篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
A randomised trial of early warning signs relapse prevention trainingin the treatment of alcohol dependence |
Bennett, G.A.;Withers, J.;Thomas, P.W.;Higgins, D.S.;Bailey, J.;Parry, L.;Davies, E.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
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Twelve-month follow-up of a smoking relapse prevention intervention forpostpartum women - Impact on maternal smoking and relapse |
Ratner, P.A.;Johnson, J.L.;Bottorff, J.L.;Dahinten, S.;Hall, W.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2000-01-01 |
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Naltrexone and relapse prevention treatment for cocaine-dependent patients |
Schmitz, J.M.;Stotts, A.L.;Rhoades, H.M.;Grabowski, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-03-01 |
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Naltrexone and relapse prevention treatment for cocaine-dependent patients |
Schmitz, J.M.;Stotts, A.L.;Rhoades, H.M.;Grabowski, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-03-01 |
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Bupropion for pharmacologic relapse prevention to smoking - Predictors ofoutcome |
Hurt, R.D.;Wolter, T.D.;Rigotti, N.;Hays, J.T.;Niaura, R.;Durcan, M.J.;Gonzales, D.;Sachs, D.P.L.;Johnston, J.A.;Offord, K.P.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2002-07-01 |
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An examination of the process of relapse prevention therapy designed to aidsmoking cessation |
Stoffelmayr, B.;Wadland, W.C.;Pan, W.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-09-01 |
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Context of relapse for substance-dependent adults with and without comorbidpsychiatric disorders |
Tate, S.R.;Brown, S.A.;Unrod, M.;Ramo, D.E.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-12-01 |
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A randomised trial of early warning signs relapse prevention trainingin the treatment of alcohol dependence |
Bennett, G.A.;Withers, J.;Thomas, P.W.;Higgins, D.S.;Bailey, J.;Parry, L.;Davies, E.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-07-01 |
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Drug Stroop performance: Relationships with primary substance of useand treatment outcome in a drug-dependent outpatient sample |
Carpenter, K.M.;Schreiber, E.;Church, S.;McDowell, D.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-01-01 |
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Spontaneous smoking cessation during pregnancy among ethnic minoritywomen: A preliminary investigation |
Morasco, B.J.;Dornelas, E.A.;Fischer, E.H.;Oncken, C.;Lando, H.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-02-01 |
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Can transtheoretical model measures predict relapse from the actionstage of change among ex-smokers who quit after calling a quitline? |
Segan, C.J.;Borland, R.;Greenwood, K.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-03-01 |
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Randomized controlled trial of relapse prevention and a standardbehavioral intervention with adult smokers |
Schroter, M.;Collins, S.E.;Frittrang, T.;Buchkremer, G.;Batra, A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-07-01 |
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The use of GEE for analyzing longitudinal binomial data: A primer usingdata from a tobacco intervention |
Lee, J.H.;Herzog, T.A.;Meade, C.D.;Webb, M.S.;Brandon, T.H.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-01-01 |
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Smoking cessation and relapse prevention for postpartum women: Resultsfrom a randomized controlled trial at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months |
Hannover, W.;Thyrian, J.R.;Roske, K.;Grempler, J.;Rumpf, H.J.;John, U.;Hapke, U.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2009-01-01 |
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Perceived support to stay quit: What happens after delivery? |
Park, E.R.;Chang, Y.;Quinn, V.P.;Ross, K.;Rigotti, N.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2009-12-01 |
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The effectiveness comparison of Jitai tablets versus methadone incommunity-based drug treatment: A 1-year follow-up study |
Hao, S.Q.;Zhao, M.;Zhang, R.W.;Zhang, J.C.;Zhang, J.;Feng, X.S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2013-10-01 |
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The effectiveness comparison of Jitai tablets versus methadone incommunity-based drug treatment: A 1-year follow-up study |
Hao, S.Q.;Zhao, M.;Zhang, R.W.;Zhang, J.C.;Zhang, J.;Feng, X.S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2013-10-01 |
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The effectiveness comparison of Jitai tablets versus methadone incommunity-based drug treatment: A 1-year follow-up study |
Hao, S.Q.;Zhao, M.;Zhang, R.W.;Zhang, J.C.;Zhang, J.;Feng, X.S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2013-10-01 |
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Mindfulness-based relapse prevention with racial and ethnic minoritywomen |
Witkiewitz, K.;Greenfield, B.L.;Bowen, S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2013-12-01 |
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Mindfulness-based relapse prevention with racial and ethnic minoritywomen |
Witkiewitz, K.;Greenfield, B.L.;Bowen, S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2013-12-01 |
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Mindfulness-based relapse prevention for substance craving |
Witkiewitz, K.;Bowen, S.;Douglas, H.;Hsu, S.H.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2013-02-01 |
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Enactment of home practice following mindfulness-based relapseprevention and its association with substance-use outcomes |
Grow, J.C.;Collins, S.E.;Harrop, E.N.;Marlatt, G.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2015-01-01 |
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Enactment of home practice following mindfulness-based relapseprevention and its association with substance-use outcomes |
Grow, J.C.;Collins, S.E.;Harrop, E.N.;Marlatt, G.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2015-01-01 |
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