


Management-oriented modeling: optimizing nitrogen management withartificial intelligence Li^1, M.;Yost, R.S.; Agricultural Systems 2000-07-01 查看
Contributing understanding of mitigation options for phosphorus andsediment to a review of the efficacy of contemporary agriculturalstewardship measures Deasy, C.;Quinton, J.N.;Silgram, M.;Bailey, A.P.;Jackson, B.;Stevens, C.J.; Agricultural Systems 2010-02-01 查看
Quantifying economic and environmental tradeoffs of walnut arthropodpest management Steinmann, K.P.;Zhang, M.;Grant, J.A.;Pickel, C.;Goodhue, R.E.;Klonsky, K.; Agricultural Systems 2010-06-01 查看
Environmental and economic impacts of reducing total phosphorous runoffin an agricultural watershed Rodriguez, H.G.;Popp, J.;Gbur, E.;Chaubey, I.; Agricultural Systems 2011-10-01 查看
Assessing rural landholders diversity in the Wet Tropics region ofQueensland, Australia in relation to natural resource management programs:A market segmentation approach Emtage, N.;Herbohn, J.; Agricultural Systems 2012-07-01 查看
Assessing rural landholders diversity in the Wet Tropics region ofQueensland, Australia in relation to natural resource management programs:A market segmentation approach Emtage, N.;Herbohn, J.; Agricultural Systems 2012-07-01 查看
Cover crops effect on farm benefits and nitrate leaching: Linkingeconomic and environmental analysis Gabriel, J.L.;Garrido, A.;Quemada, M.; Agricultural Systems 2013-10-01 查看
Cover crops effect on farm benefits and nitrate leaching: Linkingeconomic and environmental analysis Gabriel, J.L.;Garrido, A.;Quemada, M.; Agricultural Systems 2013-10-01 查看
Development of a farmer typology of agricultural conservation behaviorin the American Corn Belt Daloglu, I.;Nassauer, J.I.;Riolo, R.L.;Scavia, D.; Agricultural Systems 2014-07-01 查看
Environmental implications of using 'underutilised agricultural land'for future bioenergy crop production Miyake, S.;Smith, C.;Peterson, A.;McAlpine, C.;Renouf, M.;Waters, D.; Agricultural Systems 2015-10-01 查看
Biomass supply and nutrient runoff abatement under alternative biofuelfeedstock production subsidies Zhou, X.''.;Clark, C.D.;Lambert, D.M.;English, B.C.;Larson, J.A.;Boyer, C.N.; Agricultural Systems 2015-10-01 查看
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