


Mitigation strategies for greenhouse gas emissions from agricultureusing a regional economic-ecosystem model Neufeldt, H.;Schafer, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2008-02-01 查看
Management options to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from intensivelygrazed pastures: A review Luo, J.;de Klein, C.A.M.;Ledgard, S.F.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
DNDC: A process-based model of greenhouse gas fluxes from agriculturalsoils Giltrap, D.L.;Li, C.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
A preliminary study to model the effects of a nitrification inhibitoron nitrous oxide emissions from urine-amended pasture Giltrap, D.L.;Singh, J.;Saggar, S.;Zaman, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Management options to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from intensivelygrazed pastures: A review Luo, J.;de Klein, C.A.M.;Ledgard, S.F.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
DNDC: A process-based model of greenhouse gas fluxes from agriculturalsoils Giltrap, D.L.;Li, C.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
A preliminary study to model the effects of a nitrification inhibitoron nitrous oxide emissions from urine-amended pasture Giltrap, D.L.;Singh, J.;Saggar, S.;Zaman, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity of annualrice-wheat rotations with integrated soil-crop system management Ma, Y.C.;Kong, X.W.;Yang, B.;Zhang, X.L.;Yan, X.Y.;Yang, J.C.;Xiong, Z.Q.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2013-01-01 查看
The trade-off between food production and greenhouse gas mitigation inNorwegian agriculture Blandford, D.;Gaasland, I.;Vardal, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-02-01 查看
Assessment of the application of gibberellins to increase productivityand reduce nitrous oxide emissions in grazed grassland Whitehead, D.;Edwards, G.R.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2015-09-01 查看
Process modelling to assess the sequestration and productivity benefitsof soil carbon for pasture Meyer, R.;Cullen, B.R.;Johnson, I.R.;Eckard, R.J.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2015-12-25 查看
Process modelling to assess the sequestration and productivity benefitsof soil carbon for pasture Meyer, R.;Cullen, B.R.;Johnson, I.R.;Eckard, R.J.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2015-12-25 查看
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