


Low-molecular-weight heparin versus warfarin for secondary prophylaxis ofvenous thromboembolism: a cost-effectiveness analysis Marchetti, M.;Pistorio, A.;Barone, M.;Serafini, S.;Barosi, G.; The American Journal of Medicine 2001-08-01 查看
Squeezing more cost and care out of dialysis: our patients would pay theprice Meyer, K.B.;Kassirer, J.P.; The American Journal of Medicine 2002-02-15 查看
A 6-month randomized trial of thyroxine treatment in women with mildsubclinical hypothyroidism Kong, W.M.;Sheikh, M.H.;Lumb, P.J.;Freedman, D.B.;Crook, M.;Dore, C.J.;Finer, N.; The American Journal of Medicine 2002-04-01 查看
Is ''quality of care'' being mislabeled or mismeasured? Feinstein, A.R.; The American Journal of Medicine 2002-04-15 查看
Adverse effects of medications and trade-offs between length of life andquality of life in human immunodeficiency virus infection Lenert, L.A.;Feddersen, M.;Sturley, A.;Lee, D.; The American Journal of Medicine 2002-08-15 查看
Effects of end-of-month admission on length of stay and quality of careamong inpatients with myocardial infarction Smith, J.P.;Mehta, R.H.;Das, S.K.;Tsai, T.;Karavite, D.J.;Russman, P.L.;Bruckman, D.;Eagle, K.A.; The American Journal of Medicine 2002-09-01 查看
Effects of physician-related factors on adult asthma care, health status,and quality of life Blanc, P.D.;Trupin, L.;Earnest, G.;San Pedro, M.;Katz, P.P.;Yelin, E.H.;Eisner, M.D.; The American Journal of Medicine 2003-05-01 查看
Effects of sustained audit/feedback on self-reported health status ofprimary care patients Fihn, S.D.;McDonell, M.B.;Diehr, P.;Anderson, S.M.;Bradley, K.A.;Au, D.H.;Spertus, J.A.;Burman, M.;Reiber, G.E.;Kiefe, C.I.;Cody, M.;Sanders, K.M.;Whooley, M.A.;Rosenfeld, K.;Baczek, L.A.;Sauvigne, A.; The American Journal of Medicine 2004-02-15 查看
Cost-effectiveness of training unselected laypersons in cardiopulmonaryresuscitation and defibrillation Groeneveld, P.W.;Owens, D.K.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-01-01 查看
Cost-effectiveness of training unselected laypersons in cardiopulmonaryresuscitation and defibrillation Groeneveld, P.W.;Owens, D.K.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-01-01 查看
Cost-effectiveness of training unselected laypersons in cardiopulmonaryresuscitation and defibrillation Groeneveld, P.W.;Owens, D.K.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-01-01 查看
Cost-effectiveness of training unselected laypersons in cardiopulmonaryresuscitation and defibrillation Groeneveld, P.W.;Owens, D.K.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-01-01 查看
Cost-effectiveness of training unselected laypersons in cardiopulmonaryresuscitation and defibrillation Groeneveld, P.W.;Owens, D.K.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-01-01 查看
Cost-effectiveness of training unselected laypersons in cardiopulmonaryresuscitation and defibrillation Groeneveld, P.W.;Owens, D.K.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-01-01 查看
Effect of a nurse team coordinator on outcomes for hospitalizedmedicine patients Forster, A.J.;Clark, H.D.;Menard, A.;Dupuis, N.;Chernish, R.;Chandok, N.;Khan, A.;Letourneau, M.;van Walraven, C.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-10-01 查看
Effect of a nurse team coordinator on outcomes for hospitalizedmedicine patients Forster, A.J.;Clark, H.D.;Menard, A.;Dupuis, N.;Chernish, R.;Chandok, N.;Khan, A.;Letourneau, M.;van Walraven, C.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-10-01 查看
Quality of care in for-profit and not-for-profit health plans enrollingMedicare beneficiaries Schneider, E.C.;Zaslavsky, A.M.;Epstein, A.M.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-01 查看
Bridging the quality gap in diabetic hyperlipidemia: A practice-basedintervention Mehler, P.S.;Krantz, M.J.;Lundgren, R.A.;Estacio, R.O.;MacKenzie, T.D.;Petralia, L.;Hiatt, W.R.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-01 查看
Does the menopausal transition affect health-related quality of life? Matthews, K.A.;Bromberger, J.T.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-19 查看
Does the menopausal transition affect health-related quality of life? Matthews, K.A.;Bromberger, J.T.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-19 查看
Quality of care in for-profit and not-for-profit health plans enrollingMedicare beneficiaries Schneider, E.C.;Zaslavsky, A.M.;Epstein, A.M.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-01 查看
Bridging the quality gap in diabetic hyperlipidemia: A practice-basedintervention Mehler, P.S.;Krantz, M.J.;Lundgren, R.A.;Estacio, R.O.;MacKenzie, T.D.;Petralia, L.;Hiatt, W.R.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-01 查看
Quality of care in for-profit and not-for-profit health plans enrollingMedicare beneficiaries Schneider, E.C.;Zaslavsky, A.M.;Epstein, A.M.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-01 查看
Bridging the quality gap in diabetic hyperlipidemia: A practice-basedintervention Mehler, P.S.;Krantz, M.J.;Lundgren, R.A.;Estacio, R.O.;MacKenzie, T.D.;Petralia, L.;Hiatt, W.R.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-01 查看
Group versus individual academic detailing to improve the use ofantihypertensive medications in primary care: a cluster-randomizedcontrolled trial Simon, S.R.;Majumdar, S.R.;Prosser, L.A.;Salem-Schatz, S.;Warner, C.;Kleinman, K.;Miroshnik, I.;Soumerai, S.B.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-05-01 查看
Group versus individual academic detailing to improve the use ofantihypertensive medications in primary care: a cluster-randomizedcontrolled trial Simon, S.R.;Majumdar, S.R.;Prosser, L.A.;Salem-Schatz, S.;Warner, C.;Kleinman, K.;Miroshnik, I.;Soumerai, S.B.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-05-01 查看
Medication performance measures and mortality following acute coronarysyndromes GRACE Investigators;Granger, C.B.;Steg, P.G.;Peterson, E.;Lopez-Sendon, J.;Van de Werf, F.;Kline-Rogers, E.;Allegrone, J.;Dabbous, O.H.;Klein, W.;Fox, K.A.A.;Eagle, K.A.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-08-01 查看
Medication performance measures and mortality following acute coronarysyndromes GRACE Investigators;Granger, C.B.;Steg, P.G.;Peterson, E.;Lopez-Sendon, J.;Van de Werf, F.;Kline-Rogers, E.;Allegrone, J.;Dabbous, O.H.;Klein, W.;Fox, K.A.A.;Eagle, K.A.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-08-01 查看
Functional Status and Quality of Life in Chronic Obstructive PulmonaryDisease Reardon, J.Z.;Lareau, S.C.;ZuWallack, R.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-10-01 查看
The Impact of Severe Exacerbations on Quality of Life and the ClinicalCourse of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Niewoehner, D.E.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-10-01 查看
The Value of Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second Decline in theAssessment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Progression Wise, R.A.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-10-01 查看
Impact of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on Quality of Life: TheRole of Dyspnea Ries, A.L.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-10-01 查看
Current Concepts in Validity and Reliability for PsychometricInstruments: Theory and Application Cook, D.A.;Beckman, T.J.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-02-01 查看
Current Concepts in Validity and Reliability for PsychometricInstruments: Theory and Application Cook, D.A.;Beckman, T.J.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-02-01 查看
Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Non-ST-Segment Elevation AcuteCoronary Syndromes Han, J.H.;Chandra, A.;Mulgund, J.;Roe, M.T.;Peterson, E.D.;Szczech, L.A.;Patel, U.;Ohman, E.M.;Lindsell, C.J.;Gibler, W.B.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-03-01 查看
Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Non-ST-Segment Elevation AcuteCoronary Syndromes Han, J.H.;Chandra, A.;Mulgund, J.;Roe, M.T.;Peterson, E.D.;Szczech, L.A.;Patel, U.;Ohman, E.M.;Lindsell, C.J.;Gibler, W.B.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-03-01 查看
Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Non-ST-Segment Elevation AcuteCoronary Syndromes Han, J.H.;Chandra, A.;Mulgund, J.;Roe, M.T.;Peterson, E.D.;Szczech, L.A.;Patel, U.;Ohman, E.M.;Lindsell, C.J.;Gibler, W.B.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-03-01 查看
Quality of Life in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A SystematicReview Thrall, G.;Lane, D.;Carroll, D.;Lip, G.Y.H.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-05-01 查看
Warfarin Prescribing in Atrial Fibrillation: The Impact of Physician,Patient, and Hospital Characteristics Choudhry, N.K.;Soumerai, S.B.;Normand, S.L.T.;Ross-Degnan, D.;Laupacis, A.;Anderson, G.M.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-07-01 查看
Quality of Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials of Herbal MedicineInterventions Gagnier, J.J.;DeMelo, J.;Boon, H.;Rochon, P.;Bombardier, C.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-09-01 查看
Quality of Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials of Herbal MedicineInterventions Gagnier, J.J.;DeMelo, J.;Boon, H.;Rochon, P.;Bombardier, C.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-09-01 查看
Quality of Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials of Herbal MedicineInterventions Gagnier, J.J.;DeMelo, J.;Boon, H.;Rochon, P.;Bombardier, C.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-09-01 查看
Quality of Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials of Herbal MedicineInterventions Gagnier, J.J.;DeMelo, J.;Boon, H.;Rochon, P.;Bombardier, C.; The American Journal of Medicine 2006-09-01 查看
A Comparison of Acute Coronary Syndrome Care at Academic andNonacademic Hospitals Patel, M.R.;Chen, A.Y.;Roe, M.T.;Ohman, E.M.;Newby, L.K.;Harrington, R.A.;Smith, S.C.;Gibler, W.B.;Calvin, J.E.;Peterson, E.D.; The American Journal of Medicine 2007-01-01 查看
Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Quality of Life Issues inRestless Legs Syndrome Kushida, C.A.; The American Journal of Medicine 2007-01-01 查看
Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Quality of Life Issues inRestless Legs Syndrome Kushida, C.A.; The American Journal of Medicine 2007-01-01 查看
A Comparison of Acute Coronary Syndrome Care at Academic andNonacademic Hospitals Patel, M.R.;Chen, A.Y.;Roe, M.T.;Ohman, E.M.;Newby, L.K.;Harrington, R.A.;Smith, S.C.;Gibler, W.B.;Calvin, J.E.;Peterson, E.D.; The American Journal of Medicine 2007-01-01 查看
Randomized Trial to Improve Fracture Prevention in Nursing HomeResidents Colon-Emeric, C.S.;Lyles, K.W.;House, P.;Levine, D.A.;Schenck, A.P.;Allison, J.;Gorospe, J.;Fermazin, M.;Oliver, K.;Curtis, J.R.;Weissman, N.;Xie, A.;Saag, K.G.; The American Journal of Medicine 2007-10-01 查看
Clinical Quality in Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes Califf, R.M.;Mehta, R.H.;Peterson, E.D.; The American Journal of Medicine 2007-11-01 查看
Impact of Duty Hours Restrictions on Quality of Care and ClinicalOutcomes Bhavsar, J.;Montgomery, D.;Li, J.;Kline-Rogers, E.;Saab, F.;Motivala, A.;Froehlich, J.B.;Parekh, V.;Del Valle, J.;Eagle, K.A.; The American Journal of Medicine 2007-11-01 查看
Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects: Implications for Guidelines,Payment, and Quality Assessment Greenfield, S.;Kravitz, R.;Duan, N.;Kaplan, S.H.; The American Journal of Medicine 2007-04-01 查看
Complication Rates on Weekends and Weekdays in US Hospitals Bendavid, E.;Kaganova, Y.;Needleman, J.;Gruenberg, L.;Weissman, J.S.; The American Journal of Medicine 2007-05-01 查看
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