


Ideal and saturated soil fertility as bench marks in nutrient management Janssen, B.H.;de Willigen, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2006-08-01 查看
Long-term monitoring of buffer zone efficiency under differentcultivation techniques in boreal conditions Uusi-Kamppa, J.;Jauhiainen, L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-04-15 查看
Seasonal and crop rotational effects of manure management onnitrate@?nitrogen leaching in Nova Scotia Fuller, K.D.;Gordon, R.;Grimmett, M.;Fillmore, S.;Madani, A.;VanRoestel, J.;Stratton, G.W.;MacLeod, J.;Embree, C.;George, E.St.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-05-15 查看
Application of SWAT model to investigate nitrate leaching inHamadan-Bahar Watershed, Iran Akhavan, S.;Abedi-Koupai, J.;Mousavi, S.F.;Afyuni, M.;Eslamian, S.S.;Abbaspour, K.C.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-12-15 查看
Application of SWAT model to investigate nitrate leaching inHamadan-Bahar Watershed, Iran Akhavan, S.;Abedi-Koupai, J.;Mousavi, S.F.;Afyuni, M.;Eslamian, S.S.;Abbaspour, K.C.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-12-15 查看
Elevated atmospheric CO"2 and drought effects on leaf gas exchangeproperties of barley Wall, G.W.;Garcia, R.L.;Wechsung, F.;Kimball, B.A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-11-01 查看
Phosphorus losses in runoff from manured grassland of different soil Pstatus at two rainfall intensities Hahn, C.;Prasuhn, V.;Stamm, C.;Schulin, R.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2012-06-15 查看
Mitigation of phosphorus leaching losses via subsurface drains from acracking marine clay soil Svanback, A.;Ulen, B.;Etana, A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-02-01 查看
Effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on soil P and C levels, cropyield and P leaching in a long term trial on a silt loam soil Vanden Nest, T.;Vandecasteele, B.;Ruysschaert, G.;Cougnon, M.;Merckx, R.;Reheul, D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-12-01 查看
Effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on soil P and C levels, cropyield and P leaching in a long term trial on a silt loam soil Vanden Nest, T.;Vandecasteele, B.;Ruysschaert, G.;Cougnon, M.;Merckx, R.;Reheul, D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-12-01 查看
Sequestration of C in soils under Miscanthus can be marginal and isaffected by genotype-specific root distribution Richter, G.M.;Agostini, F.;Redmile-Gordon, M.;White, R.;Goulding, K.W.T.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2015-02-01 查看
Sequestration of C in soils under Miscanthus can be marginal and isaffected by genotype-specific root distribution Richter, G.M.;Agostini, F.;Redmile-Gordon, M.;White, R.;Goulding, K.W.T.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2015-02-01 查看
P availability and P leaching after reducing the mineral Pfertilization and the use of digestate products as new organic fertilizersin a 4-year field trial with high P status Vanden Nest, T.;Ruysschaert, G.;Vandecasteele, B.;Cougnon, M.;Merckx, R.;Reheul, D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2015-04-01 查看
Using cover crops in headlands of organic grain farms: Effects on soilproperties, weeds and crop yields Welch, R.Y.;Behnke, G.D.;Davis, A.S.;Masiunas, J.;Villamil, M.B.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-01-15 查看
Equations to predict methane emissions from cows fed at maintenanceenergy level in pasture-based systems Stergiadis, S.;Zou, C.;Chen, X.;Allen, M.;Wills, D.;Yan, T.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-03-15 查看
Equations to predict methane emissions from cows fed at maintenanceenergy level in pasture-based systems Stergiadis, S.;Zou, C.;Chen, X.;Allen, M.;Wills, D.;Yan, T.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-03-15 查看
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