



Object identification is isolated from scene semantic constraint: evidencefrom object type and token discrimination Hollingworth, A.;Henderson, J.M.; Acta Psychologica 1999-09-01 查看
Implicit identification of irrelevant local objects interacts withglobal/local processing of hierarchical stimuli Poirel, N.;Pineau, A.;Mellet, E.; Acta Psychologica 2006-07-01 查看
Describing scenes hardly seen Dobel, C.;Gumnior, H.;Bolte, J.;Zwitserlood, P.; Acta Psychologica 2007-06-01 查看
Look what I have felt: Unidentified haptic line drawings are identifiedafter sketching Wijntjes, M.W.A.;van Lienen, T.;Verstijnen, I.M.;Kappers, A.M.L.; Acta Psychologica 2008-06-01 查看
The time course of object encoding McAuliffe, S.P.;Knowlton, B.J.; Acta Psychologica 2009-11-01 查看
Haptic object matching by blind and sighted adults and children Withagen, A.;Kappers, A.M.L.;Vervloed, M.P.J.;Knoors, H.;Verhoeven, L.; Acta Psychologica 2012-02-01 查看
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