


MR imaging of the temporomandibular joint: A validation experiment invitro Cavalcanti, M.G.P.;Lew, D.;Ishimaru, T.;Ruprecht, A.; Academic Radiology 1999-11-01 查看
MR imaging of the temporomandibular joint: A validation experiment invitro Cavalcanti, M.G.P.;Lew, D.;Ishimaru, T.;Ruprecht, A.; Academic Radiology 1999-11-01 查看
Discrimination of MR images of breast masses with fractal-interpolationfunction models Penn, A.I.;Bolinger, L.;Schnall, M.D.;Loew, M.H.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Discrimination of MR images of breast masses with fractal-interpolationfunction models Penn, A.I.;Bolinger, L.;Schnall, M.D.;Loew, M.H.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Abdominal vessel enhancement with an ultrasmall, superparamagnetic ironoxide blood pool agent: Evaluation of dose and echo time dependence atdifferent field strengths Johan Wikstrom, L.;Johansson, L.O.M.;Ericsson, B.A.M.;Borseth, A.;Akeson, P.A.G.;Hakan Ahlstrom, K.; Academic Radiology 1999-05-01 查看
Abdominal vessel enhancement with an ultrasmall, superparamagnetic ironoxide blood pool agent: Evaluation of dose and echo time dependence atdifferent field strengths Johan Wikstrom, L.;Johansson, L.O.M.;Ericsson, B.A.M.;Borseth, A.;Akeson, P.A.G.;Hakan Ahlstrom, K.; Academic Radiology 1999-05-01 查看
In Vivo Imaging of Gene Expression - MR and Optical Technologies Bremer, C.;Weissleder, R.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
T1"@r Imaging of Murine Brain Tumors at 4 T Poptani, H.;Duvvuri, U.;Miller, C.G.;Mancuso, A.;Charagundla, S.;Fraser, N.W.;Glickson, J.D.;Leigh, J.S.;Reddy, R.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
In Vivo Imaging of Gene Expression - MR and Optical Technologies Bremer, C.;Weissleder, R.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
T1"@r Imaging of Murine Brain Tumors at 4 T Poptani, H.;Duvvuri, U.;Miller, C.G.;Mancuso, A.;Charagundla, S.;Fraser, N.W.;Glickson, J.D.;Leigh, J.S.;Reddy, R.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
Efficacy of Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging in Cardiomyopathy - AnExperimental Study Using Bio 14.6 Hamsters Nanjo, S.;Yamazaki, J.;Yoshikawa, K.;Miura, M.;Seno, A.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
Efficacy of Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging in Cardiomyopathy - AnExperimental Study Using Bio 14.6 Hamsters Nanjo, S.;Yamazaki, J.;Yoshikawa, K.;Miura, M.;Seno, A.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
Gadolinium-Enhanced T1-Weighted Renal and Abdominal MR Imaging -Quantitative Discrepancy between Clinical and in Vitro Findings Katzberg, R.W.;Ivanovic, M.;Buonocore, M.H.;Pellot-Barakat, C.;Brock, J.M.;Ryan, J.M.;Whang, K.; Academic Radiology 2002-06-01 查看
Gadolinium-Enhanced T1-Weighted Renal and Abdominal MR Imaging -Quantitative Discrepancy between Clinical and in Vitro Findings Katzberg, R.W.;Ivanovic, M.;Buonocore, M.H.;Pellot-Barakat, C.;Brock, J.M.;Ryan, J.M.;Whang, K.; Academic Radiology 2002-06-01 查看
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