



Elevated CO"2 reduces the response of Sitobion avenae (Homoptera:Aphididae) to alarm pheromone Sun, Y.;Su, J.;Ge, F.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Decreasing fallow duration in tropical slash-and-burn agriculturealters soil macroinvertebrate diversity: A case study in southern FrenchGuiana Rossi, J.P.;Celini, L.;Mora, P.;Mathieu, J.;Lapied, E.;Nahmani, J.;Ponge, J.F.;Lavelle, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Complementary effects of disturbance by livestock and marmots on thespatial heterogeneity of vegetation and soil in a Mongolian steppe ecosystem Yoshihara, Y.;Okuro, T.;Buuveibaatar, B.;Undarmaa, J.;Takeuchi, K.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Editorial Board Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Soil moisture and plant growth responses to litter and defoliationimpacts in Parkland grasslands Deutsch, E.S.;Bork, E.W.;Willms, W.D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Aphid and episodic O"3 injury in arugula plants (Eruca sativa Mill)grown in open-top field chambers Menendez, A.I.;Romero, A.M.;Folcia, A.M.;Martinez-Ghersa, M.A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Competitive advantage of Rumex obtusifolius L. might increase inintensively managed temperate grasslands under drier climate Gilgen, A.K.;Signarbieux, C.;Feller, U.;Buchmann, N.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Modelling impacts of alternative farming management practices ongreenhouse gas emissions from a winter wheat-maize rotation system in China Li, H.;Qiu, J.;Wang, L.;Tang, H.;Li, C.;Van Ranst, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Effect of dung deposition on small-scale patch structure and seasonalvegetation dynamics in mountain pastures Gillet, F.;Kohler, F.;Vandenberghe, C.;Buttler, A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Parameterizing soil and weather inputs for crop simulation models usingthe VEMAP database Wu, W.;Chen, J.l.;Liu, H.b.;Garcia y Garcia, A.;Hoogenboom, G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Vegetation changes in Conservation Reserve Program lands in interiorAlaska Seefeldt, S.S.;Conn, J.S.;Zhang, M.;Kaspari, P.N.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Variation in arthropod abundance in barley under varying sowing regimes Douglas, D.J.T.;Vickery, J.A.;Benton, T.G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Effect of diet manipulation in dairy cow N balance and nitrogen oxidesemissions from grasslands in northern Spain Arriaga, H.;Salcedo, G.;Calsamiglia, S.;Merino, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Crop residue removal and fertilizer N: Effects on soil organic carbonin a long-term crop rotation experiment on a Udic Boroll Lemke, R.L.;VandenBygaart, A.J.;Campbell, C.A.;Lafond, G.P.;Grant, B.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Plants with phytotoxic potential: Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) Seal, A.N.;Pratley, J.E.;Haig, T.J.;An, M.;Wu, H.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Climate change, water availability and future cereal production in China Xiong, W.;Holman, I.;Lin, E.;Conway, D.;Jiang, J.;Xu, Y.;Li, Y.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Modelling nitrogen cycles of farming systems as basis of site- andfarm-specific nitrogen management Kustermann, B.;Christen, O.;Hulsbergen, K.J.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Groundwater conditions under a reconstructed prairie chronosequence Schilling, K.E.;Jacobson, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Estimating irrigation use and effects on maize yield during the 2003heatwave in France van der Velde, M.;Wriedt, G.;Bouraoui, F.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Geographic distribution and environmental characterization of livestockproduction systems in Eastern Africa Cecchi, G.;Wint, W.;Shaw, A.;Marletta, A.;Mattioli, R.;Robinson, T.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Editorial Board Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Soil moisture and plant growth responses to litter and defoliationimpacts in Parkland grasslands Deutsch, E.S.;Bork, E.W.;Willms, W.D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Aphid and episodic O"3 injury in arugula plants (Eruca sativa Mill)grown in open-top field chambers Menendez, A.I.;Romero, A.M.;Folcia, A.M.;Martinez-Ghersa, M.A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Competitive advantage of Rumex obtusifolius L. might increase inintensively managed temperate grasslands under drier climate Gilgen, A.K.;Signarbieux, C.;Feller, U.;Buchmann, N.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Modelling impacts of alternative farming management practices ongreenhouse gas emissions from a winter wheat-maize rotation system in China Li, H.;Qiu, J.;Wang, L.;Tang, H.;Li, C.;Van Ranst, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Effect of dung deposition on small-scale patch structure and seasonalvegetation dynamics in mountain pastures Gillet, F.;Kohler, F.;Vandenberghe, C.;Buttler, A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Crop residue removal and fertilizer N: Effects on soil organic carbonin a long-term crop rotation experiment on a Udic Boroll Lemke, R.L.;VandenBygaart, A.J.;Campbell, C.A.;Lafond, G.P.;Grant, B.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Plants with phytotoxic potential: Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) Seal, A.N.;Pratley, J.E.;Haig, T.J.;An, M.;Wu, H.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Climate change, water availability and future cereal production in China Xiong, W.;Holman, I.;Lin, E.;Conway, D.;Jiang, J.;Xu, Y.;Li, Y.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Modelling nitrogen cycles of farming systems as basis of site- andfarm-specific nitrogen management Kustermann, B.;Christen, O.;Hulsbergen, K.J.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Groundwater conditions under a reconstructed prairie chronosequence Schilling, K.E.;Jacobson, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Estimating irrigation use and effects on maize yield during the 2003heatwave in France van der Velde, M.;Wriedt, G.;Bouraoui, F.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Geographic distribution and environmental characterization of livestockproduction systems in Eastern Africa Cecchi, G.;Wint, W.;Shaw, A.;Marletta, A.;Mattioli, R.;Robinson, T.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Parameterizing soil and weather inputs for crop simulation models usingthe VEMAP database Wu, W.;Chen, J.l.;Liu, H.b.;Garcia y Garcia, A.;Hoogenboom, G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Vegetation changes in Conservation Reserve Program lands in interiorAlaska Seefeldt, S.S.;Conn, J.S.;Zhang, M.;Kaspari, P.N.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Variation in arthropod abundance in barley under varying sowing regimes Douglas, D.J.T.;Vickery, J.A.;Benton, T.G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Effect of diet manipulation in dairy cow N balance and nitrogen oxidesemissions from grasslands in northern Spain Arriaga, H.;Salcedo, G.;Calsamiglia, S.;Merino, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Elevated CO"2 reduces the response of Sitobion avenae (Homoptera:Aphididae) to alarm pheromone Sun, Y.;Su, J.;Ge, F.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Decreasing fallow duration in tropical slash-and-burn agriculturealters soil macroinvertebrate diversity: A case study in southern FrenchGuiana Rossi, J.P.;Celini, L.;Mora, P.;Mathieu, J.;Lapied, E.;Nahmani, J.;Ponge, J.F.;Lavelle, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Complementary effects of disturbance by livestock and marmots on thespatial heterogeneity of vegetation and soil in a Mongolian steppe ecosystem Yoshihara, Y.;Okuro, T.;Buuveibaatar, B.;Undarmaa, J.;Takeuchi, K.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-01-01 查看
Editorial Board Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Are spider assemblages in fragmented, semi-desert habitat affected byincreasing cover of agricultural crops? Opatovsky, I.;Pluess, T.;Schmidt-Entling, M.H.;Gavish-Regev, E.;Lubin, Y.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Streamwater phosphorus and nitrogen across a gradient inruralagricultural land use intensity Jarvie, H.P.;Withers, P.J.A.;Bowes, M.J.;Palmer-Felgate, E.J.;Harper, D.M.;Wasiak, K.;Wasiak, P.;Hodgkinson, R.A.;Bates, A.;Stoate, C.;Neal, M.;Wickham, H.D.;Harman, S.A.;Armstrong, L.K.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Temperature and a dominant dolichoderine ant species affect antdiversity in Indonesian cacao plantations Wielgoss, A.;Tscharntke, T.;Buchori, D.;Fiala, B.;Clough, Y.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
The role of dispersal from natural habitat in determining spiderabundance and diversity in California vineyards Hogg, B.N.;Daane, K.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Effects of catch crops, no till and reduced nitrogen fertilization onnitrogen leaching and balance in three long-term experiments Constantin, J.;Mary, B.;Laurent, F.;Aubrion, G.;Fontaine, A.;Kerveillant, P.;Beaudoin, N.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
The impact of farm management on species-specific leaf area index(LAI): Farm-scale data and predictive models Pocock, M.J.O.;Evans, D.M.;Memmott, J.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Responses in plant and carabid communities to farming practises inboreal landscapes Ekroos, J.;Hyvonen, T.;Tiainen, J.;Tiira, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Effects of bibosoop plantation on wind speed, humidity, and evaporationin a traditional agricultural landscape of Korea: Field measurements andmodeling Koh, I.;Kim, S.;Lee, D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Abandonment and intensified use of agricultural land decrease habitatsof rare herbs in semi-natural grasslands Uematsu, Y.;Koga, T.;Mitsuhashi, H.;Ushimaru, A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Climate variations and phenological stages modulate ozone damages infield-grown wheat. A three-year study with eight modern cultivars in PoValley (Northern Italy) Picchi, V.;Iriti, M.;Quaroni, S.;Saracchi, M.;Viola, P.;Faoro, F.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Validation and reliability of the EPIC model to simulate maizeproduction in small-holder farming systems in tropical sub-humid WestAfrica and semi-arid Brazil Gaiser, T.;de Barros, I.;Sereke, F.;Lange, F.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
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