, N.;Sawada, S.;Kobayashi, M.; Academic Radiology 1995-05-01 查看
Physicochemical properties, pharmacokinetics, and biodistribution ofgadoteridol injection in rats and dogs Eakins, M.N.;Eaton, S.M.;Fisco, R.A.;Hunt, R.J.;Ita, C.E.;Katona, T.;Owies, L.M.;Schramm, E.;Sulner, J.W.;Thompson, C.W.;White, G.W.;Murthy Yerramilli, S.; Academic Radiology 1995-07-01 查看
Physicochemical properties, pharmacokinetics, and biodistribution ofgadoteridol injection in rats and dogs Eakins, M.N.;Eaton, S.M.;Fisco, R.A.;Hunt, R.J.;Ita, C.E.;Katona, T.;Owies, L.M.;Schramm, E.;Sulner, J.W.;Thompson, C.W.;White, G.W.;Murthy Yerramilli, S.; Academic Radiology 1995-07-01 查看
Localization of metalloporphyrin-induced ''specific'' enhancement inexperimental liver tumors: Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging,microangiographic, and histologic findings Ni, Y.;Marchal, G.;Jie, Y.;Lukito, G.;Petre, C.;Wevers, M.;Baert, A.L.;Ebert, W.;Hilger, C.S.;Maier, F.K.;Semmler, W.; Academic Radiology 1995-08-01 查看
Localization of metalloporphyrin-induced ''specific'' enhancement inexperimental liver tumors: Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging,microangiographic, and histologic findings Ni, Y.;Marchal, G.;Jie, Y.;Lukito, G.;Petre, C.;Wevers, M.;Baert, A.L.;Ebert, W.;Hilger, C.S.;Maier, F.K.;Semmler, W.; Academic Radiology 1995-08-01 查看
Effect of pulmonary volume loss on the size and appearance ofexperimentally produced scintigraphic perfusion defects Fleishman, M.J.;Alderson, P.O.;Heller, R.E.;Austin, J.H.M.; Academic Radiology 1996-03-01 查看
Doppler contrast sonography for detecting reduced perfusion inexperimental ischemia of prepubertal rabbit testes O'Hara, S.M.;Frush, D.P.;Babcock, D.S.;Lewis, A.G.;Barr, L.L.;Bukowski, T.P.;Kline-Fath, B.M.;Sheldon, C.A.; Academic Radiology 1996-04-01 查看
Doppler contrast sonography for detecting reduced perfusion inexperimental ischemia of prepubertal rabbit testes O'Hara, S.M.;Frush, D.P.;Babcock, D.S.;Lewis, A.G.;Barr, L.L.;Bukowski, T.P.;Kline-Fath, B.M.;Sheldon, C.A.; Academic Radiology 1996-04-01 查看
Tracheobronchial metal stents: Effects of covering a bronchial ostiumin pigs Bjarnason, H.;Cahill, B.;Klow, N.E.;Han, Y.M.;Urness, M.;Gunther, R.;Gomes, M.R.;Rosenberg, M.S.;Dietz, C.A.;Hunter, D.W.; Academic Radiology 1999-10-01 查看
Tracheobronchial metal stents: Effects of covering a bronchial ostiumin pigs Bjarnason, H.;Cahill, B.;Klow, N.E.;Han, Y.M.;Urness, M.;Gunther, R.;Gomes, M.R.;Rosenberg, M.S.;Dietz, C.A.;Hunter, D.W.; Academic Radiology 1999-10-01 查看
Vasospasm Model of a Rabbit Common Carotid Artery for Endovascular Research Nakai, K.;Numaguchi, Y.;Moritani, T.; Academic Radiology 2002-03-01 查看
Vasospasm Model of a Rabbit Common Carotid Artery for Endovascular Research Nakai, K.;Numaguchi, Y.;Moritani, T.; Academic Radiology 2002-03-01 查看
Comparing genomic and histologic correlations to radiographic changes intumors - a murine SCC VII model Study^1 Yang, Y.-S.;Guccione, S.;Bednarski, M.D.; Academic Radiology 2003-10-01 查看
Angiogenesis model for ultrasound contrast research - exploratory study^1 Lucidarme, O.;Nguyen, T.;Kono, Y.;Corbeil, J.;Choi, S.-H.;Varner, J.;Mattrey, R.F.; Academic Radiology 2004-01-01 查看
Sodium magnetic resonance imaging of proteoglycan depletion in an in vivomodel of osteoarthritis^1 Wheaton, A.J.;Borthakur, A.;Dodge, G.R.;Kneeland, J.B.;Schumacher, H.R.;Reddy, R.; Academic Radiology 2004-01-01 查看
Angiogenesis model for ultrasound contrast research - exploratory study^1 Lucidarme, O.;Nguyen, T.;Kono, Y.;Corbeil, J.;Choi, S.-H.;Varner, J.;Mattrey, R.F.; Academic Radiology 2004-01-01 查看
Sodium magnetic resonance imaging of proteoglycan depletion in an in vivomodel of osteoarthritis^1 Wheaton, A.J.;Borthakur, A.;Dodge, G.R.;Kneeland, J.B.;Schumacher, H.R.;Reddy, R.; Academic Radiology 2004-01-01 查看
Dynamic small animal lung imaging via a postacquisition respiratory gatingtechnique using micro-cone beam computed tomography^1 Hu, J.;Haworth, S.T.;Molthen, R.C.;Dawson, C.A.; Academic Radiology 2004-09-01 查看
Quantification of Bleomycin-Induced Murine Lung Damage In Vivo WithMicro-Computed Tomography Cavanaugh, D.;Travis, E.L.;Price, R.E.;Gladish, G.;White, R.A.;Wang, M.;Cody, D.D.; Academic Radiology 2006-12-01 查看
In Vivo ^1H MR Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of the Serial Developmentof Hepatocarcinogenesis in an Experimental Rat Model Xu, H.;Li, X.;Yang, Z.h.;Xie, J.x.; Academic Radiology 2006-12-01 查看
Quantification of Bleomycin-Induced Murine Lung Damage In Vivo WithMicro-Computed Tomography Cavanaugh, D.;Travis, E.L.;Price, R.E.;Gladish, G.;White, R.A.;Wang, M.;Cody, D.D.; Academic Radiology 2006-12-01 查看
In Vivo ^1H MR Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of the Serial Developmentof Hepatocarcinogenesis in an Experimental Rat Model Xu, H.;Li, X.;Yang, Z.h.;Xie, J.x.; Academic Radiology 2006-12-01 查看
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