


PTSD substance abuse comorbidity and treatment utilization Brown, P.J.;Recupero, P.R.;Stout, R.; Addictive Behaviors 1995-03-04 查看
Course and treatment of patients with both substance use and posttraumaticstress disorders - Mapping the territory Ouimette, P.C.;Brown, P.J.;Najavits, L.M.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Substance use and posttraumatic stress disorders: Symptom interplay andeffects on outcome Read, J.P.;Brown, P.J.;Kahler, C.W.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-11-01 查看
Health and well being of substance use disorder patients with andwithout posttraumatic stress disorder Ouimette, P.;Goodwin, E.;Brown, P.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-08-01 查看
Precipitants of first substance use in recently abstinent substance usedisorder patients with PTSD Ouimette, P.;Coolhart, D.;Funderburk, J.S.;Wade, M.;Brown, P.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-08-01 查看
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