


Micro and macro-level approaches to modelling decision making McGregor, M.J.;Rola-Rubzen, M.F.;Murray-Prior, R.; Agricultural Systems 2001-07-01 查看
Adoption of agroforestry in the hills of Nepal: a logistic regressionanalysis Neupane, R.P.;Sharma, K.R.;Thapa, G.B.; Agricultural Systems 2002-06-01 查看
Modelling the effect of household composition on the welfare oflimited-resource farmers in Coastal Canete, Peru Cabrera, V.E.;Hildebrand, P.E.;Jones, J.W.; Agricultural Systems 2005-11-01 查看
Multilevel modelling of land use from field to village level in thePhilippines Overmars, K.P.;Verburg, P.H.; Agricultural Systems 2006-09-01 查看
Multilevel modelling of land use from field to village level in thePhilippines Overmars, K.P.;Verburg, P.H.; Agricultural Systems 2006-09-01 查看
Multipurpose fodder trees in the Ethiopian highlands: Farmers'preference and relationship of indigenous knowledge of feed value withlaboratory indicators Mekoya, A.;Oosting, S.J.;Fernandez-Rivera, S.;Van der Zijpp, A.J.; Agricultural Systems 2008-03-01 查看
Public policies for rural poverty alleviation: The case of agriculturalhouseholds in the Plateau Central area of Burkina Faso Sanfo, S.;Gerard, F.; Agricultural Systems 2012-07-01 查看
Public policies for rural poverty alleviation: The case of agriculturalhouseholds in the Plateau Central area of Burkina Faso Sanfo, S.;Gerard, F.; Agricultural Systems 2012-07-01 查看
The effects of natural disasters on farm household income andexpenditures: A study on rice farmers in Bangladesh Mottaleb, K.A.;Mohanty, S.;Hoang, H.T.K.;Rejesus, R.M.; Agricultural Systems 2013-10-01 查看
The effects of natural disasters on farm household income andexpenditures: A study on rice farmers in Bangladesh Mottaleb, K.A.;Mohanty, S.;Hoang, H.T.K.;Rejesus, R.M.; Agricultural Systems 2013-10-01 查看
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