


Economic optimization of dairy heifer management decisions Mourits, M.C.M.;Huirne, R.B.M.;Dijkhuizen, A.A.;Kristensen, A.R.;Galligan, D.T.; Agricultural Systems 1999-07-01 查看
Exploring the link between farmers' objectives and the phenomenon ofpasture degradation in the beef production systems of Central Brazil Costa, F.P.;Rehman, T.; Agricultural Systems 1999-08-01 查看
A Decision Support System for smallholder campesino maize-cattle productionsystems of the Toluca Valley in Central Mexico. Part II-Emulating thefarming system Castelan-Ortega, O.A.;Fawcett, R.H.;Arriaga-Jordan, C.;Herrero, M.; Agricultural Systems 2003-01-01 查看
Concepts in production ecology for analysis and design of animal andplant-animal production systems van de Ven, G.W.J.;de Ridder, N.;van Keulen, H.;van Ittersum, M.K.; Agricultural Systems 2003-05-01 查看
A simple ecological sustainability simulator (SESS) for stocking ratemanagement on semi-arid grazinglands Daz-Solis, H.;Kothmann, M.M.;Hamilton, W.T.;Grant, W.E.; Agricultural Systems 2003-05-01 查看
A decision support system to improve individual cattle management. 1. Amechanistic, dynamic model for animal growth Tedeschi, L.O.;Fox, D.G.;Guiroy, P.J.; Agricultural Systems 2004-02-01 查看
A decision support system to improve individual cattle management. 1. Amechanistic, dynamic model for animal growth Tedeschi, L.O.;Fox, D.G.;Guiroy, P.J.; Agricultural Systems 2004-02-01 查看
A mechanistic dynamic model to estimate beef cattle growth and bodycomposition: 1. Model description Hoch, T.;Agabriel, J.; Agricultural Systems 2004-07-01 查看
A mechanistic dynamic model to estimate beef cattle growth and bodycomposition: 2. Model evaluation Hoch, T.;Agabriel, J.; Agricultural Systems 2004-07-01 查看
Adaptation to Agenda 2000 (CAP reform) and optimisation of the farmingsystem of French suckler cattle farms in the Charolais area: a model-basedstudy Veysset, P.;Bebin, D.;Lherm, M.; Agricultural Systems 2005-02-01 查看
Simulation modelling of dairy cattle performance based on knowledge ofgenotype, environment and genotype by environment interactions: currentstatus Bryant, J.;Lopez-Villalobos, N.;Holmes, C.;Pryce, J.; Agricultural Systems 2005-11-01 查看
Water buffalo and cattle ranching in the Lower Amazon Basin:Comparisons and conflicts Sheikh, P.A.;Merry, F.D.;McGrath, D.G.; Agricultural Systems 2006-03-01 查看
Comparative economics of Holstein/Gir F"1 dairy female production andconventional beef cattle suckler herds - A simulation study Guimaraes, P.H.S.;Madalena, F.E.;Cezar, I.M.; Agricultural Systems 2006-06-01 查看
Application of a simple ecological sustainability simulator (SESS) as amanagement tool in the semi-arid rangelands of northeastern Mexico Diaz-Solis, H.;Kothmann, M.M.;Grant, W.E.;De Luna-Villarreal, R.; Agricultural Systems 2006-06-01 查看
Stochastic simulation of mountain beef cattle systems Villalba, D.;Casasus, I.;Sanz, A.;Bernues, A.;Estany, J.;Revilla, R.; Agricultural Systems 2006-09-01 查看
Stochastic simulation of mountain beef cattle systems Villalba, D.;Casasus, I.;Sanz, A.;Bernues, A.;Estany, J.;Revilla, R.; Agricultural Systems 2006-09-01 查看
Effects of silvopastoral areas on milk production at dual-purposecattle farms at the semi-humid old agricultural frontier in centralNicaragua Yamamoto, W.;Dewi, I.A.;Ibrahim, M.; Agricultural Systems 2007-05-01 查看
Relating long-term rainfall variability to cattle population dynamicsin communal rangelands and a government ranch in southern Ethiopia Angassa, A.;Oba, G.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Cattle are cash generating assets for mixed smallholder farms in theEastern Amazon Siegmund-Schultze, M.;Rischkowsky, B.;da Veiga, J.B.;King, J.M.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Simulating grassland utilization in beef suckler systems to investigatethe trade-offs between production and floristic diversity Jouven, M.;Baumont, R.; Agricultural Systems 2008-03-01 查看
Farm types for beef production and their economic success in amountainous province of northern Vietnam Huyen, L.T.T.;Herold, P.;Valle Zarate, A.; Agricultural Systems 2010-03-01 查看
Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from beef productionin western Canada: A case study Beauchemin, K.A.;Henry Janzen, H.;Little, S.M.;McAllister, T.A.;McGinn, S.M.; Agricultural Systems 2010-07-01 查看
The environmental performance of milk production on a typicalPortuguese dairy farm Castanheira, E.G.;Dias, A.C.;Arroja, L.;Amaro, R.; Agricultural Systems 2010-09-01 查看
Competing use of organic resources, village-level interactions betweenfarm types and climate variability in a communal area of NE Zimbabwe Rufino, M.C.;Dury, J.;Tittonell, P.;van Wijk, M.T.;Herrero, M.;Zingore, S.;Mapfumo, P.;Giller, K.E.; Agricultural Systems 2011-02-01 查看
Cattle, ethanol, and biogas: Does closing the loop make economic sense? DeVuyst, E.A.;Pryor, S.W.;Lardy, G.;Eide, W.;Wiederholt, R.; Agricultural Systems 2011-10-01 查看
Increasing nutrient use efficiency through improved feeding and manuremanagement in urban and peri-urban livestock units of a West African city:A scenario analysis Diogo, R.V.C.;Schlecht, E.;Buerkert, A.;Rufino, M.C.;van Wijk, M.T.; Agricultural Systems 2013-01-01 查看
Embedded risk management in dryland sheep systems I. Field results anddevelopment of a destocking algorithm Gicheha, M.G.;Edwards, G.R.;Bell, S.T.;Bywater, A.C.; Agricultural Systems 2014-02-01 查看
Feeding high concentrations of corn dried distillers' grains decreasesmethane, but increases nitrous oxide emissions from beef cattle production Hunerberg, M.;Little, S.M.;Beauchemin, K.A.;McGinn, S.M.;O'Connor, D.;Okine, E.K.;Harstad, O.M.;Krobel, R.;McAllister, T.A.; Agricultural Systems 2014-05-01 查看
Efficiency and stability in subtropical beef cattle grazing systems inthe northwest of Argentina Nasca, J.A.;Feldkamp, C.R.;Arroquy, J.I.;Colombatto, D.; Agricultural Systems 2015-02-01 查看
Efficiency and stability in subtropical beef cattle grazing systems inthe northwest of Argentina Nasca, J.A.;Feldkamp, C.R.;Arroquy, J.I.;Colombatto, D.; Agricultural Systems 2015-02-01 查看
Improving greenhouse gas emissions intensities of subtropical andtropical beef farming systems using Leucaena leucocephala Harrison, M.T.;McSweeney, C.;Tomkins, N.W.;Eckard, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2015-06-01 查看
A framework for quantitative analysis of livestock systems usingtheoretical concepts of production ecology van der Linden, A.;Oosting, S.J.;van de Ven, G.W.J.;de Boer, I.J.M.;van Ittersum, M.K.; Agricultural Systems 2015-10-01 查看
Economic evaluation of irrigated forage production in a beef cattleoperation in the semi-arid tropics of northern Australia Monjardino, M.;MacLeod, N.;McKellar, L.;Prestwidge, D.; Agricultural Systems 2015-10-01 查看
Faba beans for biorefinery feedstock or feed? Greenhouse gas and energybalances of different applications Karlsson, H.;Ahlgren, S.;Strid, I.;Hansson, P.A.; Agricultural Systems 2015-12-01 查看
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