



A mechanistic dynamic model to estimate beef cattle growth and bodycomposition: 1. Model description Hoch, T.;Agabriel, J.; Agricultural Systems 2004-07-01 查看
A mechanistic dynamic model to estimate beef cattle growth and bodycomposition: 2. Model evaluation Hoch, T.;Agabriel, J.; Agricultural Systems 2004-07-01 查看
A dynamic bio-economic model to simulate optimal adjustments of sucklercow farm management to production and market shocks in France Mosnier, C.;Agabriel, J.;Lherm, M.;Reynaud, A.; Agricultural Systems 2009-10-01 查看
Environmental impacts of cow-calf beef systems with contrastedgrassland management and animal production strategies in the MassifCentral, France Morel, K.;Farrie, J.P.;Renon, J.;Manneville, V.;Agabriel, J.;Devun, J.; Agricultural Systems 2016-05-01 查看
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