


Cardiac hemodynamic effects of iodixanol, iopamidol, and ioxaglatefollowing left coronary injections in anesthetized dogs Morris, T.W.;Dukovic, D.;Pagani, E.; Academic Radiology 1995-01-01 查看
Cardiac hemodynamic effects of iodixanol, iopamidol, and ioxaglatefollowing left coronary injections in anesthetized dogs Morris, T.W.;Dukovic, D.;Pagani, E.; Academic Radiology 1995-01-01 查看
Computed tomography evaluation of regional increases in microvascularpermeability after reperfusion of locally ischemic myocardium in intact pigs Ritman, E.L.; Academic Radiology 1995-11-01 查看
Computed tomography evaluation of regional increases in microvascularpermeability after reperfusion of locally ischemic myocardium in intact pigs Ritman, E.L.; Academic Radiology 1995-11-01 查看
Two-dimensional intravenous coronary arteriography using above-K-edgemonochromatic synchrotron x-ray Takeda, T.;Itai, Y.;Jin, W.;Ohtsuka, S.;Hyodo, K.;Ando, M.;Nishimura, K.;Hasegawa, S.;Akatsuka, T.;Akisada, M.; Academic Radiology 1995-07-01 查看
Two-dimensional intravenous coronary arteriography using above-K-edgemonochromatic synchrotron x-ray Takeda, T.;Itai, Y.;Jin, W.;Ohtsuka, S.;Hyodo, K.;Ando, M.;Nishimura, K.;Hasegawa, S.;Akatsuka, T.;Akisada, M.; Academic Radiology 1995-07-01 查看
Coronary artery calcium: Alternate methods for accurate andreproducible quantitation Yoon, H.C.;Greaser, L.E.;Mather, R.;Sinha, S.;McNitt-Gray, M.F.;Goldin, J.G.; Academic Radiology 1997-10-01 查看
Coronary artery calcium: Alternate methods for accurate andreproducible quantitation Yoon, H.C.;Greaser, L.E.;Mather, R.;Sinha, S.;McNitt-Gray, M.F.;Goldin, J.G.; Academic Radiology 1997-10-01 查看
Measurement of a cross-sectional area of normal and stenotic arterieswith videodensitometric quantitative arteriography and intravascularultrasound Molloi, S.;Zhang, W.;Leung, C.;Hiro, T.;Hicks, J.; Academic Radiology 1997-04-01 查看
Biophysical factors and contractile function during coronary bolusperfusion: An experimental study in the isolated guinea pig heart Falck, G.;Olsen, H.;Jynge, P.; Academic Radiology 1997-04-01 查看
Measurement of a cross-sectional area of normal and stenotic arterieswith videodensitometric quantitative arteriography and intravascularultrasound Molloi, S.;Zhang, W.;Leung, C.;Hiro, T.;Hicks, J.; Academic Radiology 1997-04-01 查看
Biophysical factors and contractile function during coronary bolusperfusion: An experimental study in the isolated guinea pig heart Falck, G.;Olsen, H.;Jynge, P.; Academic Radiology 1997-04-01 查看
Two-dimensional aortographic coronary arteriography with above-K-edgemonochromatic synchrotron radiation Takeda, T.;Umetani, K.;Doi, T.;Echigo, J.;Ueki, H.;Ueda, K.;Itai, Y.; Academic Radiology 1997-06-01 查看
Two-dimensional aortographic coronary arteriography with above-K-edgemonochromatic synchrotron radiation Takeda, T.;Umetani, K.;Doi, T.;Echigo, J.;Ueki, H.;Ueda, K.;Itai, Y.; Academic Radiology 1997-06-01 查看
Two-dimensional aortographic coronary arteriography with above-K-edgemonochromatic synchrotron radiation Takeda, T.;Umetani, K.;Doi, T.;Echigo, J.;Ueki, H.;Ueda, K.;Itai, Y.; Academic Radiology 1997-06-01 查看
Electron-beam CT in the noninvasive assessment of coronary stent patency Pump, H.;Moehlenkamp, S.;Sehnert, C.;Schimpf, S.S.;Erbel, R.;Seibel, R.M.M.;Groenemeyer, D.H.W.; Academic Radiology 1998-12-01 查看
Electron-beam CT angiography with three-dimensional reconstruction inthe evaluation of coronary artery bypass grafts Dai, R.;Zhang, S.;Bin, L.;Cao, C.;Sha, H.;Bai, H.;Jing, B.; Academic Radiology 1998-12-01 查看
Electron-beam CT in the noninvasive assessment of coronary stent patency Pump, H.;Moehlenkamp, S.;Sehnert, C.;Schimpf, S.S.;Erbel, R.;Seibel, R.M.M.;Groenemeyer, D.H.W.; Academic Radiology 1998-12-01 查看
Electron-beam CT angiography with three-dimensional reconstruction inthe evaluation of coronary artery bypass grafts Dai, R.;Zhang, S.;Bin, L.;Cao, C.;Sha, H.;Bai, H.;Jing, B.; Academic Radiology 1998-12-01 查看
Electron-beam CT: The effect of using a correction function on coronaryartery calcium quantitation Greaser, L.E.;Yoon, H.C.;Mather, R.T.;McNitt-Gray, M.;Goldin, J.G.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
Electron-beam CT: The effect of using a correction function on coronaryartery calcium quantitation Greaser, L.E.;Yoon, H.C.;Mather, R.T.;McNitt-Gray, M.;Goldin, J.G.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
Effects of scanning and reconstruction parameters on image quality inelectron-beam CT angiography: Coronary artery phantom study Lu, B.;Dai, R.;Bai, H.;He, S.;Jiang, S.;Zhuang, N.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Effects of scanning and reconstruction parameters on image quality inelectron-beam CT angiography: Coronary artery phantom study Lu, B.;Dai, R.;Bai, H.;He, S.;Jiang, S.;Zhuang, N.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Effects of scanning and reconstruction parameters on image quality inelectron-beam CT angiography: Coronary artery phantom study Lu, B.;Dai, R.;Bai, H.;He, S.;Jiang, S.;Zhuang, N.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Preview method for electron-beam CT scanning of the coronary arteries Bakhsheshi, H.;Mao, S.;Budoff, M.J.;Bin, L.;Brundage, B.H.; Academic Radiology 2000-08-01 查看
Preview method for electron-beam CT scanning of the coronary arteries Bakhsheshi, H.;Mao, S.;Budoff, M.J.;Bin, L.;Brundage, B.H.; Academic Radiology 2000-08-01 查看
Optimal Electrocardiographically Triggered Phase for Reducing MotionArtifact at Electron-Beam CT in the Coronary Artery He, S.;Dai, R.;Chen, Y.;Bai, H.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
Optimal Electrocardiographically Triggered Phase for Reducing MotionArtifact at Electron-Beam CT in the Coronary Artery He, S.;Dai, R.;Chen, Y.;Bai, H.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
Optimal ECG Trigger Point in Electron-Beam CT Studies - Three Methods forMinimizing Motion Artifacts Mao, S.;Budoff, M.J.;Bin, L.;Liu, S.C.K.; Academic Radiology 2001-11-01 查看
Optimal ECG Trigger Point in Electron-Beam CT Studies - Three Methods forMinimizing Motion Artifacts Mao, S.;Budoff, M.J.;Bin, L.;Liu, S.C.K.; Academic Radiology 2001-11-01 查看
Effects of Window and Threshold Levels on the Accuracy of Three-DimensionalRendering Techniques in Coronary Artery Electron-Beam CT Angiography Lu, B.;Dai, R.-p.;Jiang, S.-l.;Bai, H.;He, S.;Zhuang, N.;Sun, X.-g.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2001-08-01 查看
Effects of Window and Threshold Levels on the Accuracy of Three-DimensionalRendering Techniques in Coronary Artery Electron-Beam CT Angiography Lu, B.;Dai, R.-p.;Jiang, S.-l.;Bai, H.;He, S.;Zhuang, N.;Sun, X.-g.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2001-08-01 查看
Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification in Patients Taking Alendronatefor Osteoporosis Hill, J.A.;Goldin, J.G.;Gjertson, D.;Emerick, A.M.;Greaser, L.D.;Yoon, H.-C.;Khorrami, S.;Aziz, D.;Adams, J.S.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification in Patients Taking Alendronatefor Osteoporosis Hill, J.A.;Goldin, J.G.;Gjertson, D.;Emerick, A.M.;Greaser, L.D.;Yoon, H.-C.;Khorrami, S.;Aziz, D.;Adams, J.S.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
Causes of Interscan Variability of Coronary Artery Calcium Measurements atElectron-Beam CT Lu, B.;Budoff, M.J.;Zhuang, N.;Child, J.;Bakhsheshi, H.;Carson, S.;Mao, S.-S.; Academic Radiology 2002-06-01 查看
Causes of Interscan Variability of Coronary Artery Calcium Measurements atElectron-Beam CT Lu, B.;Budoff, M.J.;Zhuang, N.;Child, J.;Bakhsheshi, H.;Carson, S.;Mao, S.-S.; Academic Radiology 2002-06-01 查看
Intra-procedural coronary intervention planning using hybrid 3-dimensionalreconstruction techniques^1 Wink, O.;Kemkers, R.;Chen, S.-Y.J.;Carroll, J.D.; Academic Radiology 2003-12-01 查看
Intra-procedural coronary intervention planning using hybrid 3-dimensionalreconstruction techniques^1 Wink, O.;Kemkers, R.;Chen, S.-Y.J.;Carroll, J.D.; Academic Radiology 2003-12-01 查看
Advances in Cardiac Imaging with 16-Section CT Systems Flohr, T.G.;Schoepf, U.J.;Kuettner, A.;Halliburton, S.;Bruder, H.;Suess, C.;Schmidt, B.;Hofmann, L.;Yucel, E.K.;Schaller, S.;Ohnesorge, B.M.; Academic Radiology 2003-04-01 查看
Advances in Cardiac Imaging with 16-Section CT Systems Flohr, T.G.;Schoepf, U.J.;Kuettner, A.;Halliburton, S.;Bruder, H.;Suess, C.;Schmidt, B.;Hofmann, L.;Yucel, E.K.;Schaller, S.;Ohnesorge, B.M.; Academic Radiology 2003-04-01 查看
Aortic Atherosclerosis Detected with Electron-Beam CT as a Predictor ofObstructive Coronary Artery Disease Takasu, J.;Mao, S.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2003-06-01 查看
Measurement of the RT Interval on ECG Records During Electron-Beam CT Mao, S.;Lu, B.;Takasu, J.;Oudiz, R.J.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2003-06-01 查看
Aortic Atherosclerosis Detected with Electron-Beam CT as a Predictor ofObstructive Coronary Artery Disease Takasu, J.;Mao, S.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2003-06-01 查看
Measurement of the RT Interval on ECG Records During Electron-Beam CT Mao, S.;Lu, B.;Takasu, J.;Oudiz, R.J.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2003-06-01 查看
Increased prevalence of coronary artery calcification in patients withsuspected pulmonary embolism^1 Kiryu, S.;Raptopoulos, V.;Baptista, J.;Hatabu, H.; Academic Radiology 2003-08-01 查看
Improving mass measurement of coronary artery calcification using thresholdcorrection and thin collimation in multi-detector row computed tomography -In vitro experiment^1 Hong, C.;Pilgram, T.K.;Zhu, F.;Joe, B.N.;Towler, D.A.;Bae, K.T.; Academic Radiology 2003-09-01 查看
Is coronary artery calcium mass related to Agatston score?^1 Hong, C.;Pilgram, T.K.;Zhu, F.;Bae, K.T.; Academic Radiology 2004-03-01 查看
Adding sodium and calcium ions to the contrast medium iodixanol reduced therisk of ventricular fibrillation during perfusion of the left coronaryartery in pigs - Effects of electrolytes, viscosity, and chemotoxicity ofan isotonic perfusate^1 Chai, C.-M.;Almen, T.;Baath, L.;Besjakov, J.; Academic Radiology 2004-05-01 查看
Regional volumetric coronary blood flow measurement by digital angiography- In vivo validation^1 Molloi, S.;Zhou, Y.;Kassab, G.S.; Academic Radiology 2004-07-01 查看
Noninvasive determination of regional myocardial perfusion with first-passmagnetic resonance (MR) imaging^1 Nakajima, T.;Oriuchi, N.;Tsushima, Y.;Funabasama, S.;Aoki, J.;Endo, K.; Academic Radiology 2004-07-01 查看
Association between progression of aortic valve calcification and coronarycalcification - Assessment by electron beam tomography^1 Takasu, J.;Shavelle, D.M.;O'Brien, K.D.;Babaei, A.;Rosales, J.;Mao, S.;Fischer, H.;Budoff, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2004-03-01 查看
Comparison of coronary artery calcium screening image quality between C-150and e-Speed electron beam scanners^1 Budoff, M.J.;Shinbane, J.S.;Oudiz, R.J.;Child, J.;Carson, S.;Chau, A.;Tseng, P.;Gao, Y.;Mao, S.; Academic Radiology 2004-03-01 查看
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