


Incidence and risk factors of severe traumatic brain injury resultingfrom road accidents: A population-based study Javouhey, E.;Guerin, A.C.;Chiron, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2006-03-01 查看
Rail safety and rail privatisation in Britain Evans, A.W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2007-05-01 查看
Field use patterns and performance of child restraints secured by loweranchors and tethers for children (LATCH) Arbogast, K.B.;Jermakian, J.S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2007-05-01 查看
A systemic analysis of the Edge Hill railway accident Santos-Reyes, J.;Beard, A.N.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2009-11-01 查看
Aviation safety and maintenance under major organizational changes,investigating non-existing accidents Herrera, I.A.;Nordskag, A.O.;Myhre, G.;Halvorsen, K.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2009-11-01 查看
Identification and classification of dynamic event tree scenarios viapossibilistic clustering: Application to a steam generator tube ruptureevent Mercurio, D.;Podofillini, L.;Zio, E.;Dang, V.N.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2009-11-01 查看
Prevalence and correlates of handgun access among adolescents seekingcare in an urban emergency department Loh, K.;Walton, M.A.;Harrison, S.R.;Zimmerman, M.;Stanley, R.;Chermack, S.T.;Cunningham, R.M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-03-01 查看
Operational safety practices as determinants of machinery-relatedinjury on Saskatchewan farms for the Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Team;Narasimhan, G.R.;Peng, Y.;Crowe, T.G.;Hagel, L.;Dosman, J.;Pickett, W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-07-01 查看
Operational safety practices as determinants of machinery-relatedinjury on Saskatchewan farms for the Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Team;Narasimhan, G.R.;Peng, Y.;Crowe, T.G.;Hagel, L.;Dosman, J.;Pickett, W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-07-01 查看
Fatal train accidents on Europe's railways: 1980-2009 Evans, A.W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2011-01-01 查看
A numerical investigation into the effect of CRS misuse on the injurypotential of children in frontal and side impact crashes Kapoor, T.;Altenhof, W.;Snowdon, A.;Howard, A.;Rasico, J.;Zhu, F.;Baggio, D.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2011-07-01 查看
A numerical investigation into the effect of CRS misuse on the injurypotential of children in frontal and side impact crashes Kapoor, T.;Altenhof, W.;Snowdon, A.;Howard, A.;Rasico, J.;Zhu, F.;Baggio, D.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2011-07-01 查看
Fatal accidents at railway level crossings in Great Britain 1946-2009 Evans, A.W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2011-09-01 查看
Fatal accidents at railway level crossings in Great Britain 1946-2009 Evans, A.W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2011-09-01 查看
Restraint use and seating position among child car passengers: Anobservational study in Shanghai Pan, S.;Du, W.;Jiang, F.;Bilston, L.;Brown, J.;Shen, X.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2011-11-01 查看
Prevalence of motor vehicle crashes involving drowsy drivers, UnitedStates, 1999-2008 Tefft, B.C.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
A field evaluation of real-life motor vehicle accidents: Presence ofunrestrained objects and their association with distribution and severityof patient injuries Staff, T.;Eken, T.;Hansen, T.B.;Steen, P.A.;Sovik, S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
Prevalence of motor vehicle crashes involving drowsy drivers, UnitedStates, 1999-2008 Tefft, B.C.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
A field evaluation of real-life motor vehicle accidents: Presence ofunrestrained objects and their association with distribution and severityof patient injuries Staff, T.;Eken, T.;Hansen, T.B.;Steen, P.A.;Sovik, S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
Incidence trends of traumatic spinal cord injury and traumatic braininjury in Spain, 2000-2009 on behalf of the Working Group for the Study of Injuries of the Spanish;Society of Epidemiology;Perez, K.;Novoa, A.M.;Santamarina-Rubio, E.;Narvaez, Y.;Arrufat, V.;Borrell, C.;Cabeza, E.;Cirera, E.;Ferrando, J.;Garcia-Altes, A.;Gonzalez-Luque, J.C.;Lizarbe, V.;Martin-Cantera, C.;Segui-Gomez, M.;Suelves, J.M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-05-01 查看
Grandparents and child passenger safety O'Neil, J.;Bull, M.J.;Slaven, J.E.;Talty, J.L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-11-01 查看
Understanding on-road practices of electric bike riders: Anobservational study in a developed city of China Du, W.;Yang, J.;Powis, B.;Zheng, X.;Ozanne-Smith, J.;Bilston, L.;Wu, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Understanding on-road practices of electric bike riders: Anobservational study in a developed city of China Du, W.;Yang, J.;Powis, B.;Zheng, X.;Ozanne-Smith, J.;Bilston, L.;Wu, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Understanding on-road practices of electric bike riders: Anobservational study in a developed city of China Du, W.;Yang, J.;Powis, B.;Zheng, X.;Ozanne-Smith, J.;Bilston, L.;Wu, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Understanding on-road practices of electric bike riders: Anobservational study in a developed city of China Du, W.;Yang, J.;Powis, B.;Zheng, X.;Ozanne-Smith, J.;Bilston, L.;Wu, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Understanding on-road practices of electric bike riders: Anobservational study in a developed city of China Du, W.;Yang, J.;Powis, B.;Zheng, X.;Ozanne-Smith, J.;Bilston, L.;Wu, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Understanding on-road practices of electric bike riders: Anobservational study in a developed city of China Du, W.;Yang, J.;Powis, B.;Zheng, X.;Ozanne-Smith, J.;Bilston, L.;Wu, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Understanding on-road practices of electric bike riders: Anobservational study in a developed city of China Du, W.;Yang, J.;Powis, B.;Zheng, X.;Ozanne-Smith, J.;Bilston, L.;Wu, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Understanding on-road practices of electric bike riders: Anobservational study in a developed city of China Du, W.;Yang, J.;Powis, B.;Zheng, X.;Ozanne-Smith, J.;Bilston, L.;Wu, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Influences of pre-crash braking induced dummy - Forward displacementson dummy behaviour during EuroNCAP frontal crashtest Woitsch, G.;Sinz, W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Influences of pre-crash braking induced dummy - Forward displacementson dummy behaviour during EuroNCAP frontal crashtest Woitsch, G.;Sinz, W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Influences of pre-crash braking induced dummy - Forward displacementson dummy behaviour during EuroNCAP frontal crashtest Woitsch, G.;Sinz, W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Influences of pre-crash braking induced dummy - Forward displacementson dummy behaviour during EuroNCAP frontal crashtest Woitsch, G.;Sinz, W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Influences of pre-crash braking induced dummy - Forward displacementson dummy behaviour during EuroNCAP frontal crashtest Woitsch, G.;Sinz, W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Comparing the effects of age, BMI and gender on severe injury (AIS 3+)in motor-vehicle crashes Carter, P.M.;Flannagan, C.A.C.;Reed, M.P.;Cunningham, R.M.;Rupp, J.D.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-11-01 查看
Effect of weight, height and BMI on injury outcome in side impactcrashes without airbag deployment Pal, C.;Tomosaburo, O.;Vimalathithan, K.;Jeyabharath, M.;Muthukumar, M.;Satheesh, N.;Narahari, S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-11-01 查看
A prospective study of children aged <16 years in motor vehiclecollisions in Norway: Severe injuries are observed predominantly in olderchildren and are associated with restraint misuse Skjerven-Martinsen, M.;Naess, P.A.;Hansen, T.B.;Gaarder, C.;Lereim, I.;Stray-Pedersen, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-12-01 查看
A tree-structured crash surrogate measure for freeways Kuang, Y.;Qu, X.;Wang, S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-04-01 查看
Severe bicycling injury risk factors in children and adolescents: Acase-control study Hagel, B.E.;Romanow, N.T.R.;Enns, N.;Williamson, J.;Rowe, B.H.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-05-01 查看
The tolerance of the human body to automobile collision impact - asystematic review of injury biomechanics research, 1990-2009 Forman, J.L.;Lopez-Valdes, F.J.;Duprey, S.;Bose, D.;del Pozo de Dios, E.;Subit, D.;Gillispie, T.;Crandall, J.R.;Segui-Gomez, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-07-01 查看
Young driver crash rates by licensing age, driving experience, andlicense phase Curry, A.E.;Pfeiffer, M.R.;Durbin, D.R.;Elliott, M.R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-07-01 查看
The tolerance of the human body to automobile collision impact - asystematic review of injury biomechanics research, 1990-2009 Forman, J.L.;Lopez-Valdes, F.J.;Duprey, S.;Bose, D.;del Pozo de Dios, E.;Subit, D.;Gillispie, T.;Crandall, J.R.;Segui-Gomez, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-07-01 查看
Young driver crash rates by licensing age, driving experience, andlicense phase Curry, A.E.;Pfeiffer, M.R.;Durbin, D.R.;Elliott, M.R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-07-01 查看
Factors affecting the ambulance response times of trauma incidents inSingapore Lam, S.S.W.;Nguyen, F.N.H.L.;Ng, Y.Y.;Lee, V.P.X.;Wong, T.H.;Fook-Chong, S.M.C.;Ong, M.E.H.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-09-01 查看
Factors affecting the ambulance response times of trauma incidents inSingapore Lam, S.S.W.;Nguyen, F.N.H.L.;Ng, Y.Y.;Lee, V.P.X.;Wong, T.H.;Fook-Chong, S.M.C.;Ong, M.E.H.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-09-01 查看
Trends in local newspaper reporting of London cyclist fatalities1992-2012: the role of the media in shaping the systems dynamics of cycling Macmillan, A.;Roberts, A.;Woodcock, J.;Aldred, R.;Goodman, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2016-01-01 查看
Trends in local newspaper reporting of London cyclist fatalities1992-2012: the role of the media in shaping the systems dynamics of cycling Macmillan, A.;Roberts, A.;Woodcock, J.;Aldred, R.;Goodman, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2016-01-01 查看
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