篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Community history and rural development: why some farmers participate morereadily than others |
Walters, B.B.;Cadelina, A.;Cardano, A.;Visitacion, E.; |
Agricultural Systems |
1999-02-01 |
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Analysis of yield, sowing and flowering dates of barley of field surveyresults in Spain |
Supit, I.;Wagner, W.; |
Agricultural Systems |
1999-02-01 |
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Exploring options for sustainable beef cattle ranching in the humidtropics: a case study for the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica |
Bouman, B.A.M.;Nieuwenhuyse, A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
1999-02-01 |
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Impact of policy interventions on land management in Honduras: results of abioeconomic model |
Barbier, B.;Bergeron, G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
1999-05-01 |
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Optimal rotation of peanuts and cotton to manage soil-borne organisms |
Taylor, C.R.;Rodrguez-Kabana, R.; |
Agricultural Systems |
1999-07-01 |
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The promising impact of ley introduction and herd expansion on soil organicmatter content in southern Mali |
Bosma, R.H.;Bos, M.;Kante, S.;Kebe, D.;Quak, W.; |
Agricultural Systems |
1999-10-01 |
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Fuzzy class membership approach to soil erosion modelling |
Nisar Ahamed, T.R.;Gopal Rao, K.G.K.;Murthy, J.S.R.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2000-02-01 |
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Statistical methods for evaluating a crop nitrogen simulation model, N_ABLE |
Yang, J.;Greenwood, D.J.;Rowell, D.L.;Wadsworth^a, G.A.;Burns^b, I.G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2000-04-01 |
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An ecological and economic analysis of phosphorus replenishment for VihigaDivision, western Kenya |
Soule, M.J.;Shepherd^b, K.D.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2000-05-01 |
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Predicting corn and soybean productivity for Illinois soils |
Garcia-Paredes, J.D.;Olson, K.R.;Lang, J.M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2000-06-01 |
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Calibration and use of CROPGRO-soybean model for improving soybeanmanagement under rainfed conditions |
Ruz-Nogueira, B.;Boote, K.J.;Sau, F.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2001-05-01 |
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Impacts of cropping systems on soil nitrogen storage and loss |
Poudel, D.D.;Horwath, W.R.;Mitchell, J.P.;Temple, S.R.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2001-06-01 |
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Continual learning for agroforestry system design: university, NGO andfarmer partnership in Minas Gerais, Brazil |
Cardoso, I.M.;Guijt, I.;Franco, F.S.;Carvalho, A.F.;Ferreira Neto, P.S.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2001-09-01 |
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Error analysis of soil temperature simulations using measured and estimatedhourly weather data with 2DSOIL |
Timlin, D.J.;Pachepsky, Y.;Acock, B.A.;Simunek, J.;Flerchinger, G.;Whisler, F.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2002-06-01 |
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Modification and evaluation of the crop nitrogen model N_ABLE usingNorwegian field data |
Yang, J.;Rowell, D.L.;Burns, I.G.;Guttormsen, G.;Riley, H.;Wadsworth, G.A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2002-06-01 |
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The FARMSCAPE approach to decision support: farmers', advisers',researchers' monitoring, simulation, communication and performanceevaluation |
Carberry, P.S.;Hochman, Z.;McCown, R.L.;Dalgliesh, N.P.;Foale, M.A.;Poulton, P.L.;Hargreaves, J.N.G.;Hargreaves, D.M.G.;Cawthray, S.;Hillcoat, N.;Robertson, M.J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2002-10-01 |
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Value of imperfect input information in agricultural production |
Mitchell, P.D.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-02-01 |
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Modelling the dynamics of agricultural development at farm and regionallevel |
Bontkes, T.S.;Keulen, H.v.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-04-01 |
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Simulations of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics during seven years in acatch crop experiment |
Blomback, K.;Eckersten, H.;Lewan, E.;Aronsson, H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-04-01 |
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A framework to improve fertilizer recommendations for irrigated rice inWest Africa |
Haefele, S.M.;Wopereis, M.C.S.;Ndiaye, M.K.;Kropff, M.J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-04-01 |
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A framework to improve fertilizer recommendations for irrigated rice inWest Africa |
Haefele, S.;Wopereis, M.;Ndiaye, M.;Kropff, M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-04-01 |
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Modelling the dynamics of agricultural development at farm and regionallevel |
Bontkes, T.S.;Keulen, H.v.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-04-01 |
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Simulations of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics during seven years ina catch crop experiment |
Blomback, K.;Eckersten, H.;Lewan, E.;Aronsson, H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-04-01 |
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Prediction of soil erosion in a Lake Victoria basin catchment using aGIS-based Universal Soil Loss model |
Lufafa, A.;Tenywa, M.M.;Isabirye, M.;Majaliwa, M.J.G.;Woomer, P.L.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
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Optimal frequency and quantity of agricultural lime applications |
Lukin, V.V.;Epplin, F.M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
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Site-specific evaluation of the CROPGRO-soybean model on Missouri claypansoils |
Wang, F.;Fraisse, C.W.;Kitchen, N.R.;Sudduth, K.A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
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Development of a soil-plant phosphorus simulation model for calcareous andweathered tropical soils |
Daroub, S.H.;Gerakis, A.;Ritchie, J.T.;Friesen, D.K.;Ryan, J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
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Development of a soil-plant phosphorus simulation model for calcareousand weathered tropical soils |
Daroub, S.H.;Gerakis, A.;Ritchie, J.T.;Friesen, D.K.;Ryan, J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
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Prediction of soil erosion in a Lake Victoria basin catchment using aGIS-based Universal Soil Loss model |
Lufafa, A.;Tenywa, M.;Isabirye, M.;Majaliwa, M.;Woomer, P.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
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Optimal frequency and quantity of agricultural lime applications |
Lukin, V.V.;Epplin, F.M.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
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Site-specific evaluation of the CROPGRO-soybean model on Missouriclaypan soils |
Wang, F.;Fraisse, C.;Kitchen, N.;Sudduth, K.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-06-01 |
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Economic assessment of technological change and land degradation inagriculture: application to the Sri Lanka tea sector |
Jayasuriya, R.T.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2003-12-01 |
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Analysis of field machinery performance based on daily soil workabilitystatus using discrete event simulation or on average workday probability |
de Toro, A.;Hansson, P.-A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-01-01 |
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Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget of a village in the WestAfrican savanna-I. Element pools and structure of a mixed-farming system |
Manlay, R.J.;Ickowicz, A.;Masse, D.;Floret, C.;Richard, D.;Feller, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-01-01 |
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Analysis of field machinery performance based on daily soil workabilitystatus using discrete event simulation or on average workday probability |
de Toro, A.;Hansson, P.A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-01-01 |
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Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget of a village in the WestAfrican savanna-I. Element pools and structure of a mixed-farming system |
Manlay, R.J.;Ickowicz, A.;Masse, D.;Floret, C.;Richard, D.;Feller, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-01-01 |
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Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget of a village in the WestAfrican savanna-I. Element pools and structure of a mixed-farming system |
Manlay, R.J.;Ickowicz, A.;Masse, D.;Floret, C.;Richard, D.;Feller, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-01-01 |
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Analysis of field machinery performance based on daily soil workabilitystatus using discrete event simulation or on average workday probability |
de Toro, A.;Hansson, P.A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-01-01 |
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A scenario exploration of strategic land use options for the Loess Plateauin northern China |
Lu, C.H.;van Ittersum, M.K.;Rabbinge, R.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-02-01 |
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Facilitated learning in soil fertility management: assessing potentials oflow-external-input technologies in east African farming systems |
de Jager, A.;Onduru, D.;Walaga, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-02-01 |
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A scenario exploration of strategic land use options for the LoessPlateau in northern China |
Lu, C.H.;van Ittersum, M.K.;Rabbinge, R.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-02-01 |
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Facilitated learning in soil fertility management: assessing potentialsof low-external-input technologies in east African farming systems |
de Jager, A.;Onduru, D.;Walaga, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-02-01 |
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Revisiting a 'cure against land hunger': soil fertility management andfarming systems dynamics in the West African Sahel |
de Ridder, N.;Breman, H.;van Keulen, H.;Stomph, T.J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-05-01 |
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Factors affecting adoption of dual-purpose forages in the Philippineuplands |
Lapar, M.L.A.;Ehui, S.K.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-08-01 |
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Regional application of a cropping systems simulation model: crop residueretention in maize production systems of Jalisco, Mexico |
Hartkamp, A.D.;White, J.W.;Rossing, W.A.H.;van Ittersum, M.K.;Bakker, E.J.;Rabbinge, R.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2004-11-01 |
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Suitability of cotton cultivation in shrink-swell soils in central India |
Mandal, D.K.;Mandal, C.;Venugopalan, M.V.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2005-04-01 |
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Modelling impacts of climate change on wheat yields in England and Wales:assessing drought risks |
Richter, G.M.;Semenov, M.A.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2005-04-01 |
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Artificial neural networks for corn and soybean yield prediction |
Kaul, M.;Hill, R.L.;Walthall, C.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2005-07-01 |
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Determinants of nutrient balances in a maize farming system in easternUganda |
Nkonya, E.;Kaizzi, C.;Pender, J.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2005-08-01 |
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On farm testing of integrated nutrient management strategies in easternUganda |
Esilaba, A.O.;Byalebeka, J.B.;Delve, R.J.;Okalebo, J.R.;Ssenyange, D.;Mbalule, M.;Ssali, H.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2005-11-01 |
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Merging genomic control networks and soil-plant-atmosphere-continuummodels |
Welch, S.M.;Roe, J.L.;Das, S.;Dong, Z.;He, R.;Kirkham, M.B.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2005-12-01 |
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Differential use and benefits of Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens var.utilis) and N fertilizers in maize production in contrastingagro-ecological zones of E. Uganda |
Kaizzi, C.K.;Ssali, H.;Vlek, P.L.G.; |
Agricultural Systems |
2006-04-01 |
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