


The predictive utility of drinking refusal self-efficacy and alcoholexpectancy - A diary-based study of tension reduction Young, R.M.;Oei, T.P.S.; Addictive Behaviors 2000-05-01 查看
Alcohol expectancy and drinking refusal self-efficacy - A test ofspecificity theory Oei, T.P.S.;Burrow, T.; Addictive Behaviors 2000-07-01 查看
The roles of alcohol and alcohol expectancy in the dampening of responsesto hyperventilation among high anxiety sensite young adults MacDonald, A.B.;Stewart, S.H.;Hutson^1, R.;Rhyno^2, E.;Loughlin^3, H.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-11-01 查看
An experimental test of an alcohol expectancy challenge in mixed gendergroups of young heavy drinkers Wiers, R.W.;Kummeling, R.H.C.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
An experimental test of an alcohol expectancy challenge in mixed gendergroups of young heavy drinkers Wiers, R.W.;Kummeling, R.H.C.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
An experimental test of an alcohol expectancy challenge in mixed gendergroups of young heavy drinkers Wiers, R.W.;Kummeling, R.H.C.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
Reactivity to conspicuousness and alcohol use among college students: Themoderating effect of alcohol expectancies Crawford, L.A.;Novak, K.B.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-12-01 查看
Negative mood, implicit alcohol-related memory, and alcohol use inyoung adults: The moderating effect of alcohol expectancy Kelly, A.B.;Masterman, P.W.;Young, R.McD.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-01-01 查看
Parental problem drinking predicts implicit alcohol expectancy inadolescents and young adults Belles, S.;Budde, A.;Moesgen, D.;Klein, M.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-11-01 查看
Effects of mood and urgency on activation of general and specificalcohol expectancies Treloar, H.R.;McCarthy, D.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-01-01 查看
Using the Drinking Expectancy Questionnaire (revised scoring method) inclinical practice Li, H.K.;Dingle, G.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-02-01 查看
The relationship between parental alcohol use and college students'alcohol-related cognitions Glanton, C.F.;Wulfert, E.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-11-01 查看
The relationship between parental alcohol use and college students'alcohol-related cognitions Glanton, C.F.;Wulfert, E.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-11-01 查看
Personality, cognition and hazardous drinking: Support for the2-Component Approach to Reinforcing Substances Model Harnett, P.H.;Lynch, S.J.;Gullo, M.J.;Dawe, S.;Loxton, N.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-12-01 查看
Personality, cognition and hazardous drinking: Support for the2-Component Approach to Reinforcing Substances Model Harnett, P.H.;Lynch, S.J.;Gullo, M.J.;Dawe, S.;Loxton, N.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-12-01 查看
Peer influences on alcohol expectancies in early adolescence: A studyof concurrent and prospective predictors in Taiwan Ting, T.T.;Chen, W.J.;Liu, C.Y.;Lin, Y.C.;Chen, C.Y.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-01-01 查看
Peer influences on alcohol expectancies in early adolescence: A studyof concurrent and prospective predictors in Taiwan Ting, T.T.;Chen, W.J.;Liu, C.Y.;Lin, Y.C.;Chen, C.Y.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-01-01 查看
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