


Esomeprazole-based Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy and the effectof antibiotic resistance: results of three US multicenter, double-blindtrials Laine, L.;Fennerty, M.B.;Osato, M.;Sugg M.S, J.;Suchower M.Sc, L.;Probst B.A, P.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2000-12-01 查看
Comparison of the new PPI esomeprazole, the S-isomer of omeprazole, vsplacebo for the treatment of symptomatic GERD (sGERD) Katz, P.O.;Castell, D.O.;Marino, V.;Whipple, J.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2000-09-01 查看
Esomeprazole open capsule mixed with applesauce is bioequivalent to theintact capsule when administered to healthy volunteers Andersson, T.;Magner, D.J.;Patel, J.B.;Rogers, P.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2000-09-01 查看
Efficacy and safety of esomeprazole compared with omeprazole in GERDpatients with erosive esophagitis: a randomized controlled trial Richter, J.E.;Kahrilas, P.J.;Johanson, J.;Maton, P.;Breiter, J.R.;Hwang, C.;Marino, V.;Hamelin, B.;Levine, J.G.;Esomeprazole Study Investigators; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001-03-01 查看
Budesonide modified release capsules as maintenance treatment in mild tomoderate Crohn's disease Hanauer, S.B.;Sandborn, W.J.;Levine, J.G.;Persson, A.;Persson, T.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001-09-01 查看
Evidence-based analysis of the benefit of esomeprazole in the treatment oferosive esophagitis (EE) Levine*, J.G.;Hwang, C.;Roach, A.;Bjorkman, D.J.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001-09-01 查看
Esomeprazole is more effective than lansoprazole for treating daily andnocturnal heartburn in GERD patients with erosive esophagitis (EE) Castell*, D.O.;Kahrilas, P.J.;Richter, J.E.;Johnson, D.A.;Vakil, N.B.;Zuckerman, S.;Skammer, W.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001-09-01 查看
Esomeprazole provides more effective healing than lansoprazole in GERDpatients with erosive esophagitis (EE) Castell*, D.O.;Kahrilas, P.J.;Richter, J.E.;Johnson, D.A.;Vakil, N.B.;Zuckerman, S.;Skammer, W.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001-09-01 查看
Esomeprazole vs omeprazole in GERD patients with erosive esophagitis (EE):influence of baseline heartburn severity DeVault*, K.R.;Fennerty, M.B.;Hwang, C.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001-09-01 查看
Baseline severity of heartburn does not influence resolution of heartburnin patients with endoscopy-negative GERD Katz*, P.O.;DeVault, K.R.;Hwang, C.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2001-09-01 查看
Esomeprazole (40 mg) compared with lansoprazole (30 mg) in the treatment oferosive esophagitis Castell, D.O.;Kahrilas, P.J.;Richter, J.E.;Vakil, N.B.;Johnson, D.A.;Zuckerman, S.;Skammer, W.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2002-03-01 查看
Budesonide CIR capsules (once or twice daily divided-dose) in activeCrohn's disease: a randomized placebo-controlled study in the United States Tremaine, W.J.;Hanauer, S.B.;Katz, S.;Winston, B.D.;Levine, J.G.;Persson, T.;Persson, A.;The Budesonide CIR United States Study Group; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2002-07-01 查看
The impact of duration of gerd symptoms on severity of esophagitis andresponse to treatment with esomeprazole or lansoprazole Fennerty, M.B.;Zuckerman, S.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2002-09-01 查看
Influence of symptom duration on baseline severity of erosive esophagitisand response to treatment with esomeprazole or omeprazole DeVault, K.R.;Zuckerman, S.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2002-09-01 查看
Impact of age on baseline severity of esophagitis and heartburn, andsubsequent healing following treatment with esomeprazole or lansoprazole Johnson, D.A.;Zuckerman, S.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2002-09-01 查看
Comparison of the onset of the acid-reducing effect of famotidine/antacidcombination tablets, omeprazole 20 mg, and placebo on gastric pH profilesin healthy volunteers Lanza, F.L.;Replogle, A.;Stauffer, L.;Furtek, C.;Levine, J.G.; The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2003-09-01 查看
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