


Use of a Statewide System to Improve Health and Safety in Child CareFacilities Dayie, R.A.;Aronson, S.S.;Jansen-McWilliams, L.;Kelleher, K.J.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2001-03-01 查看
The Relationship of Life Stressors and Maternal Depression to PediatricAsthma Morbidity in a Subspecialty Practice Shalowitz, M.U.;Berry, C.A.;Quinn, K.A.;Wolf, R.L.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2001-07-01 查看
Medication Use and Health Care Contacts Among Symptomatic Children WithAsthma Halterman, J.S.;Yoos, H.L.;Sidora, K.;Kitzman, H.;McMullen, A.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2001-09-01 查看
Assessment of Suspicion of Abuse in the Primary Care Setting for the Pediatric Practice Research Group;Flaherty, E.G.;Sege, R.;Mattson, C.L.;Binns, H.J.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2002-03-01 查看
Improving Vaccine Risk/Benefit Communication With an ImmunizationEducation Package: A Pilot Study Davis, T.C.;Fredrickson, D.D.;Bocchini, C.;Arnold, C.L.;Green, K.W.;Humiston, S.G.;Wilder, E.;Bocchini, J.A.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2002-05-01 查看
A Potential Pitfall in Provider Assessments of the Quality of AsthmaControl Halterman, J.S.;McConnochie, K.M.;Conn, K.M.;Yoos, H.L.;Kaczorowski, J.M.;Holzhauer, R.J.;Allan, M.;Szilagyi, P.G.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2003-03-01 查看
Barriers to Anti-inflammatory Medication Use in Childhood Asthma Yoos, H.L.;Kitzman, H.;McMullen, A.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2003-07-01 查看
Parental Mental Health, Childhood Psychiatric Disorders, and AsthmaAttacks in Island Puerto Rican Youth Ortega, A.N.;Goodwin, R.D.;McQuaid, E.L.;Canino, G.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2004-07-01 查看
Parental Beliefs About Medications and Medication Adherence Among UrbanChildren With Asthma Conn, K.M.;Halterman, J.S.;Fisher, S.G.;Yoos, H.L.;Chin, N.P.;Szilagyi, P.G.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2005-09-01 查看
Breast-feeding History and Overweight in Latino Preschoolers Kersey, M.;Lipton, R.;Sanchez-Rosado, M.;Kumar, J.;Thisted, R.;Lantos, J.D.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2005-11-01 查看
Books, Toys, Parent-Child Interaction, and Development in Young LatinoChildren Tomopoulos, S.;Dreyer, B.P.;Tamis-LeMonda, C.;Flynn, V.;Rovira, I.;Tineo, W.;Mendelsohn, A.L.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Agreement of Injury Reporting Between Primary Care Medical Record andMaternal Interview for Children Aged 0-3 Years: Implications for Researchand Clinical Care Stone, K.E.;Burrell, L.;Higman, S.M.;McFarlane, E.;Fuddy, L.;Sia, C.;Duggan, A.K.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Books, Toys, Parent-Child Interaction, and Development in Young LatinoChildren Tomopoulos, S.;Dreyer, B.P.;Tamis-LeMonda, C.;Flynn, V.;Rovira, I.;Tineo, W.;Mendelsohn, A.L.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Agreement of Injury Reporting Between Primary Care Medical Record andMaternal Interview for Children Aged 0-3 Years: Implications for Researchand Clinical Care Stone, K.E.;Burrell, L.;Higman, S.M.;McFarlane, E.;Fuddy, L.;Sia, C.;Duggan, A.K.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Challenges and Successes of Immunization Registry Reminders atInner-City Practices Irigoyen, M.M.;Findley, S.;Wang, D.;Chen, S.;Chimkin, F.;Pena, O.;Mendonca, E.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Do Parents of Urban Children With Persistent Asthma Ban Smoking inTheir Homes and Cars? Halterman, J.S.;Fagnano, M.;Conn, K.M.;Szilagyi, P.G.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Challenges and Successes of Immunization Registry Reminders atInner-City Practices Irigoyen, M.M.;Findley, S.;Wang, D.;Chen, S.;Chimkin, F.;Pena, O.;Mendonca, E.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Do Parents of Urban Children With Persistent Asthma Ban Smoking inTheir Homes and Cars? Halterman, J.S.;Fagnano, M.;Conn, K.M.;Szilagyi, P.G.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Books, Toys, Parent-Child Interaction, and Development in Young LatinoChildren Tomopoulos, S.;Dreyer, B.P.;Tamis-LeMonda, C.;Flynn, V.;Rovira, I.;Tineo, W.;Mendelsohn, A.L.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Agreement of Injury Reporting Between Primary Care Medical Record andMaternal Interview for Children Aged 0-3 Years: Implications for Researchand Clinical Care Stone, K.E.;Burrell, L.;Higman, S.M.;McFarlane, E.;Fuddy, L.;Sia, C.;Duggan, A.K.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Challenges and Successes of Immunization Registry Reminders atInner-City Practices Irigoyen, M.M.;Findley, S.;Wang, D.;Chen, S.;Chimkin, F.;Pena, O.;Mendonca, E.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Do Parents of Urban Children With Persistent Asthma Ban Smoking inTheir Homes and Cars? Halterman, J.S.;Fagnano, M.;Conn, K.M.;Szilagyi, P.G.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2006-03-01 查看
Attitudes About Shared Reading Among At-Risk Mothers of Newborn Babies Berkule, S.B.;Dreyer, B.P.;Huberman, H.S.;Fierman, A.H.;Mendelsohn, A.L.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2007-01-01 查看
Media Content and Externalizing Behaviors in Latino Toddlers Tomopoulos, S.;Dreyer, B.P.;Valdez, P.;Flynn, V.;Foley, G.;Berkule, S.B.;Mendelsohn, A.L.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2007-05-01 查看
The Impact of Health Insurance Gaps on Access to Care Among Childrenwith Asthma in the United States Halterman, J.S.;Montes, G.;Shone, L.P.;Szilagyi, P.G.; Ambulatory Pediatrics 2008-01-01 查看
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