


Driver's views and behaviors about safety in China-What do they NOTknow about driving? Zhang, W.;Huang, Y.H.;Roetting, M.;Wang, Y.;Wei, H.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2006-01-01 查看
Evaluation of community-based programs to increase booster seat use St. Louis, R.M.;Parow, J.E.;Eby, D.W.;Bingham, C.R.;Hockanson, H.M.;Greenspan, A.I.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2008-01-01 查看
Reliability of drivers in urban intersections Gstalter, H.;Fastenmeier, W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-01-01 查看
Cyclists in roundaboutsDifferent design solutions Sakshaug, L.;Laureshyn, A.;Svensson, A.;Hyden, C.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-07-01 查看
Cyclists in roundabouts-Different design solutions Sakshaug, L.;Laureshyn, A.;Svensson, A.;Hyden, C.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-07-01 查看
Population-level estimates of child restraint practices among childrenaged 0-12 years in NSW, Australia Brown, J.;Hatfield, J.;Du, W.;Finch, C.F.;Bilston, L.E.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-11-01 查看
The perception of pedestrians from the perspective of elderlyexperienced and experienced drivers Bromberg, S.;Oron-Gilad, T.;Ronen, A.;Borowsky, A.;Parmet, Y.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-01-01 查看
The validity of self-reported seatbelt use in a country where levels ofuse are low Ozkan, T.;Puvanachandra, P.;Lajunen, T.;Hoe, C.;Hyder, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-07-01 查看
The validity of self-reported seatbelt use in a country where levels ofuse are low Ozkan, T.;Puvanachandra, P.;Lajunen, T.;Hoe, C.;Hyder, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-07-01 查看
Is naturalistic driving research possible with highly instrumentedcars? Lessons learnt in three research centres Valero-Mora, P.M.;Tontsch, A.;Welsh, R.;Morris, A.;Reed, S.;Touliou, K.;Margaritis, D.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-09-01 查看
The value of site-based observations complementary to naturalisticdriving observations: A pilot study on the right turn manoeuvre van Nes, N.;Christoph, M.;Hoedemaeker, M.;van der Horst, R.A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-09-01 查看
Ergonomic analyses within the French transport and logistics sector:First steps towards a new ''act elsewhere'' prevention approach Wioland, L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Ergonomic analyses within the French transport and logistics sector:First steps towards a new ''act elsewhere'' prevention approach Wioland, L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Ergonomic analyses within the French transport and logistics sector:First steps towards a new ''act elsewhere'' prevention approach Wioland, L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Ergonomic analyses within the French transport and logistics sector:First steps towards a new ''act elsewhere'' prevention approach Wioland, L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Ergonomic analyses within the French transport and logistics sector:First steps towards a new ''act elsewhere'' prevention approach Wioland, L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Ergonomic analyses within the French transport and logistics sector:First steps towards a new ''act elsewhere'' prevention approach Wioland, L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Ergonomic analyses within the French transport and logistics sector:First steps towards a new ''act elsewhere'' prevention approach Wioland, L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Ergonomic analyses within the French transport and logistics sector:First steps towards a new ''act elsewhere'' prevention approach Wioland, L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Keeping baby safe: A randomized trial of a parent training program forinfant and toddler motor vehicle injury prevention Swartz, L.;Glang, A.;Schwebel, D.C.;GeigerWolfe, E.G.;Gau, J.;Schroeder, S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
Keeping baby safe: A randomized trial of a parent training program forinfant and toddler motor vehicle injury prevention Swartz, L.;Glang, A.;Schwebel, D.C.;GeigerWolfe, E.G.;Gau, J.;Schroeder, S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
Traffic conflicts on bicycle paths: A systematic observation ofbehaviour from video van der Horst, A.R.A.;de Goede, M.;de Hair-Buijssen, S.;Methorst, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Traffic conflicts on bicycle paths: A systematic observation ofbehaviour from video van der Horst, A.R.A.;de Goede, M.;de Hair-Buijssen, S.;Methorst, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Traffic conflicts on bicycle paths: A systematic observation ofbehaviour from video van der Horst, A.R.A.;de Goede, M.;de Hair-Buijssen, S.;Methorst, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Traffic conflicts on bicycle paths: A systematic observation ofbehaviour from video van der Horst, A.R.A.;de Goede, M.;de Hair-Buijssen, S.;Methorst, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Traffic conflicts on bicycle paths: A systematic observation ofbehaviour from video van der Horst, A.R.A.;de Goede, M.;de Hair-Buijssen, S.;Methorst, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
How accurately do drivers evaluate their own driving behavior? Anon-road observational study Amado, S.;Arikan, E.;Kaca, G.;Koyuncu, M.;Turkan, B.N.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-02-01 查看
How accurately do drivers evaluate their own driving behavior? Anon-road observational study Amado, S.;Arikan, E.;Kaca, G.;Koyuncu, M.;Turkan, B.N.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-02-01 查看
Drivers' phone use at red traffic lights: A roadside observation studycomparing calls and visual-manual interactions Huth, V.;Sanchez, Y.;Brusque, C.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-01-01 查看
Red light violations by adult pedestrians and other safety-relatedbehaviors at signalized crosswalks Dommes, A.;Granie, M.A.;Cloutier, M.S.;Coquelet, C.;Huguenin-Richard, F.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-07-01 查看
Red light violations by adult pedestrians and other safety-relatedbehaviors at signalized crosswalks Dommes, A.;Granie, M.A.;Cloutier, M.S.;Coquelet, C.;Huguenin-Richard, F.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-07-01 查看
Drivers' behavioral responses to combined speed and red light cameras Polders, E.;Cornu, J.;De Ceunynck, T.;Daniels, S.;Brijs, K.;Brijs, T.;Hermans, E.;Wets, G.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-08-01 查看
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