


Relationships among the subjective quality, magnetic resonance spectra,and price of wine: A randomized trial Ackerman, S.J.;Fokas, K.A.;Monsein, L.H.;Ulatowski, J.A.; Academic Radiology 1995-09-01 查看
Relationships among the subjective quality, magnetic resonance spectra,and price of wine: A randomized trial Ackerman, S.J.;Fokas, K.A.;Monsein, L.H.;Ulatowski, J.A.; Academic Radiology 1995-09-01 查看
Relationships among the subjective quality, magnetic resonance spectra,and price of wine: A randomized trial Ackerman, S.J.;Fokas, K.A.;Monsein, L.H.;Ulatowski, J.A.; Academic Radiology 1995-09-01 查看
Fundamentals course for 1st-year radiology residents Oldham, S.A.A.;Rawal, A.;Chan, J.D.;Harle, T.S.;Goldman, S.M.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Fundamentals course for 1st-year radiology residents Oldham, S.A.A.;Rawal, A.;Chan, J.D.;Harle, T.S.;Goldman, S.M.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Fundamentals course for 1st-year radiology residents Oldham, S.A.A.;Rawal, A.;Chan, J.D.;Harle, T.S.;Goldman, S.M.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Rates of disagreement in imaging interpretation in a group of communityhospitals Siegle, R.L.;Baram, E.M.;Reuter, S.R.;Clarke, E.A.;Lancaster, J.L.;McMahan, C.A.; Academic Radiology 1998-03-01 查看
Rates of disagreement in imaging interpretation in a group of communityhospitals Siegle, R.L.;Baram, E.M.;Reuter, S.R.;Clarke, E.A.;Lancaster, J.L.;McMahan, C.A.; Academic Radiology 1998-03-01 查看
Quality evaluation of radiographic contrast media in large-volumeprefilled syringes and vials Sendo, T.;Hirakawa, M.;Yaginuma, M.;Aoyama, T.;Oishi, R.; Academic Radiology 1998-06-01 查看
Quality evaluation of radiographic contrast media in large-volumeprefilled syringes and vials Sendo, T.;Hirakawa, M.;Yaginuma, M.;Aoyama, T.;Oishi, R.; Academic Radiology 1998-06-01 查看
Quality evaluation of radiographic contrast media in large-volumeprefilled syringes and vials Sendo, T.;Hirakawa, M.;Yaginuma, M.;Aoyama, T.;Oishi, R.; Academic Radiology 1998-06-01 查看
Educational outreach to mammography facility staff to assist withcompliance with the mammography quality standards act in rural NorthCarolina Pisano, E.D.;Burns, C.B.;Washburn, D.; Academic Radiology 1998-07-01 查看
Educational outreach to mammography facility staff to assist withcompliance with the mammography quality standards act in rural NorthCarolina Pisano, E.D.;Burns, C.B.;Washburn, D.; Academic Radiology 1998-07-01 查看
Interpolation algorithms for digital mammography systems with multipledetectors Liu, H.;Wang, G.;Chen, J.;Fajardo, L.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Interpolation algorithms for digital mammography systems with multipledetectors Liu, H.;Wang, G.;Chen, J.;Fajardo, L.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
A sequential chart for the audit-based evaluation of screeningmammogram interpretation Beam, C.A.;Guse, C.E.;Sullivan, D.C.; Academic Radiology 1999-04-01 查看
A sequential chart for the audit-based evaluation of screeningmammogram interpretation Beam, C.A.;Guse, C.E.;Sullivan, D.C.; Academic Radiology 1999-04-01 查看
Proper ROC analysis and joint ROC analysis of the satisfaction ofsearch effect in chest radiology Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Radiology quality and performance metrics on the web: A managementinformation and communications tool Seltzer, S.E.;Kelly, P.;Deibel, G.M.;Ros, P.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Proper ROC analysis and joint ROC analysis of the satisfaction ofsearch effect in chest radiology Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Radiology quality and performance metrics on the web: A managementinformation and communications tool Seltzer, S.E.;Kelly, P.;Deibel, G.M.;Ros, P.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Proper ROC analysis and joint ROC analysis of the satisfaction ofsearch effect in chest radiology Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Radiology quality and performance metrics on the web: A managementinformation and communications tool Seltzer, S.E.;Kelly, P.;Deibel, G.M.;Ros, P.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Role of faulty decision making in the satisfaction of search effect inchest radiography Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Role of faulty decision making in the satisfaction of search effect inchest radiography Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Improving the quality of care through routine teleradiology consultation Kangarloo, H.;Valdez, J.A.;Yao, L.;Chen, S.;Curran, J.;Goldman, D.;Sinha, U.;Dionisio, J.D.;Taira, R.;Sayre, J.;Seeger, L.;Johnson, R.;Barbaric, Z.;Steckel, R.; Academic Radiology 2000-03-01 查看
Improving the quality of care through routine teleradiology consultation Kangarloo, H.;Valdez, J.A.;Yao, L.;Chen, S.;Curran, J.;Goldman, D.;Sinha, U.;Dionisio, J.D.;Taira, R.;Sayre, J.;Seeger, L.;Johnson, R.;Barbaric, Z.;Steckel, R.; Academic Radiology 2000-03-01 查看
Improving the quality of care through routine teleradiology consultation Kangarloo, H.;Valdez, J.A.;Yao, L.;Chen, S.;Curran, J.;Goldman, D.;Sinha, U.;Dionisio, J.D.;Taira, R.;Sayre, J.;Seeger, L.;Johnson, R.;Barbaric, Z.;Steckel, R.; Academic Radiology 2000-03-01 查看
Quantifying the Characteristics of Unambiguous Chest Radiography Reports inthe Context of Pneumonia Chapman, W.W.;Fiszman, M.;Frederick, P.R.;Chapman, B.E.;Haug, P.J.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
Quantifying the Characteristics of Unambiguous Chest Radiography Reports inthe Context of Pneumonia Chapman, W.W.;Fiszman, M.;Frederick, P.R.;Chapman, B.E.;Haug, P.J.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
Machine Classification of Dental Images with Visual Search Carmody, D.P.;McGrath, S.P.;Dunn, S.M.;van der Stelt, P.F.;Schouten, E.; Academic Radiology 2001-12-01 查看
Machine Classification of Dental Images with Visual Search Carmody, D.P.;McGrath, S.P.;Dunn, S.M.;van der Stelt, P.F.;Schouten, E.; Academic Radiology 2001-12-01 查看
Gaze Dwell Times on Acute Trauma Injuries Missed Because of Satisfaction ofSearch Berbaum, K.S.;Brandser, E.A.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
Gaze Dwell Times on Acute Trauma Injuries Missed Because of Satisfaction ofSearch Berbaum, K.S.;Brandser, E.A.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
Effect of Training with the American College of Radiology Breast ImagingReporting and Data System Lexicon on Mammographic Interpretation Skills inDeveloping Countries^1 Lehman, C.D.;Miller, L.;Rutter, C.M.;Tsu, V.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Effect of Training with the American College of Radiology Breast ImagingReporting and Data System Lexicon on Mammographic Interpretation Skills inDeveloping Countries^1 Lehman, C.D.;Miller, L.;Rutter, C.M.;Tsu, V.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Factors Affecting Phantom Scores at Annual Mammography Facility Inspectionsby the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Pisano, E.D.;Britt, G.G.;Lin, Y.;Schell, M.J.;Burns, C.B.;Brown, M.E.; Academic Radiology 2001-09-01 查看
Factors Affecting Phantom Scores at Annual Mammography Facility Inspectionsby the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Pisano, E.D.;Britt, G.G.;Lin, Y.;Schell, M.J.;Burns, C.B.;Brown, M.E.; Academic Radiology 2001-09-01 查看
An Empirical Comparison of Discrete Ratings and Subjective ProbabilityRatings Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
An Empirical Comparison of Discrete Ratings and Subjective ProbabilityRatings Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
Experiences with a workstation prototype for softcopy reading within thebavarian mammography recertification program^1 - workstations andeducation Riesmeier, J.;Eichelberg, M.;Hellemann, H.-P.;Kieschke, J.;Wilkens, T.; Academic Radiology 2004-04-01 查看
Can order of report prevent satisfaction of search in abdominal contraststudies?^1 Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Lu, C.H.; Academic Radiology 2005-01-01 查看
Can order of report prevent satisfaction of search in abdominal contraststudies?^1 Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Lu, C.H.; Academic Radiology 2005-01-01 查看
Can order of report prevent satisfaction of search in abdominal contraststudies?^1 Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Lu, C.H.; Academic Radiology 2005-01-01 查看
Predicting Radiology Resident Errors in Diagnosis of Cervical SpineFractures^1 Goradia, D.;Blackmore, C.C.;Talner, L.B.;Bittles, M.;Meshberg, E.; Academic Radiology 2005-07-01 查看
Can a Checklist Reduce SOS Errors in Chest Radiography? Berbaum, K.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.;Schartz, K.M.; Academic Radiology 2006-03-01 查看
A New Software Tool for Removing, Storing, and Adding Abnormalities toMedical Images for Perception Research Studies Madsen, M.T.;Berbaum, K.S.;Ellingson, A.N.;Thompson, B.H.;Mullan, B.F.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2006-03-01 查看
Can a Checklist Reduce SOS Errors in Chest Radiography? Berbaum, K.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.;Schartz, K.M.; Academic Radiology 2006-03-01 查看
A New Software Tool for Removing, Storing, and Adding Abnormalities toMedical Images for Perception Research Studies Madsen, M.T.;Berbaum, K.S.;Ellingson, A.N.;Thompson, B.H.;Mullan, B.F.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2006-03-01 查看
Can a Checklist Reduce SOS Errors in Chest Radiography? Berbaum, K.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.;Schartz, K.M.; Academic Radiology 2006-03-01 查看
A New Software Tool for Removing, Storing, and Adding Abnormalities toMedical Images for Perception Research Studies Madsen, M.T.;Berbaum, K.S.;Ellingson, A.N.;Thompson, B.H.;Mullan, B.F.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2006-03-01 查看
Can a Checklist Reduce SOS Errors in Chest Radiography? Berbaum, K.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.;Schartz, K.M.; Academic Radiology 2006-03-01 查看
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