- Burgess, M. (2)
- Callum, I. (2)
- Enright, P. (2)
- Goel, P.K. (2)
- Madramootoo, C. (2)
- Overmars, K.P. (2)
- Prasher, S.O. (2)
- Verburg, P.H. (2)
- Yadav, V.K. (1)
- Yang, C.-C. (2)
篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Summing up dynamics: modelling biological processes in variable temperaturescenarios |
Tijskens, L.M.M.;Verdenius, F.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2000-10-01 |
查看 |
Adoption of agroforestry in the hills of Nepal: a logistic regressionanalysis |
Neupane, R.P.;Sharma, K.R.;Thapa, G.B.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2002-06-01 |
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Application of decision tree technology for image classification usingremote sensing data |
Yang, C.-C.;Prasher, S.O.;Enright, P.;Madramootoo, C.;Burgess, M.;Goel, P.K.;Callum, I.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
查看 |
Application of decision tree technology for image classification usingremote sensing data |
Yang, C.-C.;Prasher, S.O.;Enright, P.;Madramootoo, C.;Burgess, M.;Goel, P.K.;Callum, I.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
查看 |
Classification trees versus multinomial models in the analysis of urbanfarming systems in Central Africa |
Speybroeck, N.;Berkvens, D.;Mfoukou-Ntsakala, A.;Aerts, M.;Hens, N.;Van Huylenbroeck, G.;Thys, E.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-05-01 |
查看 |
Artificial neural networks for corn and soybean yield prediction |
Kaul, M.;Hill, R.L.;Walthall, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2005-07-01 |
查看 |
Comparison of adaptive techniques to predict crop yield response undervarying soil and land management conditions |
Park, S.J.;Hwang, C.S.;Vlek, P.L.G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2005-07-01 |
查看 |
Multilevel modelling of land use from field to village level in thePhilippines |
Overmars, K.P.;Verburg, P.H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2006-09-01 |
查看 |
Multilevel modelling of land use from field to village level in thePhilippines |
Overmars, K.P.;Verburg, P.H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2006-09-01 |
查看 |
Effects of silvopastoral areas on milk production at dual-purposecattle farms at the semi-humid old agricultural frontier in centralNicaragua |
Yamamoto, W.;Dewi, I.A.;Ibrahim, M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2007-05-01 |
查看 |
Strategy factors as drivers and restraints on dairy farm performance:Evidence from Sweden |
Hansson, H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2007-06-01 |
查看 |
Participatory evaluation of integrated pest and soil fertilitymanagement options using ordered categorical data analysis |
De Groote, H.;Rutto, E.;Odhiambo, G.;Kanampiu, F.;Khan, Z.;Coe, R.;Vanlauwe, B.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2010-06-01 |
查看 |
Interpretation of commercial production information: A case study oflulo (Solanum quitoense), an under-researched Andean fruit |
Jimenez, D.;Cock, J.;Jarvis, A.;Garcia, J.;Satizabal, H.F.;Damme, P.V.;Perez-Uribe, A.;Barreto-Sanz, M.A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2011-03-01 |
查看 |
Productivity and efficiency analysis of maize under conservationagriculture in Zimbabwe |
Ndlovu, P.V.;Mazvimavi, K.;An, H.;Murendo, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2014-02-01 |
查看 |
A comparison of farming practices and performance for wheat productionin Haryana, India |
Coventry, D.R.;Poswal, R.S.;Yadav, A.;Riar, A.S.;Zhou, Y.;Kumar, A.;Chand, R.;Chhokar, R.S.;Sharma, R.K.;Yadav, V.K.;Gupta, R.K.;Mehta, A.;Cummins, J.A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-07-01 |
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Untangling crop management and environmental influences on wheat yieldvariability in Bangladesh: An application of non-parametric approaches |
Krupnik, T.J.;Ahmed, Z.U.;Timsina, J.;Yasmin, S.;Hossain, F.;Al Mamun, A.;Mridha, A.I.;McDonald, A.J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2015-10-01 |
查看 |
Spatial resolution effects on crop yield forecasts: An application torainfed wheat yield in north Greece with CERES-Wheat |
Mavromatis, T.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2016-03-01 |
查看 |
An efficient irrigation water allocation model under uncertainty |
Li, M.;Guo, P.;Singh, V.P.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2016-05-01 |
查看 |