


Health education to promote community involvement in the control oftropical diseases Brieger, W.R.; Acta Tropica 1996-04-01 查看
Community participation in the eradication of guinea worm disease Cairncross, S.;Braide, E.I.;Bugri, S.Z.; Acta Tropica 1996-04-01 查看
Health education to promote community involvement in the control oftropical diseases Brieger, W.R.; Acta Tropica 1996-04-01 查看
Community participation in the eradication of guinea worm disease Cairncross, S.;Braide, E.I.;Bugri, S.Z.; Acta Tropica 1996-04-01 查看
Lymphatic filariasis related perceptions and practices on the coast ofGhana: implications for prevention and control Ahorlu, C.K.;Dunyo, S.K.;Koram, K.A.;Nkrumah, F.K.;Aagaard-Hansen, J.;Simonsen, P.E.; Acta Tropica 1999-10-15 查看
Veterinary education, zoonoses and public health: a personal perspective Cripps, P.J.; Acta Tropica 2000-07-21 查看
Effect of lymphatic filariasis on school children Ramaiah, K.D.;Vijay Kumar, K.N.; Acta Tropica 2000-09-18 查看
Effect of lymphatic filariasis on school children Ramaiah, K.;Vijay Kumar, K.; Acta Tropica 2000-09-18 查看
Public health education/importance and experience from the field.Educational impact of community-based ultrasound screening surveys Kachani, M.;Macpherson, C.N.L.;Lyagoubi, M.;Berrada, M.;Bouslikhane, M.;Kachani, F.;El Hasnaoui, M.; Acta Tropica 2003-02-01 查看
The role of health education and sanitation in the control of helminthinfections Asaolu, S.O.;Ofoezie, I.E.; Acta Tropica 2003-05-01 查看
Using electronic technology for Taenia solium education: educating theeducators Sanchez, A.L.;Fairfield, T.; Acta Tropica 2003-06-01 查看
Extension materials for meat-borne parasitic diseases in developingcountries Rimm, M.; Acta Tropica 2003-06-01 查看
Neurocysticercosis: regional status, epidemiology, impact and controlmeasures in the Americas Flisser, A.;Sarti, E.;Lightowlers, M.;Schantz, P.; Acta Tropica 2003-06-01 查看
Measures for the prevention and control of Taenia solium taeniosis andcysticercosis Sarti, E.;Rajshekhar, V.; Acta Tropica 2003-06-01 查看
Predicting the timing of second praziquantel treatment and its effect onreduction of egg counts in southern Ghana Nsowah-Nuamah, N.N.N.;Aryeetey, M.E.;Jolayemi, E.T.;Wagatsuma, Y.;Mensah, G.;Dontwi, I.K.;Nkrumah, F.K.;Kojima, S.; Acta Tropica 2004-05-01 查看
The role of 'passive chemotherapy' plus health education forschistosomiasis control in China during maintenance and consolidation phase Guo, J.G.;Chun-Li, C.;Guang-Han, H.;Han, L.;Dong, L.;Rong, Z.;Jing, X.; Acta Tropica 2005-11-01 查看
The role of health education and health promotion in the control ofschistosomiasis: experiences from a 12-year intervention study in thePoyang Lake area Hu, G.H.;Jia, H.;Song, K.Y.;Lin, D.D.;Zhang, J.;Cao, C.L.;Xu, J.;Li, D.;Jiang, W.S.; Acta Tropica 2005-11-01 查看
School-based interventions to enhance knowledge and improve casemanagement of schistosomiasis: a case study from Hunan, China Yuan, L.P.;Manderson, L.;Ren, M.Y.;Li, G.P.;Yu, D.B.;Fang, J.C.; Acta Tropica 2005-11-01 查看
Management of malaria threat following tsunami in Andaman & NicobarIslands, India and impact of altered environment created by tsunami onmalaria situation of the islands Kumari, R.;Joshi, P.L.;Lal, S.;Shah, W.; Acta Tropica 2009-11-01 查看
Impact of health education on the prevalence of enterobiasis in Koreanpreschool students Kang, I.S.;Kim, D.H.;An, H.G.;Son, H.M.;Cho, M.K.;Park, M.K.;Kang, S.A.;Kim, B.Y.;Yu, H.S.; Acta Tropica 2012-04-01 查看
Control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in Yunnan province, People'sRepublic of China: Experiences and lessons from a 5-year multi-interventiontrial Steinmann, P.;Yap, P.;Utzinger, J.;Du, Z.W.;Jiang, J.Y.;Chen, R.;Wu, F.W.;Chen, J.X.;Zhou, H.;Zhou, X.N.; Acta Tropica 2015-01-01 查看
School-based and community-based actions for scaling-up diagnosis andtreatment of schistosomiasis toward its elimination in an endemic area ofBrazil Favre, T.C.;Pereira, A.P.B.;Beck, L.C.N.H.;Galvao, A.F.;Pieri, O.S.; Acta Tropica 2015-09-01 查看
School-based and community-based actions for scaling-up diagnosis andtreatment of schistosomiasis toward its elimination in an endemic area ofBrazil Favre, T.C.;Pereira, A.P.B.;Beck, L.C.N.H.;Galvao, A.F.;Pieri, O.S.; Acta Tropica 2015-09-01 查看
Integrated health messaging for multiple neglected zoonoses:Approaches, challenges and opportunities in Morocco Ducrotoy, M.J.;Yahyaoui Azami, H.;El Berbri, I.;Bouslikhane, M.;Fassi Fihri, O.;Boue, F.;Petavy, A.F.;Dakkak, A.;Welburn, S.;Bardosh, K.L.; Acta Tropica 2015-12-01 查看
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