



A small animal model of regional alveolar ventilation using HP ^3He MRI^1 Spector, Z.Z.;Emami, K.;Fischer, M.C.;Zhu, J.;Ishii, M.;Yu, J.;Kadlecek, S.;Driehuys, B.;Panettieri, R.A.;Lipson, D.A.;Gefter, W.;Shrager, J.;Rizi, R.R.; Academic Radiology 2004-10-01 查看
Ventilation imaging of the lung: Comparison of hyperpolarized helium-3 MRimaging with Xe-133 scintigraphy^1 Altes, T.A.;Rehm, P.K.;Harrell, F.;Salerno, M.;Daniel, T.M.;de Lange, E.E.; Academic Radiology 2004-07-01 查看
Hyperpolarized HHe 3 MRI of the Lung in Cystic Fibrosis Mentore, K.;Froh, D.K.;de Lange, E.E.;Brookeman, J.R.;Paget-Brown, A.O.;Altes, T.A.; Academic Radiology 2005-11-01 查看
Measurements of Regional Alveolar Oxygen Pressure Using Hyperpolarized^3He MRI^1 Fischer, M.C.;Kadlecek, S.;Yu, J.;Ishii, M.;Emami, K.;Vahdat, V.;Lipson, D.A.;Rizi, R.R.; Academic Radiology 2005-11-01 查看
Hyperpolarized HHe 3 MRI of the Lung in Cystic Fibrosis Mentore, K.;Froh, D.K.;de Lange, E.E.;Brookeman, J.R.;Paget-Brown, A.O.;Altes, T.A.; Academic Radiology 2005-11-01 查看
Measurements of Regional Alveolar Oxygen Pressure Using Hyperpolarized^3He MRI^1 Fischer, M.C.;Kadlecek, S.;Yu, J.;Ishii, M.;Emami, K.;Vahdat, V.;Lipson, D.A.;Rizi, R.R.; Academic Radiology 2005-11-01 查看
Hyperpolarized HHe 3 MRI of the Lung in Cystic Fibrosis Mentore, K.;Froh, D.K.;de Lange, E.E.;Brookeman, J.R.;Paget-Brown, A.O.;Altes, T.A.; Academic Radiology 2005-11-01 查看
Measurements of Regional Alveolar Oxygen Pressure Using Hyperpolarized^3He MRI^1 Fischer, M.C.;Kadlecek, S.;Yu, J.;Ishii, M.;Emami, K.;Vahdat, V.;Lipson, D.A.;Rizi, R.R.; Academic Radiology 2005-11-01 查看
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