


Is visual anticipation of collision during self-motion related toperceptual style? Berthelon, C.;Mestre, D.;Pottier, A.;Pons, R.; Acta Psychologica 1998-03-01 查看
Style follows content: On the microgenesis of art perception Augustin, M.D.;Leder, H.;Hutzler, F.;Carbon, C.C.; Acta Psychologica 2008-05-01 查看
When a Picasso is a Picasso: The entry point in the identification ofvisual art Belke, B.;Leder, H.;Harsanyi, G.;Carbon, C.C.; Acta Psychologica 2010-02-01 查看
What is the source of cultural differences? -- Examining the influenceof thinking style on the attribution process Jen, C.H.;Lien, Y.W.; Acta Psychologica 2010-02-01 查看
Consistent constructs in individuals risk taking in decisions fromexperience Ert, E.;Yechiam, E.; Acta Psychologica 2010-06-01 查看
Cognitive consequences of motivational orientation: Perceivedsimilarity between objects Nussinson, R.;Seibt, B.;Hafner, M.;Strack, F.; Acta Psychologica 2011-09-01 查看
Global precedence effect in audition and vision: Evidence for similarcognitive styles across modalities Bouvet, L.;Rousset, S.;Valdois, S.;Donnadieu, S.; Acta Psychologica 2011-10-01 查看
Sequential vs simultaneous encoding of spatial information: Acomparison between the blind and the sighted Ruotolo, F.;Ruggiero, G.;Vinciguerra, M.;Iachini, T.; Acta Psychologica 2012-02-01 查看
Event segmentation and seven types of narrative discontinuity inpopular movies Cutting, J.E.; Acta Psychologica 2014-06-01 查看
Event segmentation and seven types of narrative discontinuity inpopular movies Cutting, J.E.; Acta Psychologica 2014-06-01 查看
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