


Dynamics of spatial variability of millet growth and yields at three sitesin Niger, West Africa and implications for precision agriculture research Gandah, M.M.;Stein, A.A.;Brouwer, J.J.;Bouma, J.J.; Agricultural Systems 2000-02-01 查看
Fuzzy class membership approach to soil erosion modelling Nisar Ahamed, T.R.;Gopal Rao, K.G.K.;Murthy, J.S.R.; Agricultural Systems 2000-02-01 查看
Spatial validation of crop models for precision agriculture Basso, B.;Ritchie, J.T.;Pierce, F.J.;Braga, R.P.;Jones, J.W.; Agricultural Systems 2001-05-01 查看
Tools for optimizing management of spatially-variable fields Booltink, H.W.G.;van Alphen, B.J.;Batchelor, W.D.;Paz, J.O.;Stoorvogel, J.J.;Vargas, R.; Agricultural Systems 2001-11-01 查看
Use of CERES-Maize to study effect of spatial precipitation variability onyield O'Neal, M.R.;Frankenberger, J.R.;Ess, D.R.; Agricultural Systems 2002-08-01 查看
Use of CERES-Maize to study effect of spatial precipitation variabilityon yield O'Neal, M.R.;Frankenberger, J.R.;Ess, D.R.; Agricultural Systems 2002-08-01 查看
Opportunities and constraints for farmers of west Africa to use seasonalprecipitation forecasts with Burkina Faso as a case study Ingram, K.T.;Roncoli, M.C.;Kirshen, P.H.; Agricultural Systems 2002-12-01 查看
Comparison of three weather generators for crop modeling: a case study forsubtropical environments Hartkamp, A.D.;White, J.W.;Hoogenboom, G.; Agricultural Systems 2003-05-01 查看
The effects of scale on crop yield variability Gorski, T.;Gorska, K.; Agricultural Systems 2003-12-01 查看
Yield uncertainty at the field scale evaluated with multi-yearsatellite data Lobell, D.B.;Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I.;Falcon, W.P.; Agricultural Systems 2007-01-01 查看
A short-term mechanistic model of forage and livestock in the semi-aridSucculent Karoo: 2. Evaluation and application Richardson, F.D.;Hahn, B.D.; Agricultural Systems 2007-12-01 查看
Revenue risk management, risk aversion and the use of Livestock GrossMargin for Dairy Cattle insurance Valvekar, M.;Chavas, J.P.;Gould, B.W.;Cabrera, V.E.; Agricultural Systems 2011-11-01 查看
Whole-farm effects of livestock intensification in smallholder systemsin Gansu, China Komarek, A.M.;McDonald, C.K.;Bell, L.W.;Whish, J.P.M.;Robertson, M.J.;MacLeod, N.D.;Bellotti, W.D.; Agricultural Systems 2012-06-01 查看
Managing mixed wheat-sheep farms with a seasonal forecast Asseng, S.;Thomas, D.;McIntosh, P.;Alves, O.;Khimashia, N.; Agricultural Systems 2012-11-01 查看
Opportunistic Mediterranean agriculture - Using ephemeral pasturelegumes to utilize summer rainfall Nicol, D.L.;Finlayson, J.;Colmer, T.D.;Ryan, M.H.; Agricultural Systems 2013-09-01 查看
Site-specific, real-time temperatures improve the accuracy of weedemergence predictions in direct-seeded rice systems Lundy, M.E.;Hill, J.E.;van Kessel, C.;Owen, D.A.;Pedroso, R.M.;Boddy, L.G.;Fischer, A.J.;Linquist, B.A.; Agricultural Systems 2014-01-01 查看
Whole-farm economic and risk effects of conservation agriculture in acrop-livestock system in western China Komarek, A.M.;Li, L.;Bellotti, W.D.; Agricultural Systems 2015-07-01 查看
Perceiving to learn or learning to perceive? Understanding farmers'perceptions and adaptation to climate uncertainties Nguyen, T.P.L.;Seddaiu, G.;Virdis, S.G.P.;Tidore, C.;Pasqui, M.;Roggero, P.P.; Agricultural Systems 2016-03-01 查看
Doubled-up legume rotations improve soil fertility and maintainproductivity under variable conditions in maize-based cropping systems inMalawi Smith, A.;Snapp, S.;Dimes, J.;Gwenambira, C.;Chikowo, R.; Agricultural Systems 2016-06-01 查看
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