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Editorial Board |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Nitrogen balances and yields of spring cereals as affected by nitrogenfertilization in northern conditions: A meta-analysis |
Valkama, E.;Salo, T.;Esala, M.;Turtola, E.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Medium-term impact of tillage and residue management on soil aggregatestability, soil carbon and crop productivity |
Paul, B.K.;Vanlauwe, B.;Ayuke, F.;Gassner, A.;Hoogmoed, M.;Hurisso, T.T.;Koala, S.;Lelei, D.;Ndabamenye, T.;Six, J.;Pulleman, M.M.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Occurrence of the agricultural nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide,in surface waters and its effects on nitrogen dynamics in an experimentalaquatic system |
Smith, I.;Schallenberg, M.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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The potential of organic fertilizers and water management to reduceN"2O emissions in Mediterranean climate cropping systems. A review |
Aguilera, E.;Lassaletta, L.;Sanz-Cobena, A.;Garnier, J.;Vallejo, A.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Impact of long-term nitrogen fertilization and rotation with soybean onthe diversity and phosphorus metabolism of indigenous arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi within the roots of maize (Zea mays L.) |
Tian, H.;Drijber, R.A.;Zhang, J.L.;Li, X.L.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Effects of different irrigation systems on the biodiversity ofspecies-rich hay meadows |
Riedener, E.;Rusterholz, H.P.;Baur, B.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Fate and behaviour of Cu and Zn from pig slurry spreading in a tropicalwater-soil-plant system |
Legros, S.;Doelsch, E.;Feder, F.;Moussard, G.;Sansoulet, J.;Gaudet, J.P.;Rigaud, S.;Doelsch, I.B.;Macary, H.S.;Bottero, J.Y.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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The knowns, known unknowns and unknowns of sequestration of soilorganic carbon |
Stockmann, U.;Adams, M.A.;Crawford, J.W.;Field, D.J.;Henakaarchchi, N.;Jenkins, M.;Minasny, B.;McBratney, A.B.;Courcelles, V.d.R.d.;Singh, K.;Wheeler, I.;Abbott, L.;Angers, D.A.;Baldock, J.;Bird, M.;Brookes, P.C.;Chenu, C.;Jastrow, J.D.;Lal, R.;Lehmann, J.;O'Donnell, A.G.;Parton, W.J.;Whitehead, D.;Zimmermann, M.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Drought vulnerability drives land-use and land cover changes in theRift Valley dry lands of Ethiopia |
Biazin, B.;Sterk, G.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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How do different agricultural management strategies affect birdcommunities inhabiting a savanna-forest mosaic? A qualitative reasoningapproach |
Goulart, F.F.;Salles, P.;Saito, C.H.;Machado, R.B.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Emissions of nitrous oxide from boreal agricultural mineralsoils-Statistical models based on measurements |
Regina, K.;Kaseva, J.;Esala, M.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Carbon dioxide efflux from long-term grazing management systems in asemiarid region |
Liebig, M.A.;Kronberg, S.L.;Hendrickson, J.R.;Dong, X.;Gross, J.R.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Landscape and site effects on Collembola diversity and abundance inwinter oilseed rape fields in eastern Austria |
Querner, P.;Bruckner, A.;Drapela, T.;Moser, D.;Zaller, J.G.;Frank, T.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Pollen supply promotes, but high temperatures demote, predatory miteabundance in avocado orchards |
Montserrat, M.;Guzman, C.;Sahun, R.M.;Belda, J.E.;Hormaza, J.I.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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CO"2 uptake and ecophysiological parameters of the grain crops ofmidcontinent North America: Estimates from flux tower measurements |
Gilmanov, T.G.;Wylie, B.K.;Tieszen, L.L.;Meyers, T.P.;Baron, V.S.;Bernacchi, C.J.;Billesbach, D.P.;Burba, G.G.;Fischer, M.L.;Glenn, A.J.;Hanan, N.P.;Hatfield, J.L.;Heuer, M.W.;Hollinger, S.E.;Howard, D.M.;Matamala, R.;Prueger, J.H.;Tenuta, M.;Young, D.G.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Organic cultivation reduces barrier effect of arable fields on speciesdiversity |
Schroter, L.;Irmler, U.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Reinstating soil microbial diversity in agroecosystems: The need of thehour for sustainability and health |
Seneviratne, G.;Kulasooriya, S.A.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Natural regulation of Delia radicum in organic cabbage production |
Meyling, N.V.;Navntoft, S.;Philipsen, H.;Thorup-Kristensen, K.;Eilenberg, J.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Fluxes of nitrous oxide in tilled and no-tilled boreal arable soils |
Sheehy, J.;Six, J.;Alakukku, L.;Regina, K.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Functional space and the population dynamics of birds in agro-ecosystems |
Butler, S.J.;Norris, K.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity of annualrice-wheat rotations with integrated soil-crop system management |
Ma, Y.C.;Kong, X.W.;Yang, B.;Zhang, X.L.;Yan, X.Y.;Yang, J.C.;Xiong, Z.Q.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Impacts of cropping practices on yield-scaled greenhouse gas emissionsfrom rice fields in China: A meta-analysis |
Feng, J.;Chen, C.;Zhang, Y.;Song, Z.;Deng, A.;Zheng, C.;Zhang, W.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Impact of herbicides used in olive groves on waters of the Guadalquivirriver basin (southern Spain) |
Hermosin, M.C.;Calderon, M.J.;Real, M.;Cornejo, J.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Phenotypic diversity of Aegilops cylindrica (jointed goatgrass)accessions from the western United States under irrigated and drylandconditions |
Econopouly, B.F.;McKay, J.K.;Westra, P.;Reid, S.D.;Helm, A.L.;Byrne, P.F.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Stratification ratio of soil organic C, N and C:N in Mediterraneanevergreen oak woodland with conventional and organic tillage |
Corral-Fernandez, R.;Parras-Alcantara, L.;Lozano-Garcia, B.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Concentration profiles of CH"4, CO"2 and N"2O in soils of a wheat-maizerotation ecosystem in North China Plain, measured weekly over a whole year |
Wang, Y.Y.;Hu, C.S.;Ming, H.;Zhang, Y.M.;Li, X.X.;Dong, W.X.;Oenema, O.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Socio-ecological adaptation to climate change: A comparative case studyfrom the Mediterranean wine industry in France and Australia |
Lereboullet, A.L.;Beltrando, G.;Bardsley, D.K.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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The relative importance of geophysical constraints, amenity values, andfarm-related factors in the dynamics of grassland set-aside |
Odgaard, M.V.;Moeslund, J.E.;Bocher, P.K.;Dalgaard, T.;Svenning, J.C.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Effect of solid olive-mill waste amendment on soil fertility and olive(Olea europaea L.) tree activity |
Nasini, L.;Gigliotti, G.;Balduccini, M.A.;Federici, E.;Cenci, G.;Proietti, P.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-01 |
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Editorial Board |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Fungal endophytes help prevent weed invasions |
Saikkonen, K.;Ruokolainen, K.;Huitu, O.;Gundel, P.E.;Piltti, T.;Hamilton, C.E.;Helander, M.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Quantifying and mapping multiple ecosystem services change in WestAfrica |
Leh, M.D.K.;Matlock, M.D.;Cummings, E.C.;Nalley, L.L.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Effects of agricultural projects on nutrient levels in Lake Bera (TasekBera), Peninsular Malaysia |
Gharibreza, M.;Raj, J.K.;Yusoff, I.;Ashraf, M.A.;Othman, Z.;Tahir, W.Z.W.M.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Effects of warming and autonomous breeding on the phenologicaldevelopment and grain yield of double-rice systems in China |
Liu, L.;Wang, E.;Zhu, Y.;Tang, L.;Cao, W.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Dissimilarity of ascorbate-glutathione (AsA-GSH) cycle mechanism in tworice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars under experimental free-air ozone exposure |
Wang, J.;Zeng, Q.;Zhu, J.;Liu, G.;Tang, H.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Evidence for increased monoculture cropping in the Central United States |
Plourde, J.D.;Pijanowski, B.C.;Pekin, B.K.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Crop, field boundary, productivity and disturbance influences on groundbeetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the agroecosystem |
Eyre, M.D.;Luff, M.L.;Leifert, C.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Short-term effects of olive mill by-products on soil organic carbon,total N, C:N ratio and stratification ratios in a Mediterranean olive grove |
Lozano-Garcia, B.;Parras-Alcantara, L.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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A meta-analysis reveals mostly neutral influence of scattered trees onpasture yield along with some contrasted effects depending on functionalgroups and rainfall conditions |
Rivest, D.;Paquette, A.;Moreno, G.;Messier, C.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Natural background and anthropogenic contributions of cadmium to NewZealand soils |
McDowell, R.W.;Taylor, M.D.;Stevenson, B.A.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Field-scale manipulation of soil temperature and precipitation changesoil CO"2 flux in a temperate agricultural ecosystem |
Poll, C.;Marhan, S.;Back, F.;Niklaus, P.A.;Kandeler, E.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Understanding recent land use and land cover dynamics in the sourceregion of the Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia: Spatially explicit statisticalmodeling of systematic transitions |
Teferi, E.;Bewket, W.;Uhlenbrook, S.;Wenninger, J.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Stable epidemic control in crops based on evolutionary principles:Adjusting the metapopulation concept to agro-ecosystems |
Bousset, L.;Chevre, A.M.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Limited potential for soil carbon accumulation using current croppingpractices in Victoria, Australia |
Robertson, F.;Nash, D.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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An assessment of N-cycling and sources of N"2O during a simulated rainevent using natural abundance ^1^5N |
Decock, C.;Six, J.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Spatio-temporal distribution of stored-product insects around foodprocessing and storage facilities |
Semeao, A.A.;Campbell, J.F.;Hutchinson, J.M.S.;Whitworth, R.J.;Sloderbeck, P.E.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Simulation of grassland productivity by the combination of ground andsatellite data |
Maselli, F.;Argenti, G.;Chiesi, M.;Angeli, L.;Papale, D.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Effect of cover plants on soil C and N dynamics in different soilmanagement systems in dwarf cashew culture |
Xavier, F.A.d.S.;Maia, S.M.F.;Ribeiro, K.A.;de Sa Mendonca, E.;Senna de Oliveira, T.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Type of agricultural drainage modifies the value of fields for farmlandbirds |
Marja, R.;Herzon, I.;Rintala, J.;Tiainen, J.;Seimola, T.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Modeling topsoil carbon sequestration in two contrasting cropproduction to set-aside conversions with RothC - Calibration issues anduncertainty analysis |
Stamati, F.E.;Nikolaidis, N.P.;Schnoor, J.L.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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Seasonal persistence of bumblebee populations is affected by landscapecontext |
Persson, A.S.;Smith, H.G.; |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
2013-01-15 |
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