


Multifetal pregnancy reduction: Evaluation of fetal growth in theremaining twins Depp, R.;Macones, G.A.;Rosenn, M.F.;Turzo, E.;Wapner, R.J.;Weinblatt, V.J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-04-01 查看
The current status of multifetal pregnancy reduction Berkowitz, R.L.;Lynch, L.;Stone, J.;Alvarez, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-04-01 查看
Multifetal pregnancy reduction: Evaluation of fetal growth in theremaining twins Depp, R.;Macones, G.A.;Rosenn, M.F.;Turzo, E.;Wapner, R.J.;Weinblatt, V.J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-04-01 查看
The current status of multifetal pregnancy reduction Berkowitz, R.L.;Lynch, L.;Stone, J.;Alvarez, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-04-01 查看
Selective reduction of multifetal pregnancies to twins improves outcomeover nonreduced triplet gestations Smith-Levitin, M.;Kowalik, A.;Birnholz, J.;Skupski, D.W.;Hutson, J.M.;Chervenak, F.A.;Rosenwaks, Z.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-10-01 查看
Multiple gestations from in vitro fertilization: Successfulimplantation alone is not associated with subsequent preeclampsia Skupski, D.W.;Nelson, S.;Kowalik, A.;Polaneczky, M.;Smith-Levitin, M.;Hutson, J.M.;Rosenwaks, Z.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-10-01 查看
Neonatal outcome of very premature infants from multiple and singletongestations Nielsen, H.C.;Harvey-Wilkes, K.;MacKinnon, B.;Hung, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-09-01 查看
Neonatal outcome of very premature infants from multiple and singletongestations Nielsen, H.C.;Harvey-Wilkes, K.;MacKinnon, B.;Hung, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-09-01 查看
Delayed delivery of multiple gestations: Maternal and neonatal outcomes Kalchbrenner, M.A.;Weisenborn, E.J.;Chyu, J.K.;Kaufman, H.K.;Losure, T.A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-11-01 查看
Ultrasonographic assessment of cervical length in triplet pregnancies Ramin, K.D.;Ogburn, P.L.;Mulholland, T.A.;Breckle, R.J.;Ramsey, P.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-06-01 查看
Aggressive perinatal care for high-order multiple gestations: Does goodperinatal outcome justify aggressive assisted reproductive techniques? Angel, J.L.;Kalter, C.S.;Morales, W.J.;Rasmussen, C.;Caron, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-08-01 查看
Ultrasonographic diagnosis of thoracopagus conjoined twins in amonoamniotic triplet gestation Wax, J.R.;Royer, D.;Steinfeld, J.D.;Ingardia, C.J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-09-01 查看
Cesarean delivery of twins and neonatal respiratory disorders Chasen, S.T.;Madden, A.;Chervenak, F.A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-11-01 查看
Obstetric outcomes in 102 pregnancies after preimplantation geneticdiagnosis Strom, C.M.;Strom, S.;Levine, E.;Ginsberg, N.;Barton, J.;Verlinsky, Y.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-06-01 查看
Multiple gestations in assisted reproductive technology: Can they beavoided with blastocyst transfers? Gorrill, M.J.;Sadler-Fredd, K.;Patton, P.E.;Burry, K.A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-06-01 查看
First trimester prediction of growth discordance in twin gestations Kalish, R.B.;Chasen, S.T.;Gupta, M.;Sharma, G.;Perni, S.C.;Chervenak, F.A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-09-01 查看
The multiple gestation epidemic: the role of the assisted reproductivetechnologies Templeton, A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-04-01 查看
Delayed interval delivery and infant survival: a population-based study Zhang, J.;Hamilton, B.;Martin, J.;Trumble, A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-08-01 查看
Twins and triplets: The effect of plurality and growth on neonatal outcomecompared with singleton infants Garite, T.J.;Clark, R.H.;Elliott, J.P.;Thorp, J.A.;the Pediatrix/Obstetrix Perinatal Research Group; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-09-01 查看
Antenatal sonographic prediction of twin chorionicity Lee, Y.M.;Cleary-Goldman, J.;Thaker, H.M.;Simpson, L.L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-09-01 查看
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