


Does this patient really want treatment? Factors associated withbaseline and evolving readiness for change among hospitalized substanceusing adults interested in treatment Pollini, R.A.;O'Toole, T.P.;Ford, D.;Bigelow, G.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-10-01 查看
Tobacco use among medical professionals in Kerala, India: The need forenhanced tobacco cessation and control efforts Mohan, S.;Pradeepkumar, A.S.;Thresia, C.U.;Thankappan, K.R.;Poston, W.S.C.;Haddock, C.K.;Pinkston, M.M.;Muramoto, M.L.;Nichter, M.;Nichter, M.;Lando, H.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-12-01 查看
Attitude changes among emergency department triage staff afterconducting routine alcohol screening Nordqvist, C.;Johansson, K.;Lindqvist, K.;Bendtsen, P.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-02-01 查看
Decreased depression in marijuana users Denson, T.F.;Earleywine, M.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-04-01 查看
Transtheoretical model constructs in smokers with and without medicalillness: A second look at the medical effect Wagner, J.;Heapy, A.;Frantsve, L.;Abbott, G.;Burg, M.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2006-07-01 查看
Binge drinking and health behavior in medical students Keller, S.;Maddock, J.E.;Laforge, R.G.;Velicer, W.F.;Basler, H.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-03-01 查看
Factors associated with the use of solvents and cannabis by medicalstudents Di Pietro, M.C.;Doering-Silveira, E.B.;Oliveira, M.P.T.;Rosa-Oliveira, L.Q.;Da Silveira, D.X.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-08-01 查看
Evolutional pattern of drug use by medical students Da Silveira, D.X.;Rosa-Oliveira, L.;Di Pietro, M.;Niel, M.;Doering-Silveira, E.;Jorge, M.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2008-03-01 查看
Evolutional pattern of drug use by medical students Da Silveira, D.X.;Rosa-Oliveira, L.;Di Pietro, M.;Niel, M.;Doering-Silveira, E.;Jorge, M.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2008-03-01 查看
Pill-poppers and dopers: A comparison of non-medical prescription druguse and illicit/street drug use among college students Ford, J.A.;Arrastia, M.C.; Addictive Behaviors 2008-07-01 查看
The health encounter as a treatable moment for homeless substance-usingadults: The role of homelessness, health seeking behavior, readiness forbehavior change and motivation for treatment O'Toole, T.P.;Pollini, R.A.;Ford, D.E.;Bigelow, G.; Addictive Behaviors 2008-09-01 查看
Gender and prescription opioids: Findings from the National Survey onDrug Use and Health Back, S.E.;Payne, R.L.;Simpson, A.N.;Brady, K.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2010-11-01 查看
Intolerance for Smoking Abstinence Questionnaire: Psychometricproperties and relationship to tobacco dependence and abstinence Sirota, A.D.;Rohsenow, D.J.;MacKinnon, S.V.;Martin, R.A.;Eaton, C.A.;Kaplan, G.B.;Monti, P.M.;Tidey, J.W.;Swift, R.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2010-07-01 查看
Heavy use versus less heavy use of sedatives among non-medical sedativeusers: Characteristics and correlates Nattala, P.;Leung, K.S.;Abdallah, A.B.;Cottler, L.B.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-01-01 查看
Correlates of non-medical prescription drug use among a cohort ofinjection drug users in Baltimore City Khosla, N.;Juon, H.S.;Kirk, G.D.;Astemborski, J.;Mehta, S.H.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-12-01 查看
Non-medical use of prescription drugs in a national sample of collegewomen McCauley, J.L.;Amstadter, A.B.;Macdonald, A.;Danielson, C.K.;Ruggiero, K.J.;Resnick, H.S.;Kilpatrick, D.G.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-07-01 查看
Characteristics and correlates of men and women with prescriptionopioid dependence Back, S.E.;Lawson, K.M.;Singleton, L.M.;Brady, K.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-08-01 查看
Characteristics and correlates of men and women with prescriptionopioid dependence Back, S.E.;Lawson, K.M.;Singleton, L.M.;Brady, K.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-08-01 查看
A controlled trial of the adjunct use of d-cycloserine to facilitatecognitive behavioral therapy outcomes in a cocaine-dependent population Kennedy, A.P.;Gross, R.E.;Whitfield, N.;Drexler, K.P.G.;Kilts, C.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-08-01 查看
Adolescents' nonmedical use and excessive medical use of prescriptionmedications and the identification of substance use subgroups Cranford, J.A.;McCabe, S.E.;Boyd, C.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-11-01 查看
Adolescents' nonmedical use and excessive medical use of prescriptionmedications and the identification of substance use subgroups Cranford, J.A.;McCabe, S.E.;Boyd, C.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-11-01 查看
Intolerance for discomfort among smokers: Comparison ofsmoking-specific and non-specific measures to smoking history and patterns Sirota, A.D.;Rohsenow, D.J.;Dolan, S.L.;Martin, R.A.;Kahler, C.W.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-03-01 查看
Substance use among women receiving post-rape medical care, associatedpost-assault concerns and current substance abuse: Results from a nationaltelephone household probability sample McCauley, J.L.;Kilpatrick, D.G.;Walsh, K.;Resnick, H.S.; Addictive Behaviors 2013-04-01 查看
Prescription opioid use among university students: Assessment ofpost-cue exposure craving Ashrafioun, L.;Carels, R.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-03-01 查看
Prescription opioid use among university students: Assessment ofpost-cue exposure craving Ashrafioun, L.;Carels, R.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-03-01 查看
Prescription opioid use among university students: Assessment ofpost-cue exposure craving Ashrafioun, L.;Carels, R.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-03-01 查看
Prescription opioid use among university students: Assessment ofpost-cue exposure craving Ashrafioun, L.;Carels, R.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-03-01 查看
Medical and nonmedical use of prescription benzodiazepine anxiolyticsamong U.S. high school seniors McCabe, S.E.;West, B.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2014-05-01 查看
Normative perceptions of non-medical stimulant use: Associations withactual use and hazardous drinking Kilmer, J.R.;Geisner, I.M.;Gasser, M.L.;Lindgren, K.P.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-03-01 查看
Normative perceptions of non-medical stimulant use: Associations withactual use and hazardous drinking Kilmer, J.R.;Geisner, I.M.;Gasser, M.L.;Lindgren, K.P.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-03-01 查看
Intolerance for withdrawal discomfort and motivation predictvoucher-based smoking treatment outcomes for smokers with substance usedisorders Rohsenow, D.J.;Tidey, J.W.;Kahler, C.W.;Martin, R.A.;Colby, S.M.;Sirota, A.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-04-01 查看
Health service utilization of heroin abusers: A retrospective cohortstudy Chen, I.M.;Huang, C.L.C.;Yeh, B.J.;Chien, Y.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-06-01 查看
Cost-effectiveness analysis of smoking-cessation counseling trainingfor physicians and pharmacists Cantor, S.B.;Deshmukh, A.A.;Luca, N.S.;Nogueras-Gonzalez, G.M.;Rajan, T.;Prokhorov, A.V.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-06-01 查看
Health anxiety and the non-medical use of prescription drugs in youngadults: A cross-sectional study Jeffers, A.J.;Benotsch, E.G.;Green, B.A.;Bannerman, D.;Darby, M.;Kelley, T.;Martin, A.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-11-01 查看
Cannabis species and cannabinoid concentration preference amongsleep-disturbed medicinal cannabis users Belendiuk, K.A.;Babson, K.A.;Vandrey, R.;Bonn-Miller, M.O.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-11-01 查看
Non-medical use of psychoactive drugs in relation to suicide tendenciesamong Chinese adolescents Juan, W.;Jian-Xiong, D.;Lan, G.;Yuan, H.;Xue, G.;Jing-Hui, H.;Guo-Liang, H.;Ci-Yong, L.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-12-01 查看
Non-medical use of psychoactive drugs in relation to suicide tendenciesamong Chinese adolescents Juan, W.;Jian-Xiong, D.;Lan, G.;Yuan, H.;Xue, G.;Jing-Hui, H.;Guo-Liang, H.;Ci-Yong, L.; Addictive Behaviors 2015-12-01 查看
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