


A mediated moderation model of cigarette use among Mexican American youth Morgan-Lopez, A.A.;Castro, F.G.;Chassin, L.;MacKinnon, D.P.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-04-01 查看
Motivation to quit as a mediator of tobacco cessation among at-riskyouth McCuller, W.J.;Sussman, S.;Wapner, M.;Dent, C.;Weiss, D.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-05-01 查看
Impulsivity and the reinforcing value of cigarette smoking Doran, N.;McChargue, D.;Cohen, L.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-01-01 查看
Differentiating between sensation seeking and impulsivity through theirmediated relations with alcohol use and problems Magid, V.;MacLean, M.G.;Colder, C.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
Motives for smoking and drinking: Country and gender differences insamples of Hungarian and US high school students Piko, B.F.;Wills, T.A.;Walker, C.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
Single-session expectancy challenge with young heavy drinkers on holiday van de Luitgaarden, J.;Wiers, R.W.;Knibbe, R.A.;Candel, M.J.J.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-12-01 查看
Impulsivity and negative emotionality associated with substance useproblems and Cluster B personality in college students James, L.M.;Taylor, J.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-04-01 查看
Measurement invariance of alcohol use motivations in junior militarypersonnel at risk for depression or anxiety Williams, J.;Jones, S.B.;Pemberton, M.R.;Bray, R.M.;Brown, J.M.;Vandermaas-Peeler, R.; Addictive Behaviors 2010-05-01 查看
Selected impulsivity facets with alcohol use/problems: The mediatingrole of drinking motives Curcio, A.L.;George, A.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-10-01 查看
The role of self-efficacy in the treatment of substance use disorders Kadden, R.M.;Litt, M.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-12-01 查看
The mediating effect of depressive symptoms on the relationship betweentraumatic childhood experiences and drug use initiation Fishbein, D.;Novak, S.P.;Krebs, C.;Warner, T.;Hammond, J.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-05-01 查看
Explaining associations between cannabis use disorders in adolescenceand later major depression: A test of the psychosocial failure model Marmorstein, N.R.;Iacono, W.G.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-07-01 查看
Avoidance coping strategies, alexithymia and alcohol abuse: A mediationanalysis Coriale, G.;Bilotta, E.;Leone, L.;Cosimi, F.;Porrari, R.;De Rosa, F.;Ceccanti, M.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-11-01 查看
Self-control and jail inmates' substance misuse post-release: Mediationby friends' substance use and moderation by age Malouf, E.;Stuewig, J.;Tangney, J.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-11-01 查看
The stress-response dampening hypothesis: How self-esteem and stressact as mechanisms between negative parental bonds and alcohol-relatedproblems in emerging adulthood Backer-Fulghum, L.M.;Patock-Peckham, J.A.;King, K.M.;Roufa, L.;Hagen, L.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-04-01 查看
From Animal House to Old School: A multiple mediation analysis of theassociation between college drinking movie exposure and freshman drinkingand its consequences Osberg, T.M.;Billingsley, K.;Eggert, M.;Insana, M.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-08-01 查看
A cluster randomized trial on the effects of a parent and studentintervention on alcohol use in adolescents four years after baseline; noevidence of catching-up behavior Koning, I.M.;van den Eijnden, R.J.J.M.;Verdurmen, J.E.E.;Engels, R.C.M.E.;Vollebergh, W.A.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-04-01 查看
Attachment and alcohol use amongst athletes: The mediating role ofconscientiousness and alexithymia Andres, F.;Castanier, C.;Le Scanff, C.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-02-01 查看
Attachment and alcohol use amongst athletes: The mediating role ofconscientiousness and alexithymia Andres, F.;Castanier, C.;Le Scanff, C.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-02-01 查看
The mediating role of depression in the relationship between anxietysensitivity and alcohol dependence Lechner, W.V.;Shadur, J.M.;Banducci, A.N.;Grant, D.M.;Morse, M.;Lejuez, C.W.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-08-01 查看
Direct and indirect links between parenting styles, self-concealment(secrets), impaired control over drinking and alcohol-related outcomes Hartman, J.D.;Patock-Peckham, J.A.;Corbin, W.R.;Gates, J.R.;Leeman, R.F.;Luk, J.W.;King, K.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-01-01 查看
Direct and indirect links between parenting styles, self-concealment(secrets), impaired control over drinking and alcohol-related outcomes Hartman, J.D.;Patock-Peckham, J.A.;Corbin, W.R.;Gates, J.R.;Leeman, R.F.;Luk, J.W.;King, K.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-01-01 查看
Drowning the pain: Intimate partner violence and drinking to copeprospectively predict problem drinking Overup, C.S.;DiBello, A.M.;Brunson, J.A.;Acitelli, L.K.;Neighbors, C.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-02-01 查看
Drowning the pain: Intimate partner violence and drinking to copeprospectively predict problem drinking Overup, C.S.;DiBello, A.M.;Brunson, J.A.;Acitelli, L.K.;Neighbors, C.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-02-01 查看
Low self-esteem and positive beliefs about smoking: A destructivecombination for male college students Hale, W.J.;Perrotte, J.K.;Baumann, M.R.;Garza, R.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-07-01 查看
Low self-esteem and positive beliefs about smoking: A destructivecombination for male college students Hale, W.J.;Perrotte, J.K.;Baumann, M.R.;Garza, R.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-07-01 查看
Different digital paths to the keg? How exposure to peers'alcohol-related social media content influences drinking among male andfemale first-year college students Boyle, S.C.;LaBrie, J.W.;Froidevaux, N.M.;Witkovic, Y.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2016-06-01 查看
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