


Preventing vehicle crashes with trains at grade crossings: the risk seekerchallenge Witte, K.;Donohue, W.A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2000-01-01 查看
Preventing vehicle crashes with trains at grade crossings: the risk seekerchallenge Witte, K.;Donohue, W.A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2000-01-01 查看
How the presence of passengers influences the risk of a collision withanother vehicle Vollrath, M.;Meilinger, T.;Kruger, H.-P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2002-09-01 查看
Therapeutic communication part 1: general approaches that enhance thequality of the consultation O'Gara, P.E.;Fairhurst, W.; Accident and Emergency Nursing 2004-07-01 查看
An exploration of nurse-patient relationships in accident and emergency Baillie, L.; Accident and Emergency Nursing 2005-01-01 查看
Breach avoidance facilitator - managing the A&E 4-hour target Cronin, J.G.;Wright, J.; Accident and Emergency Nursing 2006-01-01 查看
''About a cupful'' - A prospective study into accuracy of volumeestimation by medical and nursing staff McConnell, J.S.;Fox, T.J.;Josson, J.P.;Subramanian, A.; Accident and Emergency Nursing 2007-04-01 查看
''About a cupful'' - A prospective study into accuracy of volumeestimation by medical and nursing staff McConnell, J.S.;Fox, T.J.;Josson, J.P.;Subramanian, A.; Accident and Emergency Nursing 2007-04-01 查看
A systemic analysis of the Edge Hill railway accident Santos-Reyes, J.;Beard, A.N.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2009-11-01 查看
Collision avoidance timing analysis of DSRC-based vehicles Tang, A.;Yip, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-01-01 查看
The role of organizational trust in safety climate's influence onorganizational outcomes Kath, L.M.;Magley, V.J.;Marmet, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-09-01 查看
Spying or steering? Views of parents of young novice drivers on the useand ethics of driver-monitoring technologies Guttman, N.;Lotan, T.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2011-01-01 查看
Safety climate in OHSAS 18001-certified organisations: Antecedents andconsequences of safety behaviour Fernandez-Muniz, B.;Montes-Peon, J.M.;Vazquez-Ordas, C.J.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
Safety climate in OHSAS 18001-certified organisations: Antecedents andconsequences of safety behaviour Fernandez-Muniz, B.;Montes-Peon, J.M.;Vazquez-Ordas, C.J.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
The role of sensation seeking, perceived peer pressure, and harmfulalcohol use in riding with an alcohol-impaired driver Kim, J.H.;Kim, K.S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-09-01 查看
The role of sensation seeking, perceived peer pressure, and harmfulalcohol use in riding with an alcohol-impaired driver Kim, J.H.;Kim, K.S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-09-01 查看
The role of sensation seeking, perceived peer pressure, and harmfulalcohol use in riding with an alcohol-impaired driver Kim, J.H.;Kim, K.S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-09-01 查看
Parent comments and instruction during the first four months ofsupervised driving: An opportunity missed? Goodwin, A.H.;Foss, R.D.;Margolis, L.H.;Harrell, S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-08-01 查看
A prospective study of children aged <16 years in motor vehiclecollisions in Norway: Severe injuries are observed predominantly in olderchildren and are associated with restraint misuse Skjerven-Martinsen, M.;Naess, P.A.;Hansen, T.B.;Gaarder, C.;Lereim, I.;Stray-Pedersen, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-12-01 查看
Evaluating traffic informers: Testing the behavioral andsocial-cognitive effects of an adolescent bicycle safety education program Feenstra, H.;Ruiter, R.A.C.;Kok, G.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-12-01 查看
Examining the relative effectiveness of different message framingstrategies for child passenger safety: Recommendations for increasedcomprehension and compliance Will, K.E.;Decina, L.E.;Maple, E.L.;Perkins, A.M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-06-01 查看
Persuasive appeals in road safety communication campaigns: Theoreticalframeworks and practical implications from the analysis of a decade of roadsafety campaign materials Guttman, N.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-11-01 查看
Staying silent about safety issues: Conceptualizing and measuringsafety silence motives Manapragada, A.;Bruk-Lee, V.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2016-06-01 查看
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