



Editorial Board Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Agroforestry associating coffee and Inga densiflora results incomplementarity for water uptake and decreases deep drainage in Costa Rica Cannavo, P.;Sansoulet, J.;Harmand, J.M.;Siles, P.;Dreyer, E.;Vaast, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Early succession arthropod community changes on experimental passionfruit plant patches along a land-use gradient in Ecuador Teodoro, A.V.;Munoz, A.;Tscharntke, T.;Klein, A.M.;Tylianakis, J.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
The Satoyama Index: A biodiversity indicator for agricultural landscapes Kadoya, T.;Washitani, I.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
'Formiguers', a historical system of soil fertilization (and biocharproduction?) Olarieta, J.R.;Padro, R.;Masip, G.;Rodriguez-Ochoa, R.;Tello, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Linking spatio-temporal variation of crop response with sedimentdeposition along paddy rice terraces Schmitter, P.;Dercon, G.;Hilger, T.;Hertel, M.;Treffner, J.;Lam, N.;Duc Vien, T.;Cadisch, G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Mapping and modelling of changes in agricultural intensity in Europe Temme, A.J.A.M.;Verburg, P.H.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Phosphorus content in sediment and eroded soils in the southeasternpart of West Siberia Yakutina, O.P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Ecological restoration on farmland can drive beneficial functionalresponses in plant and invertebrate communities Pywell, R.F.;Meek, W.R.;Loxton, R.G.;Nowakowski, M.;Carvell, C.;Woodcock, B.A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Influence of land use on organic carbon pool and chemical properties ofVertic Cambisols in central and southern Italy Papini, R.;Valboa, G.;Favilli, F.;L'Abate, G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Application of winery and distillery waste composts to a Jumilla (SESpain) vineyard: Effects on the characteristics of a calcareous sandy-loamsoil Bustamante, M.A.;Said-Pullicino, D.;Agullo, E.;Andreu, J.;Paredes, C.;Moral, R.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Multi-scale scenarios of spatial-temporal dynamics in the Europeanlivestock sector Neumann, K.;Verburg, P.H.;Elbersen, B.;Stehfest, E.;Woltjer, G.B.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Tillage system did not affect weed diversity in a 23-year experiment inMediterranean dryland Plaza, E.H.;Kozak, M.;Navarrete, L.;Gonzalez-Andujar, J.L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Are soils of Iowa USA currently a carbon sink or source? Simulatedchanges in SOC stock from 1972 to 2007 Liu, S.;Tan, Z.;Li, Z.;Zhao, S.;Yuan, W.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Evidence of rich microbial communities in the subsoil of a boreal acidsulphate soil conducive to greenhouse gas emissions Simek, M.;Virtanen, S.;Kristufek, V.;Simojoki, A.;Yli-Halla, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
The impact of agroforestry combined with water harvesting on soilcarbon and nitrogen stocks in central Chile evaluated using the ICBM/N model Salazar, O.;Casanova, M.;Katterer, T.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Terra Preta Australis: Reassessing the carbon storage capacity oftemperate soils Downie, A.E.;Van Zwieten, L.;Smernik, R.J.;Morris, S.;Munroe, P.R.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Agricultural management affects earthworm and termite diversity acrosshumid to semi-arid tropical zones Ayuke, F.O.;Pulleman, M.M.;Vanlauwe, B.;de Goede, R.G.M.;Six, J.;Csuzdi, C.;Brussaard, L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Grass-legume mixtures can yield more nitrogen than legume pure standsdue to mutual stimulation of nitrogen uptake from symbiotic andnon-symbiotic sources Nyfeler, D.;Huguenin-Elie, O.;Suter, M.;Frossard, E.;Luscher, A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Emissions of N"2O and NH"3, and nitrogen leaching from direct seededrice under different tillage practices in central China Jian-She, Z.;Fu-Ping, Z.;Jin-Hua, Y.;Jin-Ping, W.;Ming-Li, C.;Li, C.F.;Cao, C.G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Fertilization trajectory of the root crop Raphanus sativus acrossatmospheric pCO"2 estimates of the next 300 years Schubert, B.A.;Jahren, A.H.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Soil quality alteration by mouldboard ploughing in a commercial farmdevoted to no-tillage under Mediterranean conditions Lopez-Garrido, R.;Madejon, E.;Murillo, J.M.;Moreno, F.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Quantifying the ecosystem service of non-native weed seed predationprovided by invertebrates and vertebrates in upland wheat fields convertedfrom paddy fields Ichihara, M.;Maruyama, K.;Yamashita, M.;Sawada, H.;Inagaki, H.;Ishida, Y.;Asai, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Comparing carbon fluxes between different stages of secondarysuccession of a karst grassland Ferlan, M.;Alberti, G.;Eler, K.;Batic, F.;Peressotti, A.;Miglietta, F.;Zaldei, A.;Simoncic, P.;Vodnik, D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following land application of highand low nitrogen pig manures to winter wheat at three growth stages Meade, G.;Pierce, K.;O'Doherty, J.V.;Mueller, C.;Lanigan, G.;Mc Cabe, T.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Soil C storage as affected by tillage and straw management: Anassessment using field measurements and model predictions van Groenigen, K.J.;Hastings, A.;Forristal, D.;Roth, B.;Jones, M.;Smith, P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Effects of irrigation, fertilization and crop straw management onnitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from a wheat-maize rotation fieldin northern China Liu, C.;Wang, K.;Meng, S.;Zheng, X.;Zhou, Z.;Han, S.;Chen, D.;Yang, Z.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Minor stimulation of soil carbon storage by nitrogen addition: Ameta-analysis Lu, M.;Zhou, X.;Luo, Y.;Yang, Y.;Fang, C.;Chen, J.;Li, B.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Impact on soil quality of a 10-year-old short-rotation coppice poplarstand compared with intensive agricultural and uncultivated systems in aMediterranean area Pellegrino, E.;Di Bene, C.;Tozzini, C.;Bonari, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Simulating N"2O fluxes from a Brazilian cropped soil with contrastedtillage practices Metay, A.;Chapuis-Lardy, L.;Findeling, A.;Oliver, R.;Alves Moreira, J.A.;Feller, C.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Effects of cattle, sheep and deer grazing on soil physical quality andlosses of phosphorus and suspended sediment losses in surface runoff Cournane, F.C.;McDowell, R.;Littlejohn, R.;Condron, L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Responses of dissolved organic carbon and dissolved nitrogen in surfacewater and soil to CO"2 enrichment in paddy field Guo, J.;Zhang, M.;Zhang, L.;Deng, A.;Bian, X.;Zhu, J.;Zhang, W.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Crops, cows or timber? Including carbon values in land use choices Maraseni, T.N.;Cockfield, G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Response of ''Alamo'' switchgrass tissue chemistry and biomass tonitrogen fertilization in West Tennessee, USA Garten, C.T.;Brice, D.J.;Castro, H.F.;Graham, R.L.;Mayes, M.A.;Phillips, J.R.;Post, W.M.;Schadt, C.W.;Wullschleger, S.D.;Tyler, D.D.;Jardine, P.M.;Jastrow, J.D.;Matamala, R.;Miller, R.M.;Moran, K.K.;Vugteveen, T.W.;Izaurralde, R.C.;Thomson, A.M.;West, T.O.;Amonette, J.E.;Bailey, V.L.;Metting, F.B.;Smith, J.L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
The impact of slurry application technique on nitrous oxide emissionfrom agricultural soils Velthof, G.L.;Mosquera, J.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Biochar addition to agricultural soil increased CH"4 uptake and waterholding capacity - Results from a short-term pilot field study Karhu, K.;Mattila, T.;Bergstrom, I.;Regina, K.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Should agricultural research in Central Asia and Caucasus (CAC)re-prioritize its agenda with view to climate change? Christmann, S.;Aw-Hassan, A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Application of winery and distillery waste composts to a Jumilla (SESpain) vineyard: Effects on the characteristics of a calcareous sandy-loamsoil Bustamante, M.A.;Said-Pullicino, D.;Agullo, E.;Andreu, J.;Paredes, C.;Moral, R.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Evidence of rich microbial communities in the subsoil of a boreal acidsulphate soil conducive to greenhouse gas emissions Simek, M.;Virtanen, S.;Kristufek, V.;Simojoki, A.;Yli-Halla, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Grass-legume mixtures can yield more nitrogen than legume pure standsdue to mutual stimulation of nitrogen uptake from symbiotic andnon-symbiotic sources Nyfeler, D.;Huguenin-Elie, O.;Suter, M.;Frossard, E.;Luscher, A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Minor stimulation of soil carbon storage by nitrogen addition: Ameta-analysis Lu, M.;Zhou, X.;Luo, Y.;Yang, Y.;Fang, C.;Chen, J.;Li, B.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Multi-scale scenarios of spatial-temporal dynamics in the Europeanlivestock sector Neumann, K.;Verburg, P.H.;Elbersen, B.;Stehfest, E.;Woltjer, G.B.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following land application of highand low nitrogen pig manures to winter wheat at three growth stages Meade, G.;Pierce, K.;O'Doherty, J.V.;Mueller, C.;Lanigan, G.;Mc Cabe, T.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Impact on soil quality of a 10-year-old short-rotation coppice poplarstand compared with intensive agricultural and uncultivated systems in aMediterranean area Pellegrino, E.;Di Bene, C.;Tozzini, C.;Bonari, E.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Simulating N"2O fluxes from a Brazilian cropped soil with contrastedtillage practices Metay, A.;Chapuis-Lardy, L.;Findeling, A.;Oliver, R.;Alves Moreira, J.A.;Feller, C.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Effects of irrigation, fertilization and crop straw management onnitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from a wheat-maize rotation fieldin northern China Liu, C.;Wang, K.;Meng, S.;Zheng, X.;Zhou, Z.;Han, S.;Chen, D.;Yang, Z.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Are soils of Iowa USA currently a carbon sink or source? Simulatedchanges in SOC stock from 1972 to 2007 Liu, S.;Tan, Z.;Li, Z.;Zhao, S.;Yuan, W.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Linking spatio-temporal variation of crop response with sedimentdeposition along paddy rice terraces Schmitter, P.;Dercon, G.;Hilger, T.;Hertel, M.;Treffner, J.;Lam, N.;Duc Vien, T.;Cadisch, G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Editorial Board Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Comparing carbon fluxes between different stages of secondarysuccession of a karst grassland Ferlan, M.;Alberti, G.;Eler, K.;Batic, F.;Peressotti, A.;Miglietta, F.;Zaldei, A.;Simoncic, P.;Vodnik, D.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Ecological restoration on farmland can drive beneficial functionalresponses in plant and invertebrate communities Pywell, R.F.;Meek, W.R.;Loxton, R.G.;Nowakowski, M.;Carvell, C.;Woodcock, B.A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
Phosphorus content in sediment and eroded soils in the southeasternpart of West Siberia Yakutina, O.P.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2011-01-30 查看
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