



Effects of the measures envisaged in ''Agenda 2000'' on arable cropproducers and beef and veal producers: an application of PositiveMathematical Programming to representative farms of a Spanish region Judez, L.;Chaya, C.;Martnez, S.;Gonzalez, A.A.; Agricultural Systems 2001-02-01 查看
Adaptation to Agenda 2000 (CAP reform) and optimisation of the farmingsystem of French suckler cattle farms in the Charolais area: a model-basedstudy Veysset, P.;Bebin, D.;Lherm, M.; Agricultural Systems 2005-02-01 查看
The impact of water and agriculture policy scenarios on irrigatedfarming systems in Italy: An analysis based on farm level multi-attributelinear programming models Bartolini, F.;Bazzani, G.M.;Gallerani, V.;Raggi, M.;Viaggi, D.; Agricultural Systems 2007-03-01 查看
Why Danish pig farms have far more land and pigs than Dutch farms?Implications for feed supply, manure recycling and production costs Willems, J.;van Grinsven, H.J.M.;Jacobsen, B.H.;Jensen, T.;Dalgaard, T.;Westhoek, H.;Kristensen, I.S.; Agricultural Systems 2016-05-01 查看
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