


Expectancies for alcohol to affect tension and anxiety as a function oftime - Defined by phase of intoxication and drinking experience Kushner, M.G.;Thuras, P.;Kaminski, J.;Anderson, N.;Neumeyer, B.;Mackenzie, T.; Addictive Behaviors 2000-01-01 查看
Alcohol expectancies and social deficits relating to problem drinking amongcollege students Lewis, B.A.;O'Neill, H.K.; Addictive Behaviors 2000-03-01 查看
Hyperventilation, anxiety sensitivity and the expectations for alcohol use- Subjective and physiological reactivity to alcohol cues Mulligan, M.E.;McKay, D.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-05-01 查看
Evaluation of a treatment-appropriate cognitive intervention forchallenging alcohol outcome expectancies Corbin, W.R.;McNair, L.D.;Carter^1, J.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-07-01 查看
Social cognitive determinants of drinking in young adults - Beyond thealcohol expectancies paradigm Dijkstra, A.;Sweeney, L.;Gebhardt, W.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-09-01 查看
Alcohol expectancies of women and men in relation to alcohol use andperceptions of the effects of alcohol on the opposite sex Borjesson, W.I.;Dunn, M.E.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-09-01 查看
Negative emotional expectancies and readiness to change among collegestudent binge drinkers McNally, A.M.;Palfai, T.P.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-09-01 查看
Rational decision perspectives on alcohol consumption by youth - Revisingthe theory of planned behavior Kuther, T.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2002-01-01 查看
The association of alcohol and family problems in a remote indigenousAustralian community Kelly, A.B.;Kowalyszyn, M.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-06-01 查看
Alcohol expectancies, alcohol consumption, and problem drinking - Themoderating role of family history Conway, K.P.;Swendsen, J.D.;Merikangas, K.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-07-01 查看
Alcohol expectancies: - Integrating cognitive science and psychometricapproaches Aarons, G.A.;Goldman, M.S.;Greenbaum, P.E.;Coovert, M.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-07-01 查看
A cognitive model of binge drinking: The influence of alcohol expectanciesand drinking refusal self-efficacy Oei, T.P.S.;Morawska, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
A cognitive model of binge drinking: The influence of alcohol expectanciesand drinking refusal self-efficacy Oei, T.P.S.;Morawska, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
A cognitive model of binge drinking: The influence of alcoholexpectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy Oei, T.P.S.;Morawska, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
Do alcohol expectancies moderate the relationship between parentalalcoholism and adult drinking behaviors? Ohannessian, C.M.;Hesselbrock, V.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-07-01 查看
Negative alcohol consumption outcome associations in young and mature adultsocial drinkers: A route to drinking restraint? Gadon, L.;Bruce, G.;McConnochie, F.;Jones, B.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-09-01 查看
Negative alcohol consumption outcome associations in young and mature adultsocial drinkers: A route to drinking restraint? Gadon, L.;Bruce, G.;McConnochie, F.;Jones, B.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-09-01 查看
Binge drinking in university students: A test of the cognitive model Morawska, A.;Oei, T.P.S.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-02-01 查看
Alcohol expectancies and drinking behaviors in Mexican American collegestudents Zamboanga, B.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-05-01 查看
The problem of binge drinking among Italian university students: Apreliminary investigation D'Alessio, M.;Baiocco, R.;Laghi, F.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-12-01 查看
Social anxiety, alcohol expectancies, and self-efficacy as predictorsof heavy drinking in college students Gilles, D.M.;Turk, C.L.;Fresco, D.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-03-01 查看
Alcohol expectancies and current mood state in social drinkers Demmel, R.;Nicolai, J.;Gregorzik, S.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-05-01 查看
Alcohol expectancies for social facilitation: A short form withdecreased bias Mackintosh, M.A.;Earleywine, M.;Dunn, M.E.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-09-01 查看
It does the job: Young adults discuss their malt liquor consumption Bradizza, C.M.;Collins, R.L.;Vincent, P.C.;Falco, D.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-09-01 查看
Alcohol expectancies and risky drinking among men and women athigh-risk for HIV infection in Cape Town South Africa Kalichman, S.C.;Simbayi, L.C.;Cain, D.;Jooste, S.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
Development and initial validation of the Worry-Reduction AlcoholExpectancy Scale Smith, J.P.;Tran, G.Q.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
Rape blame as a function of alcohol presence and resistance type Sims, C.M.;Noel, N.E.;Maisto, S.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-12-01 查看
The relationship between alcohol expectancies and drinking restraint intreatment seeking alcohol dependent patients Connor, J.P.;Gudgeon, E.T.;Young, R.McD.;Saunders, J.B.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-07-01 查看
Alcohol outcome expectancies and drinking to cope with social situations Carrigan, M.H.;Ham, L.S.;Thomas, S.E.;Randall, C.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2008-09-01 查看
A motivational model of alcohol misuse in emerging adulthood Kong, G.;Bergman, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2010-10-01 查看
A cognitive model for the intergenerational transference of alcohol usebehavior Campbell, J.M.;Oei, T.P.; Addictive Behaviors 2010-02-01 查看
The intergenerational transference of alcohol use behaviour fromparents to offspring: A test of the cognitive model Campbell, J.M.;Oei, T.P.; Addictive Behaviors 2010-07-01 查看
Family history of alcohol abuse associated with problematic drinkingamong college students LaBrie, J.W.;Migliuri, S.;Kenney, S.R.;Lac, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2010-07-01 查看
To drink or not to drink: Motives and expectancies for use and nonusein adolescence Anderson, K.G.;Grunwald, I.;Bekman, N.;Brown, S.A.;Grant, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-10-01 查看
Alcohol-involved assault: Associations with posttrauma alcohol use,consequences, and expectancies Bedard-Gilligan, M.;Kaysen, D.;Desai, S.;Lee, C.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-11-01 查看
Incremental validity of college alcohol beliefs in the prediction offreshman drinking and its consequences: A prospective study Osberg, T.M.;Insana, M.;Eggert, M.;Billingsley, K.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-04-01 查看
The relationship between coping strategies, alcohol expectancies,drinking motives and drinking behaviour Hasking, P.;Lyvers, M.;Carlopio, C.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-05-01 查看
''This would be better drunk'': Alcohol expectancies become morepositive while drinking in the college social environment LaBrie, J.W.;Grant, S.;Hummer, J.F.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-08-01 查看
''This would be better drunk'': Alcohol expectancies become morepositive while drinking in the college social environment LaBrie, J.W.;Grant, S.;Hummer, J.F.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-08-01 查看
Self-medication or social learning? A comparison of models to predictearly adolescent drinking Tomlinson, K.L.;Brown, S.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-02-01 查看
Using the Drinking Expectancy Questionnaire (revised scoring method) inclinical practice Li, H.K.;Dingle, G.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-02-01 查看
Alcohol expectancies and social self-efficacy as mediators ofdifferential intervention outcomes for college hazardous drinkers withsocial anxiety Black, J.J.;Tran, G.Q.;Goldsmith, A.A.;Thompson, R.D.;Smith, J.P.;Welge, J.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-03-01 查看
The dimensionality and measurement properties of alcohol outcomeexpectancies across Hispanic national groups Mills, B.;Caetano, R.;Ramisetty-Mikler, S.;Bernstein, I.H.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-03-01 查看
Positive alcohol expectancies mediate the influence of the behavioralactivation system on alcohol use: A prospective path analysis Wardell, J.D.;Read, J.P.;Colder, C.R.;Merrill, J.E.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-04-01 查看
Personality and alcohol metacognitions as predictors of weekly levelsof alcohol use in binge drinking university students Clark, A.;Tran, C.;Weiss, A.;Caselli, G.;Nikcevic, A.V.;Spada, M.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-04-01 查看
Impulsivity is not always associated with student drinking: Amoderation study of impulsivity and drinking by positive alcoholexpectancies Carlson, S.R.;Johnson, S.C.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-04-01 查看
From Animal House to Old School: A multiple mediation analysis of theassociation between college drinking movie exposure and freshman drinkingand its consequences Osberg, T.M.;Billingsley, K.;Eggert, M.;Insana, M.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-08-01 查看
How does the Brief CEOA match with self-generated expectancies inmandated students? Peterson, C.;Borsari, B.;Mastroleo, N.R.;Read, J.;Carey, K.B.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-01-01 查看
Patterns of substance use among Argentinean adolescents and analysis ofthe effect of age at first alcohol use on substance use behaviors Pilatti, A.;Godoy, J.C.;Brussino, S.A.;Pautassi, R.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-12-01 查看
Patterns of substance use among Argentinean adolescents and analysis ofthe effect of age at first alcohol use on substance use behaviors Pilatti, A.;Godoy, J.C.;Brussino, S.A.;Pautassi, R.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-12-01 查看
Risky cognitions associated with adolescent alcohol misuse: Moraldisengagement, alcohol expectancies and perceived self-regulatory efficacy Newton, N.C.;Barrett, E.L.;Swaffield, L.;Teesson, M.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-01-01 查看
Caffeinated alcohol consumption profiles and associations with useseverity and outcome expectancies Lau-Barraco, C.;Milletich, R.J.;Linden, A.N.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-01-01 查看
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