


Interethnic differences in carriage of haemoglobin AS and Fc@c receptorIIa (CD32) genotypes in children living in eastern Sudan Nasr, A.;ElGhazali, G.;Giha, H.;Troye-Blomberg, M.;Berzins, K.; Acta Tropica 2008-02-01 查看
Ethnic differences in susceptibility to malaria: What have we learnedfrom immuno-epidemiological studies in West Africa? Arama, C.;Maiga, B.;Dolo, A.;Kouriba, B.;Traore, B.;Crompton, P.D.;Pierce, S.K.;Troye-Blomberg, M.;Miller, L.H.;Doumbo, O.K.; Acta Tropica 2015-06-01 查看
Serological survey of bovine brucellosis in Fulani nomadic cattlebreeds (Bos indicus) of North-central Nigeria: Potential risk factors andzoonotic implications Alhaji, N.B.;Wungak, Y.S.;Bertu, W.J.; Acta Tropica 2016-01-01 查看
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