


Knowledge and practice of residents about malaria in southeast Iran (1994) Zaim, M.;Naseeri-Nejad, D.;Azoordegan, F.;Emadi, A.M.; Acta Tropica 1997-04-15 查看
Knowledge and practice of residents about malaria in southeast Iran (1994) Zaim, M.;Naseeri-Nejad, D.;Azoordegan, F.;Emadi, A.M.; Acta Tropica 1997-04-15 查看
Knowledge and beliefs about causes, transmission, treatment and control ofhuman onchocerciasis in rural communities in south western Nigeria Awolola, T.S.;Manafa, O.U.;Rotimi, O.O.;Ogunrinade, A.F.; Acta Tropica 2000-10-02 查看
Folk knowledge about dengue mosquitoes and contributions of healthbelief model in dengue control promotion in Northeast Thailand Phuanukoonnon, S.;Brough, M.;Bryan, J.H.; Acta Tropica 2006-08-01 查看
Knowledge, attitude and practice on malaria: A study in a tribal beltof Orissa state, India with reference to use of long lasting treatedmosquito nets Vijayakumar, K.N.;Gunasekaran, K.;Sahu, S.S.;Jambulingam, P.; Acta Tropica 2009-11-01 查看
Knowledge, perceptions and practices of farming communities on linkagesbetween malaria and agriculture in Mvomero District, Tanzania Mboera, L.E.G.;Shayo, E.H.;Senkoro, K.P.;Rumisha, S.F.;Mlozi, M.R.S.;Mayala, B.K.; Acta Tropica 2010-02-01 查看
Beyond the 'back yard': Lay knowledge about Aedes aegypti in northernAustralia and its implications for policy and practice McNaughton, D.;Clough, A.;Johnson, P.;Ritchie, S.;O'Neill, S.; Acta Tropica 2010-10-01 查看
Keeping leeches at bay: Field evaluation of plant-derived extractsagainst terrestrial blood-sucking leeches (Haemadipsidae) in Lao PDR Vongsombath, C.;de Boer, H.J.;Palsson, K.; Acta Tropica 2011-08-01 查看
Perceived illness drives participation in mass deworming campaigns inLaos Phongluxa, K.;van Eeuwijk, P.;Soukhathammavong, P.A.;Akkhavong, K.;Odermatt, P.; Acta Tropica 2015-01-01 查看
Schistosomiasis in a migrating population in the lake region of Chinaand its potential impact on control operation Cao, C.l.;Bao, Z.p.;Li, S.z.;Wei, W.y.;Yi, P.;Yu, Q.;Zhu, H.q.;Xu, J.;Guo, J.g.;Feng, Z.; Acta Tropica 2015-05-01 查看
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