


Patient compliance in mobile screening mammography Pisano, E.D.;Yankaskas, B.C.;Ghate, S.V.;Plankey, M.W.;Morgan, J.T.; Academic Radiology 1995-12-01 查看
Patient compliance in mobile screening mammography Pisano, E.D.;Yankaskas, B.C.;Ghate, S.V.;Plankey, M.W.;Morgan, J.T.; Academic Radiology 1995-12-01 查看
Classification of microcalcifications in radiographs of pathologicspecimens for the diagnosis of breast cancer Chris Wu, Y.;Freedman, M.T.;Hasegawa, A.;Zuurbier, R.A.;Lo, S.C.B.;Mun, S.K.; Academic Radiology 1995-03-01 查看
Classification of microcalcifications in radiographs of pathologicspecimens for the diagnosis of breast cancer Chris Wu, Y.;Freedman, M.T.;Hasegawa, A.;Zuurbier, R.A.;Lo, S.C.B.;Mun, S.K.; Academic Radiology 1995-03-01 查看
Phase-contrast imaging with synchrotron x-rays for detecting cancerlesions Takeda, T.;Momose, A.;Itai, Y.;Jin, W.;Hirano, K.; Academic Radiology 1995-09-01 查看
Phase-contrast imaging with synchrotron x-rays for detecting cancerlesions Takeda, T.;Momose, A.;Itai, Y.;Jin, W.;Hirano, K.; Academic Radiology 1995-09-01 查看
Phase-contrast imaging with synchrotron x-rays for detecting cancerlesions Takeda, T.;Momose, A.;Itai, Y.;Jin, W.;Hirano, K.; Academic Radiology 1995-09-01 查看
A model of focal cancer in rabbit lymph nodes Jiang, D.Y.;Scott Gazelle, G.;Wolf, G.L.; Academic Radiology 1996-02-01 查看
A model of focal cancer in rabbit lymph nodes Jiang, D.Y.;Scott Gazelle, G.;Wolf, G.L.; Academic Radiology 1996-02-01 查看
Detection of breast cancer at a smaller size can reduce the likelihoodof metastatic spread: A quantitative analysis Sivaramakrishna, R.;Gordon, R.; Academic Radiology 1997-01-01 查看
Detection of breast cancer at a smaller size can reduce the likelihoodof metastatic spread: A quantitative analysis Sivaramakrishna, R.;Gordon, R.; Academic Radiology 1997-01-01 查看
Effect of variations in operational definitions on performanceestimates for screening Mammography Rosenberg, R.D.;Yankaskas, B.C.;Hunt, W.C.;Ballard-Barbash, R.;Urban, N.;Ernster, V.L.;Kerlikowske, K.;Geller, B.;Carney, P.A.;Taplin, S.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Computerized classification of benign and malignant masses on digitizedmammograms: A study of robustness Huo, Z.;Giger, M.L.;Vyborny, C.J.;Wolverton, D.E.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Effect of variations in operational definitions on performanceestimates for screening Mammography Rosenberg, R.D.;Yankaskas, B.C.;Hunt, W.C.;Ballard-Barbash, R.;Urban, N.;Ernster, V.L.;Kerlikowske, K.;Geller, B.;Carney, P.A.;Taplin, S.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Computerized classification of benign and malignant masses on digitizedmammograms: A study of robustness Huo, Z.;Giger, M.L.;Vyborny, C.J.;Wolverton, D.E.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Study design in the evaluation of breast cancer imaging technologies Houn, F.;Bright, R.A.;Bushar, H.F.;Croft, B.Y.;Finder, C.A.;Gohagan, J.K.;Jennings, R.J.;Keegan, P.;Kessler, L.G.;Kramer, B.S.;Martynec, L.O.;Robinowitz, M.;Sacks, W.M.;Schultz, D.G.;Wagner, R.F.; Academic Radiology 2000-09-01 查看
Study design in the evaluation of breast cancer imaging technologies Houn, F.;Bright, R.A.;Bushar, H.F.;Croft, B.Y.;Finder, C.A.;Gohagan, J.K.;Jennings, R.J.;Keegan, P.;Kessler, L.G.;Kramer, B.S.;Martynec, L.O.;Robinowitz, M.;Sacks, W.M.;Schultz, D.G.;Wagner, R.F.; Academic Radiology 2000-09-01 查看
Evaluation of Linear and Nonlinear Tomosynthetic Reconstruction Methods inDigital Mammography Suryanarayanan, S.;Karellas, A.;Vedantham, S.;Baker, S.P.;Glick, S.J.;D'Orsi, C.J.;Webber, R.L.; Academic Radiology 2001-03-01 查看
Automatic Segmentation of Mammographic Density Sivaramakrishna, R.;Obuchowski, N.A.;Chilcote, W.A.;Powell, K.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-03-01 查看
Evaluation of Linear and Nonlinear Tomosynthetic Reconstruction Methods inDigital Mammography Suryanarayanan, S.;Karellas, A.;Vedantham, S.;Baker, S.P.;Glick, S.J.;D'Orsi, C.J.;Webber, R.L.; Academic Radiology 2001-03-01 查看
Automatic Segmentation of Mammographic Density Sivaramakrishna, R.;Obuchowski, N.A.;Chilcote, W.A.;Powell, K.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-03-01 查看
A Combined Architectural and Kinetic Interpretation Model for Breast MRImages Schnall, M.D.;Rosten, S.;Englander, S.;Orel, S.G.;Nunes, L.W.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
A Combined Architectural and Kinetic Interpretation Model for Breast MRImages Schnall, M.D.;Rosten, S.;Englander, S.;Orel, S.G.;Nunes, L.W.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
System for Robotically Assisted Prostate Biopsy and Therapy withIntraoperative CT Guidance Fichtinger, G.;DeWeese, T.L.;Patriciu, A.;Tanacs, A.;Mazilu, D.;Anderson, J.H.;Masamune, K.;Taylor, R.H.;Stoianovici, D.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
System for Robotically Assisted Prostate Biopsy and Therapy withIntraoperative CT Guidance Fichtinger, G.;DeWeese, T.L.;Patriciu, A.;Tanacs, A.;Mazilu, D.;Anderson, J.H.;Masamune, K.;Taylor, R.H.;Stoianovici, D.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Mammographic Tissue, Breast Cancer Risk, Serial Image Analysis, and DigitalMammography - Part 1. Tissue and Related Risk Factors Heine, J.J.;Malhotra, P.; Academic Radiology 2002-03-01 查看
Mammographic Tissue, Breast Cancer Risk, Serial Image Analysis, and DigitalMammography - Part 2. Serial Breast Tissue Chage and Related TemporalInfluences Heine, J.J.;Malhotra, P.; Academic Radiology 2002-03-01 查看
Mammographic Tissue, Breast Cancer Risk, Serial Image Analysis, and DigitalMammography - Part 1. Tissue and Related Risk Factors Heine, J.J.;Malhotra, P.; Academic Radiology 2002-03-01 查看
Mammographic Tissue, Breast Cancer Risk, Serial Image Analysis, and DigitalMammography - Part 2. Serial Breast Tissue Chage and Related TemporalInfluences Heine, J.J.;Malhotra, P.; Academic Radiology 2002-03-01 查看
Factors Affecting Radiologist Inconsistency in Screening Mammography Beam, C.A.;Conant, E.F.;Sickles, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-05-01 查看
Factors Affecting Radiologist Inconsistency in Screening Mammography Beam, C.A.;Conant, E.F.;Sickles, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-05-01 查看
Near-infrared fluorescence imaging of microcalcification in an animal modelof breast cancer^1 Lenkinski, R.E.;Ahmed, M.;Zaheer, A.;Frangioni, J.V.;Goldberg, S.N.; Academic Radiology 2003-10-01 查看
Mass discrimination in mammography - experiments using hybrid images^1 Burgess, A.;Jacobson, F.;Judy, P.; Academic Radiology 2003-11-01 查看
Automated centerline for computed tomography colonography^1 Iordanescu, G.;Summers, R.M.; Academic Radiology 2003-11-01 查看
Low-dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer in a generalpopulation - characteristics of cancer in non-smokers versus smokers^1 Li, F.;Sone, S.;Abe, H.;MacMahon, H.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 2003-09-01 查看
Combined use of MRI and PET to monitor response and assess residual diseasefor locally advanced breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy^1 Chen, X.;Moore, M.O.;Lehman, C.D.;Mankoff, D.A.;Lawton, T.J.;Peacock, S.;Schubert, E.K.;Livingston, R.B.; Academic Radiology 2004-10-01 查看
Computer-aided detection for screening mammography^1 Astley, S.M.; Academic Radiology 2004-10-01 查看
Completion of colorectal cancer screening in women attending screeningmammography^1 Molina, L.;Carlos, R.C.;Mark Fendrick, A.;Abrahamse, P.H.;Dong, Q.;Bernstein, S.J.; Academic Radiology 2004-11-01 查看
Mr and fluorescent imaging of low-density lipoprotein receptors^1 Li, H.;Gray, B.D.;Corbin, I.;Lebherz, C.;Choi, H.;Lund-Katz, S.;Wilson, J.M.;Glickson, J.D.;Zhou, R.; Academic Radiology 2004-11-01 查看
Effect of temporal subtraction images on radiologists' detection of lungcancer on CT: Results of the observer performance study with use of filmcomputed tomography images^1 Abe, H.;Ishida, T.;Shiraishi, J.;Li, F.;Katsuragawa, S.;Sone, S.;MacMahon, H.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 2004-12-01 查看
Model-based detection of lung nodules in computed tomography exams^1 -Thoracic computer-aided diagnosis McCulloch, C.C.;Kaucic, R.A.;Mendonca, P.R.S.;Walter, D.J.;Avila, R.S.; Academic Radiology 2004-03-01 查看
Performance of computer-aided diagnosis in the interpretation of lesions onbreast sonography Horsch, K.;Giger, M.L.;Vyborny, C.J.;Venta, L.A.; Academic Radiology 2004-03-01 查看
Mixture distribution analysis of a computer assisted diagnostic method forthe evaluation of pulmonary nodules on computed tomography scan^1 Kung, J.W.;Matsumoto, S.;Hasegawa, I.;Nguyen, B.;Toto, L.C.;Kundel, H.;Hatabu, H.; Academic Radiology 2004-03-01 查看
Stereotactic and sonographic large-core biopsy of nonpalpable breastlesions - Results of the Radiologic Diagnostic Oncology group V study^1 Fajardo, L.L.;Pisano, E.D.;Caudry, D.J.;Gatsonis, C.A.;Berg, W.A.;Connolly, J.;Schnitt, S.;Page, D.L.;McNeil, B.J.;for the Radiologist Investigators of the Radiologic Diagnostic Oncology;Group V; Academic Radiology 2004-03-01 查看
Assessment methodologies and statistical issues for computer-aideddiagnosis of lung nodules in computed tomography - contemporary researchtopics relevant to the lung image database consortium^1 Dodd, L.E.;Wagner, R.F.;Armato, S.G.;McNitt-Gray, M.F.;Beiden, S.;Chan, H.-P.;Gur, D.;McLennan, G.;Metz, C.E.;Petrick, N.;Sahiner, B.;Sayre, J.;the Lung Image Database Consortium Research Group; Academic Radiology 2004-04-01 查看
Computerized detection and classification of cancer on breast ultrasound^1 Drukker, K.;Giger, M.L.;Vyborny, C.J.;Mendelson, E.B.; Academic Radiology 2004-05-01 查看
Improved detection of lung cancer arising in diffuse lung diseases on chestradiographs using temporal subtraction^1 Okazaki, H.;Nakamura, K.;Watanabe, H.;Matsuki, Y.;Uozumi, T.;Kakeda, S.;Kamada, K.;Oda, N.;Nakata, H.;Katsuragawa, S.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 2004-05-01 查看
Computerized scheme for automated detection of lung nodules in low-dosecomputed tomography images for lung cancer screening^1 Arimura, H.;Katsuragawa, S.;Suzuki, K.;Li, F.;Shiraishi, J.;Sone, S.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 2004-06-01 查看
A preliminary report on the role of spatial frequency analysis in theperception of breast cancers missed at mammography screening^1 Mello-Thoms, C.;Chapman, B.; Academic Radiology 2004-08-01 查看
''Memory effect'' in observer performance studies of mammograms^1 Hardesty, L.A.;Ganott, M.A.;Hakim, C.M.;Cohen, C.S.;Clearfield, R.J.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 2004-03-01 查看
Evaluation of automated lung nodule detection on low-dose computedtomography scans from a lung cancer screening program^1 Armato, S.G.;Roy, A.S.;MacMahon, H.;Li, F.;Doi, K.;Sone, S.;Altman, M.B.; Academic Radiology 2004-03-01 查看
Vessel Tortuosity and Brain Tumor Malignancy Bullitt, E.;Zeng, D.;Gerig, G.;Aylward, S.;Joshi, S.;Smith, J.K.;Lin, W.;Ewend, M.G.; Academic Radiology 2005-10-01 查看
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