



Effect of continuous grazing on forage quality, quantity and animalperformance Pavlu, V.;Hejcman, M.;Pavlu, L.;Gaisler, J.;Nezerkova, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2006-04-01 查看
Long-term effects of different mulching and cutting regimes on plantspecies composition of Festuca rubra grassland Gaisler, J.;Pavlu, V.;Pavlu, L.;Hejcman, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2013-09-15 查看
Long term defoliation by cattle grazing with and without tramplingdifferently affects soil penetration resistance and plant speciescomposition in Agrostis capillaris grassland Ludvikova, V.;Pavlu, V.V.;Gaisler, J.;Hejcman, M.;Pavlu, L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-12-01 查看
Long term defoliation by cattle grazing with and without tramplingdifferently affects soil penetration resistance and plant speciescomposition in Agrostis capillaris grassland Ludvikova, V.;Pavlu, V.V.;Gaisler, J.;Hejcman, M.;Pavlu, L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-12-01 查看
What is the effect of long-term mulching and traditional cuttingregimes on soil and biomass chemical properties, species richness andherbage production in Dactylis glomerata grassland? Pavlu, L.;Gaisler, J.;Hejcman, M.;Pavlu, V.V.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-02-01 查看
What is the effect of long-term mulching and traditional cuttingregimes on soil and biomass chemical properties, species richness andherbage production in Dactylis glomerata grassland? Pavlu, L.;Gaisler, J.;Hejcman, M.;Pavlu, V.V.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-02-01 查看
What is the effect of long-term mulching and traditional cuttingregimes on soil and biomass chemical properties, species richness andherbage production in Dactylis glomerata grassland? Pavlu, L.;Gaisler, J.;Hejcman, M.;Pavlu, V.V.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-02-01 查看
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