



Can a State-of-the-Art d-Dimer Test Be Used to Determine the Need for CTImaging in Patients Suspected of Having Pulmonary Embolism? Irwin, G.A.L.;Luchs, J.S.;Donovan, V.;Katz, D.S.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
Can a State-of-the-Art d-Dimer Test Be Used to Determine the Need for CTImaging in Patients Suspected of Having Pulmonary Embolism? Irwin, G.A.L.;Luchs, J.S.;Donovan, V.;Katz, D.S.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
Multidetector Row CT Pulmonary Angiography and Indirect Venography forthe Diagnosis of Venous Thromboembolic Disease in Intensive Care UnitPatients Kelly, A.M.;Patel, S.;Carlos, R.C.;Cronin, P.;Kazerooni, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2006-04-01 查看
Multidetector Row CT Pulmonary Angiography and Indirect Venography forthe Diagnosis of Venous Thromboembolic Disease in Intensive Care UnitPatients Kelly, A.M.;Patel, S.;Carlos, R.C.;Cronin, P.;Kazerooni, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2006-04-01 查看
Comparison of On-Call Radiology Resident and Faculty Interpretation of4- and 16-row Multidetector CT Pulmonary Angiography with Indirect CTVenography Rufener, S.L.;Patel, S.;Kazerooni, E.A.;Schipper, M.;Kelly, A.M.; Academic Radiology 2008-01-01 查看
Comparison of On-Call Radiology Resident and Faculty Interpretation of4- and 16-row Multidetector CT Pulmonary Angiography with Indirect CTVenography Rufener, S.L.;Patel, S.;Kazerooni, E.A.;Schipper, M.;Kelly, A.M.; Academic Radiology 2008-01-01 查看
Comparison of On-Call Radiology Resident and Faculty Interpretation of4- and 16-row Multidetector CT Pulmonary Angiography with Indirect CTVenography Rufener, S.L.;Patel, S.;Kazerooni, E.A.;Schipper, M.;Kelly, A.M.; Academic Radiology 2008-01-01 查看
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