


Reduction of mosquito biting pressure by timed-release 0.3% aerosolizedgeraniol Revay, E.E.;Junnila, A.;Kline, D.L.;Xue, R.D.;Bernier, U.R.;Kravchenko, V.D.;Yefremova, Z.A.;Muller, G.C.; Acta Tropica 2012-10-01 查看
Reduction of mosquito biting pressure by timed-release 0.3% aerosolizedgeraniol Revay, E.E.;Junnila, A.;Kline, D.L.;Xue, R.D.;Bernier, U.R.;Kravchenko, V.D.;Yefremova, Z.A.;Muller, G.C.; Acta Tropica 2012-10-01 查看
Phoenix dactylifera L. spathe essential oil: Chemical composition andrepellent activity against the yellow fever mosquito Demirci, B.;Tsikolia, M.;Bernier, U.R.;Agramonte, N.M.;Alqasoumi, S.I.;Al-Yahya, M.A.;Al-Rehaily, A.J.;Yusufoglu, H.S.;Demirci, F.;Baser, K.H.C.;Khan, I.A.;Tabanca, N.; Acta Tropica 2013-12-01 查看
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