篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Selection-for-action in visual search |
Hannus, A.;Cornelissen, F.W.;Lindemann, O.;Bekkering, H.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-01-01 |
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Quantifying the interactions between allo- and egocentricrepresentations of space |
Neggers, S.F.W.;Scholvinck, M.L.;van der Lubbe, R.H.J.;Postma, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-01-01 |
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Quantifying the interactions between allo- and egocentricrepresentations of space |
Neggers, S.F.W.;Scholvinck, M.L.;van der Lubbe, R.H.J.;Postma, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-01-01 |
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Selection-for-action in visual search |
Hannus, A.;Cornelissen, F.W.;Lindemann, O.;Bekkering, H.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-01-01 |
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Is egocentric space automatically encoded? |
Pouliot, S.;Gagnon, S.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-03-01 |
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Save the last dance for me: unwanted serial position effects in juryevaluations |
Bruine de Bruin, W.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-03-01 |
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Capturing product experiences: a split-modality approach |
Schifferstein, H.N.J.;Cleiren, M.P.H.D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-03-01 |
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Is egocentric space automatically encoded? |
Pouliot, S.;Gagnon, S.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-03-01 |
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Save the last dance for me: unwanted serial position effects in juryevaluations |
Bruine de Bruin, W.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-03-01 |
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Capturing product experiences: a split-modality approach |
Schifferstein, H.N.J.;Cleiren, M.P.H.D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-03-01 |
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Timed picture naming norms for 590 pictures in Dutch |
Severens, E.;Lommel, S.V.;Ratinckx, E.;Hartsuiker, R.J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-06-01 |
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The effects of action video game experience on the time course ofinhibition of return and the efficiency of visual search |
Castel, A.D.;Pratt, J.;Drummond, E.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-06-01 |
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Measuring automatic retrieval: a comparison of implicit memory, processdissociation, and speeded response procedures |
Horton, K.D.;Wilson, D.E.;Vonk, J.;Kirby, S.L.;Nielsen, T.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-07-01 |
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An evaluation of the minimal constraining information duringobservation for movement reproduction |
Hodges, N.J.;Hayes, S.J.;Breslin, G.;Williams, A.M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-07-01 |
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Measuring automatic retrieval: a comparison of implicit memory, processdissociation, and speeded response procedures |
Horton, K.D.;Wilson, D.E.;Vonk, J.;Kirby, S.L.;Nielsen, T.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-07-01 |
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An evaluation of the minimal constraining information duringobservation for movement reproduction |
Hodges, N.J.;Hayes, S.J.;Breslin, G.;Williams, A.M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-07-01 |
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Verbal coding and the storage of form-position associations invisual-spatial short-term memory |
Dent, K.;Smyth, M.M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-10-01 |
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Effects of stimulus-stimulus compatibility and stimulus-responsecompatibility on response inhibition |
Verbruggen, F.;Liefooghe, B.;Notebaert, W.;Vandierendonck, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-11-01 |
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Learning a new human-computer alphabet: The role of similarity andpractice |
Patterson, J.T.;Lee, T.D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-11-01 |
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Learning a new human-computer alphabet: The role of similarity andpractice |
Patterson, J.T.;Lee, T.D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-11-01 |
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Effects of stimulus-stimulus compatibility and stimulus-responsecompatibility on response inhibition |
Verbruggen, F.;Liefooghe, B.;Notebaert, W.;Vandierendonck, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-11-01 |
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Models of high-dimensional semantic space predict language-mediated eyemovements in the visual world |
Huettig, F.;Quinlan, P.T.;McDonald, S.A.;Altmann, G.T.M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-01-01 |
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Numerosity-duration interference: A Stroop experiment |
Dormal, V.;Seron, X.;Pesenti, M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-02-01 |
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Regarding time-sharing with convergent operations |
Tsang, P.S.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-02-01 |
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Entitling art: Influence of title information on understanding andappreciation of paintings |
Leder, H.;Carbon, C.C.;Ripsas, A.L.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-02-01 |
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Oscillatory motion induces change blindness |
Schofield, A.J.;Bishop, N.J.;Allen, J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-03-01 |
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The use of recognition information and additional cues in inferencesfrom memory |
Broder, A.;Eichler, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-03-01 |
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Differential involvement of internal clock and working memory in theproduction and reproduction of duration: A study on older adults |
Baudouin, A.;Vanneste, S.;Isingrini, M.;Pouthas, V.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-03-01 |
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Redundancy gain with static versus moving hands: A test of thehemispheric coactivation model |
Miller, J.;Adam, J.J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-05-01 |
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The impact of secondary tasks on multitasking in a virtual environment |
Law, A.S.;Logie, R.H.;Pearson, D.G.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-05-01 |
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Episodic feeling-of-knowing accuracy and cued recall in the elderly:Evidence for double dissociation involving executive functioning andprocessing speed |
Perrotin, A.;Isingrini, M.;Souchay, C.;Clarys, D.;Taconnat, L.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-05-01 |
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The potentiation of two components of the reach-to-grasp action duringobject categorisation in visual memory |
Derbyshire, N.;Ellis, R.;Tucker, M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-05-01 |
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Development of letter-specific processing: The effect of reading ability |
Burgund, E.D.;Schlaggar, B.L.;Petersen, S.E.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-05-01 |
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The differential effect of realistic and unrealistic counterfactualthinking on regret |
Sevdalis, N.;Kokkinaki, F.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-06-01 |
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Endogenous versus exogenous attentional cuing effects on memory |
Hauer, B.J.A.;MacLeod, C.M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-07-01 |
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Automatic response activation of implicit spatial information: Evidencefrom the SNARC effect |
Gevers, W.;Lammertyn, J.;Notebaert, W.;Verguts, T.;Fias, W.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-07-01 |
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Effect of short and long exposure duration and dual-tasking on aglobal-local task |
Andres, A.J.D.;Fernandes, M.A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-07-01 |
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Estimating the quantitative relation between incongruent informationand response time |
Kerzel, D.;Weigelt, M.;Bosbach, S.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-07-01 |
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Violation of pure insertion during mental rotation is independent ofstimulus type, task, and subjects' age |
Jansen-Osmann, P.;Heil, M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-07-01 |
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Perceived physical and social causality in animated motions:Spontaneous reports and ratings |
Schlottmann, A.;Ray, E.D.;Mitchell, A.;Demetriou, N.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-09-01 |
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Introduction to Michotte's heritage in perception and cognition research |
Wagemans, J.;van Lier, R.;Scholl, B.J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-09-01 |
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Age differences in memory control: Evidence from updating andretrieval-practice tasks |
Lechuga, M.T.;Moreno, V.;Pelegrina, S.;Gomez-Ariza, C.J.;Bajo, M.T.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-11-01 |
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Save the last dance II: Unwanted serial position effects in figureskating judgments |
Bruine de Bruin, W.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-11-01 |
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Effects of processing fluency on comparative performance judgments |
Reber, R.;Meier, B.;Ruch-Monachon, M.A.;Tiberini, M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-11-01 |
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The nature of the syllabic neighbourhood effect in French |
Mathey, S.;Zagar, D.;Doignon, N.;Seigneuric, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2006-11-01 |
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Developmental changes in oculomotor control and working-memoryefficiency |
Eenshuistra, R.M.;Richard Ridderinkhof, K.;Weidema, M.A.;van der Molen, M.W.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-01-01 |
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Visual object affordances: Object orientation |
Symes, E.;Ellis, R.;Tucker, M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-02-01 |
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Inhibition of return for expected and unexpected targets |
Taylor, T.L.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-03-01 |
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Nonverbal representation of time and number in adults |
Roitman, J.D.;Brannon, E.M.;Andrews, J.R.;Platt, M.L.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-03-01 |
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I saw it for longer than you: The relationship between perceivedencoding duration and memory conformity |
Gabbert, F.;Memon, A.;Wright, D.B.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-03-01 |
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The effect of orientation on number word processing |
Kadosh, R.C.;Henik, A.;Rubinsten, O.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-03-01 |
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Verbal, visual, and spatial working memory in written languageproduction |
Kellogg, R.T.;Olive, T.;Piolat, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-03-01 |
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