篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Magnitude versus parity in numerical judgements: Event-related brainpotentials implicate response conflict as the source of interference |
Otten, L.J.;Sudevan, P.;Logan, G.D.;Coles, M.G.H.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1996-10-01 |
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Magnitude versus parity in numerical judgements: Event-related brainpotentials implicate response conflict as the source of interference |
Otten, L.J.;Sudevan, P.;Logan, G.D.;Coles, M.G.H.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1996-10-01 |
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Why naming takes longer than reading? The special case of Arabic numbers |
Ferrand, L.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1999-01-01 |
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Nonverbal representation of time and number in adults |
Roitman, J.D.;Brannon, E.M.;Andrews, J.R.;Platt, M.L.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-03-01 |
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Simple arithmetic processing: Surface form effects in a priming task |
Jackson, N.;Coney, J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-05-01 |
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Simple arithmetic processing: Surface form effects in a priming task |
Jackson, N.;Coney, J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-05-01 |
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The role of working memory in the association between number magnitudeand space |
Herrera, A.;Macizo, P.;Semenza, C.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2008-06-01 |
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Automaticity for numerical magnitude of two-digit Arabic numbers inchildren |
Mussolin, C.;Noel, M.P.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2008-10-01 |
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Eye fixation behaviour in the number bisection task: Evidence fortemporal specificity |
Moeller, K.;Fischer, M.H.;Nuerk, H.C.;Willmes, K.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2009-07-01 |
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The reliability of and the relation between non-symbolic numericaldistance effects in comparison, same-different judgments and priming |
Sasanguie, D.;Defever, E.;Van den Bussche, E.;Reynvoet, B.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2011-01-01 |
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Cognitive control in number processing: Evidence from the unit-decadecompatibility effect |
Macizo, P.;Herrera, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2011-01-01 |
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Relationships between number and space processing in adults with andwithout dyscalculia |
Mussolin, C.;Martin, R.;Schiltz, C.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2011-09-01 |
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The A Theory Of Magnitude (ATOM) model in temporal perception andreproduction tasks |
Fabbri, M.;Cancellieri, J.;Natale, V.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2012-01-01 |
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Nonsymbolic numerical magnitude comparison: Reliability and validity ofdifferent task variants and outcome measures, and their relationship toarithmetic achievement in adults |
Price, G.R.;Palmer, D.;Battista, C.;Ansari, D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2012-05-01 |
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Multi-digit number processing beyond the two-digit number range: Acombination of sequential and parallel processes |
Meyerhoff, H.S.;Moeller, K.;Debus, K.;Nuerk, H.C.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2012-05-01 |
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Approaching stimuli bias attention in numerical space |
Longo, M.R.;Lourenco, S.F.;Francisco, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2012-06-01 |
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Intuitive sense of number correlates with math scores oncollege-entrance examination |
Libertus, M.E.;Odic, D.;Halberda, J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2012-11-01 |
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Are 1/2 and 0.5 represented in the same way? |
Ganor-Stern, D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2013-03-01 |
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Your neighbors define your value: A study of spatial bias in numbercomparison |
Shaki, S.;Fischer, M.H.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2013-03-01 |
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The link between mental rotation ability and basic numericalrepresentations |
Thompson, J.M.;Nuerk, H.C.;Moeller, K.;Cohen Kadosh, R.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2013-10-01 |
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The link between mental rotation ability and basic numericalrepresentations |
Thompson, J.M.;Nuerk, H.C.;Moeller, K.;Cohen Kadosh, R.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2013-10-01 |
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Differences in the acuity of the Approximate Number System in adults:The effect of mathematical ability |
Guillaume, M.;Nys, J.;Mussolin, C.;Content, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2013-11-01 |
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Differences in the acuity of the Approximate Number System in adults:The effect of mathematical ability |
Guillaume, M.;Nys, J.;Mussolin, C.;Content, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2013-11-01 |
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The association between children's numerical magnitude processing andmental multi-digit subtraction |
Linsen, S.;Verschaffel, L.;Reynvoet, B.;De Smedt, B.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2014-01-01 |
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Indexing the approximate number system |
Inglis, M.;Gilmore, C.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2014-01-01 |
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Indexing the approximate number system |
Inglis, M.;Gilmore, C.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2014-01-01 |
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The association between children's numerical magnitude processing andmental multi-digit subtraction |
Linsen, S.;Verschaffel, L.;Reynvoet, B.;De Smedt, B.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2014-01-01 |
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Relating numeric cognition and language processing: Do numbers andwords share a common representational platform? |
Lachmair, M.;Dudschig, C.;de la Vega, I.;Kaup, B.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2014-05-01 |
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Association between individual differences in non-symbolic numberacuity and math performance: A meta-analysis |
Chen, Q.;Li, J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2014-05-01 |
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Concurrent validity of approximate number sense tasks in adults andchildren |
Smets, K.;Gebuis, T.;Defever, E.;Reynvoet, B.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2014-07-01 |
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When you don't have to be exact: Investigating computational estimationskills with a comparison task |
Ganor-Stern, D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-01-01 |
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Can conceptual congruency effects between number, time, and space beaccounted for by polarity correspondence? |
Santiago, J.;Lakens, D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-03-01 |
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Can conceptual congruency effects between number, time, and space beaccounted for by polarity correspondence? |
Santiago, J.;Lakens, D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-03-01 |
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Can conceptual congruency effects between number, time, and space beaccounted for by polarity correspondence? |
Santiago, J.;Lakens, D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-03-01 |
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Mental representations of magnitude and order: A dissociation bysensorimotor learning |
Badets, A.;Boutin, A.;Heuer, H.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-05-01 |
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Mental representations of magnitude and order: A dissociation bysensorimotor learning |
Badets, A.;Boutin, A.;Heuer, H.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-05-01 |
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Is 9 louder than 1? Audiovisual cross-modal interactions between numbermagnitude and judged sound loudness |
Alards-Tomalin, D.;Walker, A.C.;Shaw, J.D.M.;Leboe-McGowan, L.C.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-09-01 |
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Dot comparison stimuli are not all alike: The effect of differentvisual controls on ANS measurement |
Clayton, S.;Gilmore, C.;Inglis, M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-10-01 |
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Approximate number and approximate time discrimination each correlatewith school math abilities in young children |
Odic, D.;Lisboa, J.V.;Eisinger, R.;Olivera, M.G.;Maiche, A.;Halberda, J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2016-01-01 |
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