


Effect of rice variety on methane emission from Louisiana rice Lindau, C.W.;Bollich, P.K.;DeLaune, R.D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 1995-06-01 查看
Influence of fertilizer management and water regime on methane emissionfrom rice fields Rath, A.K.;Swain, B.;Ramakrishnan, B.;Panda, D.;Adhya, T.K.;Rao, V.R.;Sethunathan, N.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 1999-11-01 查看
Global change and food and forest production: future scientific challenges Gregory, P.J.;Ingram, J.S.I.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2000-12-01 查看
Mitigation of metolachlor-associated agricultural runoff using constructedwetlands in Mississippi, USA Moore, M.T.;Rodgers, J.H.;Smith, S.;Cooper, C.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2001-04-01 查看
Transport and fate of atrazine and lambda-cyhalothrin in an agriculturaldrainage ditch in the Mississippi Delta, USA Moore, M.T.;Bennett, E.R.;Cooper, C.M.;Smith, S.;Shields, F.D.;Milam, C.D.;Farris, J.L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2001-12-01 查看
Ammonia emissions from intensive dairying: a comparison of contrastingsystems in the United Kingdom and New Zealand Jarvis, S.C.;Ledgard, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2002-10-01 查看
Valuing watershed services: concepts and empirics from southeast Asia Pattanayak, S.K.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2004-09-01 查看
Carbon cycling in earth systems-a soil science perspective Janzen, H.H.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2004-12-01 查看
Pesticide interception by emergent aquatic macrophytes: Potential tomitigate spray-drift input in agricultural streams Dabrowski, J.M.;Bollen, A.;Bennett, E.R.;Schulz, R.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2005-12-01 查看
Medium-chain fatty acids and their potential to reduce methanogenesisin domestic ruminants Machmuller, A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2006-02-01 查看
Greenhouse gas abatement strategies for animal husbandry Monteny, G.J.;Bannink, A.;Chadwick, D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2006-02-01 查看
Restricted autumn grazing to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from dairypastures in Southland, New Zealand de Klein, C.A.M.;Smith, L.C.;Monaghan, R.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2006-02-01 查看
Climate change impacts on agriculture and soil carbon sequestrationpotential in the Huang-Hai Plain of China Thomson, A.M.;Izaurralde, R.C.;Rosenberg, N.J.;He, X.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2006-06-01 查看
Methane emission from a flooded field of Eastern India as influenced byplanting date and age of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings Nayak, D.R.;Adhya, T.K.;Babu, Y.J.;Datta, A.;Ramakrishnan, B.;Rao, V.R.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2006-07-01 查看
Cost efficient rotation and tillage options to sequester carbon andmitigate GHG emissions from agriculture in Eastern Canada Meyer-Aurich, A.;Weersink, A.;Janovicek, K.;Deen, B.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2006-11-01 查看
Policy and technological constraints to implementation of greenhousegas mitigation options in agriculture Smith, P.;Martino, D.;Cai, Z.;Gwary, D.;Janzen, H.;Kumar, P.;McCarl, B.;Ogle, S.;O'Mara, F.;Rice, C.;Scholes, B.;Sirotenko, O.;Howden, M.;McAllister, T.;Pan, G.;Romanenkov, V.;Schneider, U.;Towprayoon, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2007-01-01 查看
Measured and modelled estimates of nitrous oxide emission and methaneconsumption from a sheep-grazed pasture Saggar, S.;Hedley, C.B.;Giltrap, D.L.;Lambie, S.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2007-11-01 查看
Mitigation strategies for greenhouse gas emissions from agricultureusing a regional economic-ecosystem model Neufeldt, H.;Schafer, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2008-02-01 查看
Modelling impacts of alternative farming management practices ongreenhouse gas emissions from a winter wheat-maize rotation system in China Li, H.;Qiu, J.;Wang, L.;Tang, H.;Li, C.;Van Ranst, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Modelling impacts of alternative farming management practices ongreenhouse gas emissions from a winter wheat-maize rotation system in China Li, H.;Qiu, J.;Wang, L.;Tang, H.;Li, C.;Van Ranst, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Integrated modeling framework for assessment and mitigation of nitrogenpollution from agriculture: Concept and case study for China Fischer, G.;Winiwarter, W.;Ermolieva, T.;Cao, G.Y.;Qui, H.;Klimont, Z.;Wiberg, D.;Wagner, F.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-15 查看
An increase in topsoil SOC stock of China's croplands between 1985 and2006 revealed by soil monitoring Pan, G.;Xu, X.;Smith, P.;Pan, W.;Lal, R.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-15 查看
Exploring systems responses to mitigation of GHG in UK dairy farms del Prado, A.;Chadwick, D.;Cardenas, L.;Misselbrook, T.;Scholefield, D.;Merino, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Management options to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from intensivelygrazed pastures: A review Luo, J.;de Klein, C.A.M.;Ledgard, S.F.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
DNDC: A process-based model of greenhouse gas fluxes from agriculturalsoils Giltrap, D.L.;Li, C.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
A preliminary study to model the effects of a nitrification inhibitoron nitrous oxide emissions from urine-amended pasture Giltrap, D.L.;Singh, J.;Saggar, S.;Zaman, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Effects of the different rates of urease and nitrification inhibitorson gaseous emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide, nitrate leaching andpasture production from urine patches in an intensive grazed pasture system Zaman, M.;Blennerhassett, J.D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Effect of lime or zeolite on N"2O and N"2 emissions from a pastoralsoil treated with urine or nitrate-N fertilizer under field conditions Zaman, M.;Nguyen, M.L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Effects of the different rates of urease and nitrification inhibitorson gaseous emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide, nitrate leaching andpasture production from urine patches in an intensive grazed pasture system Zaman, M.;Blennerhassett, J.D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Effect of lime or zeolite on N"2O and N"2 emissions from a pastoralsoil treated with urine or nitrate-N fertilizer under field conditions Zaman, M.;Nguyen, M.L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Management options to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from intensivelygrazed pastures: A review Luo, J.;de Klein, C.A.M.;Ledgard, S.F.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
DNDC: A process-based model of greenhouse gas fluxes from agriculturalsoils Giltrap, D.L.;Li, C.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
A preliminary study to model the effects of a nitrification inhibitoron nitrous oxide emissions from urine-amended pasture Giltrap, D.L.;Singh, J.;Saggar, S.;Zaman, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Exploring systems responses to mitigation of GHG in UK dairy farms del Prado, A.;Chadwick, D.;Cardenas, L.;Misselbrook, T.;Scholefield, D.;Merino, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Carbon footprints of Indian food items Pathak, H.;Jain, N.;Bhatia, A.;Patel, J.;Aggarwal, P.K.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-10-15 查看
Biochar addition to agricultural soil increased CH"4 uptake and waterholding capacity - Results from a short-term pilot field study Karhu, K.;Mattila, T.;Bergstrom, I.;Regina, K.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Biochar addition to agricultural soil increased CH"4 uptake and waterholding capacity - Results from a short-term pilot field study Karhu, K.;Mattila, T.;Bergstrom, I.;Regina, K.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Mitigation of methane emissions from paddy fields by prolongingmidseason drainage Itoh, M.;Sudo, S.;Mori, S.;Saito, H.;Yoshida, T.;Shiratori, Y.;Suga, S.;Yoshikawa, N.;Suzue, Y.;Mizukami, H.;Mochida, T.;Yagi, K.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-05-01 查看
Carbon footprint of China's crop production-An estimation usingagro-statistics data over 1993-2007 Cheng, K.;Pan, G.;Smith, P.;Luo, T.;Li, L.;Zheng, J.;Zhang, X.;Han, X.;Yan, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-08-01 查看
The potential to increase soil carbon stocks through reduced tillage ororganic material additions in England and Wales: A case study Powlson, D.S.;Bhogal, A.;Chambers, B.J.;Coleman, K.;Macdonald, A.J.;Goulding, K.W.T.;Whitmore, A.P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2012-01-01 查看
Reconciling technical, economic and environmental efficiency of farmingsystems in vulnerable areas Moreau, P.;Ruiz, L.;Mabon, F.;Raimbault, T.;Durand, P.;Delaby, L.;Devienne, S.;Vertes, F.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2012-01-15 查看
How application timings of urease and nitrification inhibitors affect Nlosses from urine patches in pastoral system Zaman, M.;Nguyen, M.L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2012-08-01 查看
Nitrate leaching from a maizexoats double-cropping forage systemfertilized with organic residues under Mediterranean conditions Carneiro, J.P.;Coutinho, J.;Trindade, H.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2012-10-01 查看
Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity of annualrice-wheat rotations with integrated soil-crop system management Ma, Y.C.;Kong, X.W.;Yang, B.;Zhang, X.L.;Yan, X.Y.;Yang, J.C.;Xiong, Z.Q.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2013-01-01 查看
Carbon balance of citrus plantations in Eastern Spain Iglesias, D.J.;Quinones, A.;Font, A.;Martinez-Alcantara, B.;Forner-Giner, M.A.;Legaz, F.;Primo-Millo, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2013-05-01 查看
Can pollination services, species diversity and conservation besimultaneously promoted by sown wildflower strips on farmland? Korpela, E.L.;Hyvonen, T.;Lindgren, S.;Kuussaari, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2013-10-01 查看
The trade-off between food production and greenhouse gas mitigation inNorwegian agriculture Blandford, D.;Gaasland, I.;Vardal, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-02-01 查看
Mitigation of phosphorus leaching losses via subsurface drains from acracking marine clay soil Svanback, A.;Ulen, B.;Etana, A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-02-01 查看
The effect of nitrogen concentration in synthetic cattle urine onnitrous oxide emissions de Klein, C.A.M.;Luo, J.;Woodward, K.B.;Styles, T.;Wise, B.;Lindsey, S.;Cox, N.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-04-15 查看
Contrasting effects of straw and straw-derived biochar amendments ongreenhouse gas emissions within double rice cropping systems Shen, J.;Tang, H.;Liu, J.;Wang, C.;Li, Y.;Ge, T.;Jones, D.L.;Wu, J.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-04-15 查看
Soil gaseous N"2O and CH"4 emissions and carbon pool due to integratedcrop-livestock in a subtropical Ferralsol Piva, J.T.;Dieckow, J.;Bayer, C.;Zanatta, J.A.;de Moraes, A.;Tomazi, M.;Pauletti, V.;Barth, G.;Piccolo, M.d.C.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-06-01 查看
Biochar's role in mitigating soil nitrous oxide emissions: A review andmeta-analysis Cayuela, M.L.;van Zwieten, L.;Singh, B.P.;Jeffery, S.;Roig, A.;Sanchez-Monedero, M.A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-06-15 查看
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