篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
The promising impact of ley introduction and herd expansion on soil organicmatter content in southern Mali |
Bosma, R.H.;Bos, M.;Kante, S.;Kebe, D.;Quak, W.; |
Agricultural Systems |
1999-10-01 |
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The origin and hazard of inputs to crop protection in organic farmingsystems: are they sustainable?^* |
Edwards-Jones, G.;Howells, O.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2001-01-01 |
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Organic farming and the sustainability of agricultural systems |
Rigby, D.;Caceres, D.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2001-04-01 |
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Energy accounting and well-being^* |
Loake, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2001-10-01 |
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Creating tools for farmers' learning: an application of developmental workresearch |
Seppanen, L.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2002-07-01 |
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Simulations of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics during seven years in acatch crop experiment |
Blomback, K.;Eckersten, H.;Lewan, E.;Aronsson, H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-04-01 |
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Simulations of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics during seven years ina catch crop experiment |
Blomback, K.;Eckersten, H.;Lewan, E.;Aronsson, H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-04-01 |
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Optimisation of field machinery for an arable farm converting to organicfarming |
Gunnarsson, C.;Hansson, P.-A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-04-01 |
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Optimisation of field machinery for an arable farm converting to organicfarming |
Gunnarsson, C.;Hansson, P.-A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-04-01 |
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The EU's Agenda 2000 reform and the sustainability of organic farming inTuscany: ecological-economic modelling at field and farm level |
Pacini, C.;Giesen, G.;Wossink, A.;Omodei-Zorini, L.;Huirne, R.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-05-01 |
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Use of on-farm produced biofuels on organic farms - Evaluation ofenergy balances and environmental loads for three possible fuels |
Fredriksson, H.;Baky, A.;Bernesson, S.;Nordberg, A.;Noren, O.;Hansson, P.A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2006-07-01 |
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A comparative study of some environmental impacts of conventional andorganic farming in Australia |
Wood, R.;Lenzen, M.;Dey, C.;Lundie, S.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2006-09-01 |
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A comparative study of some environmental impacts of conventional andorganic farming in Australia |
Wood, R.;Lenzen, M.;Dey, C.;Lundie, S.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2006-09-01 |
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Soil organic carbon dynamics, functions and management in West Africanagro-ecosystems |
Bationo, A.;Kihara, J.;Vanlauwe, B.;Waswa, B.;Kimetu, J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2007-04-01 |
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Conversion to organic arable farming in The Netherlands: A dynamiclinear programming analysis |
Acs, S.;Berentsen, P.B.M.;Huirne, R.B.M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2007-05-01 |
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Modelling farm-level economic potential for conversion to organicfarming |
Kerselaers, E.;De Cock, L.;Lauwers, L.;Van Huylenbroeck, G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2007-06-01 |
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Self-sufficiency of motor fuels on organic farms - Evaluation ofsystems based on fuels produced in industrial-scale plants |
Hansson, P.A.;Baky, A.;Ahlgren, S.;Bernesson, S.;Nordberg, A.;Noren, O.;Pettersson, O.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2007-06-01 |
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Life cycle assessment of conventional and organic milk production inthe Netherlands |
Thomassen, M.A.;van Calker, K.J.;Smits, M.C.J.;Iepema, G.L.;de Boer, I.J.M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2008-03-01 |
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Tractive power in organic farming based on fuel cell technology -Energy balance and environmental load |
Ahlgren, S.;Baky, A.;Bernesson, S.;Nordberg, A.;Noren, O.;Hansson, P.A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2009-10-01 |
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Modeling biomass, nitrogen and water dynamics in rice-wheat rotations |
Jing, Q.;Keulen, H.v.;Hengsdijk, H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2010-09-01 |
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Analysis of information systems and communication networks for organicand conventional hazelnut producers in the Samsun province of Turkey |
Demiryurek, K.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2010-09-01 |
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Life cycle assessment of Swiss farming systems: I. Integrated andorganic farming |
Nemecek, T.;Dubois, D.;Huguenin-Elie, O.;Gaillard, G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2011-03-01 |
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Economic and environmental evaluation of three goal-vision basedscenarios for organic dairy farming in Denmark |
Oudshoorn, F.W.;Sorensen, C.A.G.;de Boer, I.J.M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2011-04-01 |
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Economic and environmental evaluation of three goal-vision basedscenarios for organic dairy farming in Denmark |
Oudshoorn, F.W.;Sorensen, C.A.G.;de Boer, I.I.J.M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2011-04-01 |
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The crop yield gap between organic and conventional agriculture |
de Ponti, T.;Rijk, B.;van Ittersum, M.K.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2012-04-01 |
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Comparing energy balances, greenhouse gas balances and biodiversityimpacts of contrasting farming systems with alternative land uses |
Tuomisto, H.L.;Hodge, I.D.;Riordan, P.;Macdonald, D.W.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2012-04-01 |
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Multi-objective optimization and design of farming systems |
Groot, J.C.J.;Oomen, G.J.M.;Rossing, W.A.H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2012-07-01 |
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Multi-objective optimization and design of farming systems |
Groot, J.C.J.;Oomen, G.J.M.;Rossing, W.A.H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2012-07-01 |
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A whole-farm profitability analysis of organic and conventionalcropping systems |
Delbridge, T.A.;Fernholz, C.;King, R.P.;Lazarus, W.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2013-11-01 |
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Returning Organic Residues to Agricultural Land (RORAL) - Fuelling theFollow-the-Technology approach |
Wassenaar, T.;Doelsch, E.;Feder, F.;Guerrin, F.;Paillat, J.M.;Thuries, L.;Saint Macary, H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2014-02-01 |
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Effects of regional variation in climate and SOC decay on globalwarming potential and eutrophication attributable to cereal production inNorway |
Korsaeth, A.;Henriksen, T.M.;Roer, A.G.;Hammer Stromman, A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2014-05-01 |
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Comparing conventional and organic citrus grower efficiency in Spain |
Beltran-Esteve, M.;Reig-Martinez, E.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2014-07-01 |
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Managing soil natural capital: An effective strategy for mitigatingfuture agricultural risks? |
Cong, R.G.;Hedlund, K.;Andersson, H.;Brady, M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2014-07-01 |
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A review of post-war changes in rice farming and biodiversity in Japan |
Katayama, N.;Baba, Y.G.;Kusumoto, Y.;Tanaka, K.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-01-01 |
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Tillage systems effects on soil carbon stock and physical fractions ofsoil organic matter |
Pinheiro, E.F.M.;de Campos, D.V.B.;de Carvalho Balieiro, F.;dos Anjos, L.H.C.;Pereira, M.G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-01-01 |
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A review of post-war changes in rice farming and biodiversity in Japan |
Katayama, N.;Baba, Y.G.;Kusumoto, Y.;Tanaka, K.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-01-01 |
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Tillage systems effects on soil carbon stock and physical fractions ofsoil organic matter |
Pinheiro, E.F.M.;de Campos, D.V.B.;de Carvalho Balieiro, F.;dos Anjos, L.H.C.;Pereira, M.G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-01-01 |
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Tillage systems effects on soil carbon stock and physical fractions ofsoil organic matter |
Pinheiro, E.F.M.;de Campos, D.V.B.;de Carvalho Balieiro, F.;dos Anjos, L.H.C.;Pereira, M.G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-01-01 |
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A review of post-war changes in rice farming and biodiversity in Japan |
Katayama, N.;Baba, Y.G.;Kusumoto, Y.;Tanaka, K.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-01-01 |
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Ecological recycling agriculture can reduce inorganic nitrogen losses -model results from three Finnish catchments |
Granlund, K.;Rankinen, K.;Etheridge, R.;Seuri, P.;Lehtoranta, J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-02-01 |
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Ecological recycling agriculture can reduce inorganic nitrogen losses -model results from three Finnish catchments |
Granlund, K.;Rankinen, K.;Etheridge, R.;Seuri, P.;Lehtoranta, J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-02-01 |
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Evaluation of the DSSAT-CSM for simulating yield and soil organic C andN of a long-term maize and wheat rotation experiment in the Loess Plateauof Northwestern China |
Li, Z.T.;Yang, J.Y.;Drury, C.F.;Hoogenboom, G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-05-01 |
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Organic agriculture values and practices in Portugal and Italy |
Dinis, I.;Ortolani, L.;Bocci, R.;Brites, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-06-01 |
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Organic versus conventional systems in viticulture: Comparative effectson spiders and carabids in vineyards and adjacent forests |
Caprio, E.;Nervo, B.;Isaia, M.;Allegro, G.;Rolando, A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-06-01 |
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Increasing the cost-effectiveness of EU agri-environment policymeasures through evaluation of farm and field-level environmental andeconomic performance |
Pacini, G.C.;Merante, P.;Lazzerini, G.;Van Passel, S.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-06-01 |
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Nitrogen soil surface balance of organic vs conventional cash cropfarming in the Seine watershed |
Anglade, J.;Billen, G.;Garnier, J.;Makridis, T.;Puech, T.;Tittel, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-10-01 |
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Farm biogas production in organic agriculture: System implications |
Siegmeier, T.;Blumenstein, B.;Moller, D.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-10-01 |
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Environmental and economic impacts of agri-environmental schemesdesigned in French West Indies to enhance soil C sequestration and reducepollution risks. A modelling approach |
Blazy, J.M.;Barlagne, C.;Sierra, J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-11-01 |
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Is there a future for organic production in high ecological valueecosystems? |
Horrillo, A.;Escribano, M.;Mesias, F.J.;Elghannam, A.;Gaspar, P.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2016-03-01 |
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Alternative options for sustainable intensification of smallholderdairy farms in North-West Michoacan, Mexico |
Cortez-Arriola, J.;Groot, J.C.J.;Rossing, W.A.H.;Scholberg, J.M.S.;Amendola Massiotti, R.D.;Tittonell, P.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2016-05-01 |
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Modelling soil organic carbon in Danish agricultural soils suggests lowpotential for future carbon sequestration |
Taghizadeh-Toosi, A.;Olesen, J.E.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2016-06-01 |
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